Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2794: Infinite meaning!

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Monk Kudu still had his hands folded and did not make any attacks, but the bone skeleton touched the golden spiral, but was struck by lightning and screamed. The whole person flew out more than ten meters away:

"Demon demon!"

In the mouth of the monk of Kudu, a low drink, accompanied by the sound of "Amitabha Buddha", boomed!

From the golden spiral, a **** character flew out, and the golden light flickered into a **** spear, which will directly penetrate the brow of the bone skeleton, and the skull burst directly.


Where the bones of the bones and skulls shattered, there was a gust of wind blowing over them, and the monk who had not been able to move has been moving suddenly. At this time, he moved suddenly.

"Want to go! Let me go!"


He punched in the air, a golden cyclone turned on his fist, and golden runes were like arrows, shooting at the windy place.


There was a scream in the void, a green ghost fire burning in the void from the sky, accompanied by a stench, dissipated in the void.

"Amitabha ~ let the donor wait for a long time."

Monk Kudu returned to Yang Xu and folded his hands together.

Yang Xu smiled, "Besides doing all the evil, I'll wait for a while for nothing."

Turning his head to look at the little nun, the girl was still surprised, and Deyang Xu couldn't help laughing:

"Now you know, the devil heads and monsters coming out of the town demon tower are all more treacherous than this white bone spirit, and they are also better at disguising."

"You have to protect yourself at any time." Yang Xu urged the little nun, lest this girl be too simple, something unexpected.

"I get it! Those powerful demon heads are all masters of conspiracy and conspiracy. I will be careful."

The little nun said seriously.

Looking at her silly and white look, Yang Xu was really worried, and at the same time wondered how this girl lived in the Brahma world where the devil was rampant until now?

Her master must have spent a lot of effort to protect her?

Moving all the way forward, Yang Xu and they entered a village, where famine is occurring, and the situation is already very serious.

What makes Yang Xu feel scalp tingling is that something happened to him in the village!

The Kudu monk also discovered that at that time his face was instantly white, and the two skinny children were rescued, but the parents of both of them did not let go of the clothes of the Kudu monk.

In desperation, the monk of Kudu turned over and turned out a large piece of fresh meat. It was very fresh. The two men's eyes were bright. They grabbed it and bite it in half with their teeth. Start eating raw.

Yang Xu sighed and looked at the Kudu monk profoundly:

"Master, why is it so hard? They are not human anymore, these two children...the soul is almost lifeless."

Yang Xu stared at the monk of Kudu. Under his golden clothes, there was a trace of blood penetrating the clothes--

The piece of meat he gave to the two was cut from himself.

Now the wound was bleeding and bleeding, but the monk Kudu didn't even notice it, even frowning.

"Can save one is one, this is my Vatican people, and it is also the sin we committed. We should be punished. These villagers are all affected by us."

The Kudu monk said nothing, and a piece of fresh meat appeared again in his hand. The golden flame rose in the palm of his hand, and it was already cooked.

The aroma of the roasted meat made the two children's eyes reappear, and the lambs were struggling like that.

The monk of Kudu turned over and threw the barbecue to the two raw meat eaters, and then added two bowls of rice porridge in both hands:

"Child, you can only drink porridge now, and eating meat will make you sick."

The two children grabbed the porridge bowl and poured their stomachs in two or three, but their eyes were still staring at the barbecue eaten by the two adults, and the eyes gleamed with the sharp light of a beast.


Yang Xu sighed.

Some people want to do something, and they hate such humanity. They can't help but propose, "Let's speed up and go to the small Brahma Palace, we can't delay it any longer. Solve the problem early, these talents may get out of the bitter sea and no longer suffer disaster."

Yang Xu's words did not fall, and he did not wait for the monk to agree. Over the sky, overcast clouds rolled over, and a loud laughter resounded everywhere:

"Hahaha! Kill the female disciples under my seat, do you still want to run? Let me keep my life obediently!"


In the distance to the sky, a dark and blazing light flew towards this place, blinking, Kung Fu flew to Yang Xu, and there were actually thousands of black crows.

They have long black beaks and sharp spots of blood, and only one peck, they pecked a skinny villager to death, croaked, and sucked the villagers' souls.

"It's a big devil."

Yang Xu was expressionless.


Monk Kudu folded his hands together, his face sorrowful, and was ready to shoot again.

Yang Xu stopped him, "Leave it to me."

A fierce killer flashed in his eyes, and there was endless anger in his heart to vent, and the dead target ran to the door.

"Yang donor, this devil's strength is probably above the Changsheng Realm, close to the Hundred Cave Realm, you..."

"Relax, leave it to me."


The thunder burst at the foot of Yang Xu, and the whole person was like a golden light, rushing towards the crows that covered the sky and the sun.

"Fist of Flames!"

The golden fire of Yang Xu was burning all over the body, and the surging energy of life turned into a golden flame, sweeping the sky.


Golden Divine Fist, formed by compressing and condensing flames, burst into flames when it hit the sky-black crow.

The big demon crows that covered the sky and were instantly killed by 30%.

"Fisting Flames, Burning the City!"

Yang Xu repeatedly blasted the most destructive tricks of "Flame of the Flame". During several landings, all the black magic crows were burned and collapsed.

"Hey kid, dare to come and break my good deeds? Find death!"

The sky twisted, and the rolling magic cloud condensed into a black robe, pale as paper, with a black spiral in his eyes, constantly spinning.

He was surrounded by a sleepy breath, his eyes seemed to have hypnotic powers, and his mental strength was not strong enough, it was easy to fall into his magic barrier.

"It turns out to be a human kind, huh, have human beings of this age all been so good? It seems that in the three thousand years in the Zhenmo Tower, I have missed a lot of things."

The black robe said with a cold smile.

Yang Xu didn't say a word, the golden fire in his body was boiling, he was like a fighting god, and he rushed directly to the black robe:


Buzz, buzz!

Above Yang Xu's double fists, the translucent collapsed divine power gathered. Not only that, he will also get a golden energy to gather into it.

The monk of Kudu crossing below recognized it at a glance: "Eternal immortal immeasurable Scripture! Duo Erge Congo understands the meaning of Scripture!"

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