Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2795: Demon

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Yang Xu creatively uses the power to destroy the divine power to gather the power of "The Eternal Immortal Countless Scriptures". The moment the mind moves, the translucent power of his hands suddenly turns into a golden color.

Not only that.

The powerful energy fluctuations released by it caused the face of the black robe to change its face immediately:

"Damn! You are the bald thief! And you have realized the immortal immortality?"

Sensing Yang Xu's hands, that was not pure Vanity power, and the black robe turned into a grin:

"Ha ha ha! Let those old guys use that **** book, as for you, it's just garbage..."

In the deep eyes of the black robe, the strong taboo flashed away and turned into a faceless unscrupulous face, and Yang Xu was not taken into consideration.

While Yang Xu was around, the golden fire was burning like a golden tornado, swept across in a blink of an eye, and rushed to the black robe.

The violent energy will have his beautiful face reflected in a golden yellow color, and the anger flashes in his eyes:



The double fist, which contains the power of destruction and the energy of "The Eternal Immortal Countless Scriptures", waved heavily towards the black robe.

Suddenly, the golden light diffused, and the two golden beams of light penetrated the void, and within a thousandth of a second, they blasted to the black robe.

It wasn’t until this moment that the black robe's face finally changed:

"Not good! This power..."

There are weird!

He didn't have time to speak the remaining three words, and he was surprised to find that his body seemed to be imprisoned in the void, and he couldn't move!

The strength of Yang Xu's fists is so horrible that he hasn't fallen on the black robe, and he has nailed his body to the sky.

Boom, boom!

Two consecutive golden fists slammed into the black robe, wow... puff...

The black robe had a big mouth spitting blood, and the whole person only felt that all the five organs were burned. It seemed to be shattered by Yang Xu's fist. The severe pain was raging wildly in his original tyrannical flesh.

More importantly!

The punch of Yang Xu is not only a huge destructive force, but also contains a lot of fanciful power of the Vaticans in the crazy and violent destructive energy.

It is from the "Eternal Immortal Countless Scriptures" that specifically restrain the power of their demons!

So much so.

The moment the black robe was hit, he immediately lost the power to fight back. The whole person's sturdy body seemed to be inflated and suspended in mid-air.

Yang Xu struck out two forces at will, poof!

Like two huge nails, he was nailed to the sky, and the gurgling black blood continuously flowed out of him. His face was distorted. The look of Xiang Yangxu was full of horror and incredible colors:

"Impossible! How can a human being in your area control the heart of the Vatican's mind? This is impossible! You..."

"The devil, if you fail, you will be defeated in too rigid a way of thinking, defying the enemy."

Yang Xu's eyes were cold, and the eyes of the black robe looked like the dead:

"You are outdated."


In his hands, a golden fire burst into flames, and when you look closely, you can see that the fluffy golden flames are all made up of dense Sanskrit characters, shining together.

It's actually a small piece of "Eternal Immortal Countless Scriptures"!

The black robe demon was nailed into the void and couldn't move. After seeing this flame, his face was pale and shouted in despair:

"No! Spare me..."


Yang Xu shook the golden magic fire and shook his hand against the black robe, suddenly, rumbling! A slap-like cluster of flames touched the body of the black robe for a moment, and spread directly to his body. The energy of "Eternal Immortal Unlimited Scripture" directly grabbed the magic energy in the body of the black robe for energy, instantly. Just burn it completely

Turned into fly ash.

"Forgive you, are you worthy of those killed by you?"

Yang Xu smiled coldly.

I didn't even look at the residue left by the so-called black robe, a shimmering body appeared on the side of Monk Kudu:

"Fortunately, it has been solved."

Monk Kudu now looks at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, and there is no even a slight contempt.

You know, when he originally looked for Yang Xu, although he obeyed the orders of the teacher and came, he was still deeply skeptical.

In particular, he also knows that Yang Xu is just a human being. Even if his bloodline is powerful, he encounters a series of adventures, and can only fight against some strong ones. What can he do to deal with those big demons?

Until in the palace, after seeing Yang Xu against the sons of the past and the ten princes of the kingdom of Moluo.

Monk Kudu finally changed his view of Yang Xu.


As for Yang Xu's ability to help the Vaticans, fight against those demons and evil spirits, and even solve the problem of the "Vatican God Pillar", which is the foundation of the Vatican world, Kudu still has no hope.

It wasn't until the party.

He watched and watched, Yang Xu urged "The Eternal Immortal Countless Scriptures" in a single thought, and used it as a means to easily destroy a big demon that had entered the secret realm of longevity.

Monk Kudu was completely shocked!

At such a young age, he has mastered the absolute essence of "The Eternal Immortal Countless Scriptures". What an amazing talent of the Vaticans?

Yang Xu can definitely help the Brahma world to overcome this difficulty!

Master and elders, it is correct to ask yourself to find Yang Xu, and Lingxiu's young monk is right!

At this moment.

Monk Kudu looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze and completely changed it. Instead of the previous indifference, instead he had a kind of fine awn that saw the savior and the peerless treasure.

There is no way, even monks can't avoid vulgarity, especially after suffering so much in the world of Brahma, it is overwhelming.

"Vatican Realm has been saved! Duo King Kong, I now finally understand why you were chosen as Duo King Kong! You're probably born to be able to master the Brahman mind, but a natural Buddha!"

Monk Kudu spoke amazingly.

Yang Xu smiled bitterly at this, but he just killed a demon, what kind of born Buddha?

I have enough of this name, what is the son of fate, and what is the natural Buddha...

No matter what, the following way, the attitude of Kudu monk towards him has completely changed.

Regardless of words or eyes, they are full of respect and humility, making Deyang Xu whisper in his heart:

How serious is it to bring the monk who should have been born aloof to such a secular realm, the catastrophe facing the Brahma interface?

Just when several people ran all the way, they were about to reach the sphere of influence of the Xiao Fan Yuan.

On the top of the mountain, a faint golden light flashed, and then those golden lights quickly turned into a dark color.

The monk Kudu saw it for a moment, his face suddenly changed: "Not good! My whereabouts exposed, it is that scum!"

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