Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2796: Will Yang Xu save you

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The rune of the Yin-Yang Taiji figure flashed in Yang Xu's eyes, and through the dark magic light, he saw the figure in it and turned out to be a bald man.

The figure is similar to that of the Kudu monk, but there is a strong black flash between the eyebrows.

Yang Xu recognized that it was not a magic energy, but a strong obsession.

"Do you temper yourself with obsession? This monk has something to do with it, Master Kudu, this is..."

Yang Xu asked Kudu next to him.

While he was talking, the monk on the cliff top had already noticed Yang Xu's prying. The black magic energy around him shone brightly, forming a huge Buddha phantom over the cliff top.

However, this Buddha is black, with a strong sense of obsession lingering in his eyes, and the magical energy that haunts the whole body is also decisive and decisive, just like a powerful demon soldier, to break the sky.

"Alas, this genius who used to be our little hall of worship was named Kuzhi, a talent for spiritual practice...not under Du'e King Kong." Monk Kudu looked at Yang Xu with emotion and said, "It's a pity Since the Brahma Pillar broke down and the Demonic Tower was broken, Bitter Intelligence chased the fleeing demon everywhere. Instead, his will was eroded, and he stepped into a magic barrier and became a demon.

Since the magic is coming..."

"Magic coming?"

Yang Xu raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at the once bitter-minded monk, and sighed, "Should I shoot?"

Monk Kudu shook his head without hesitation:

"Due King Kong should hurry to the Little Brahma Temple. The front is the site of the Little Brahma Temple. You can ask someone to find out the location of the Little Brahma Temple. The demon is here. I will deal with it."

The monk of Kudu flashed a faint golden light. On this way, Yang Xu picked up some important points in the "Eternal Immortal Ancient Countless Scriptures" and chose to talk to the monk of Kudu, so that he benefited greatly and hidden. There are some insights.

Yang Xu didn't behave with him, after all, he was still accompanied by the little nun and the thousand-faced beast, and he walked forward with the person. In fact, he didn't put the magic on his eyes.

Seeing this, the monk Kudu became more and more admired by Yang Xuyi's boldness and confidence in his ability to help the Brahma world.

So much, the look towards the figure on the top of the mountain seemed sharper:

"Brother Wisdom Master, after all, your choice is wrong. The future of my Brahma world has not yet fallen into complete darkness. There are many more people in Brahma world like Yang Xu."


At the foot of the monk Kudu, a golden lotus flower was in full bloom, shining brightly, which set him off like a vajra arhat, woo!

He turned into a golden light and went straight to the devil.

On the top of the mountain, Mo Ru came with no expression, a pair of deep eyes, staring at Yang Xu and his party. With his eyes, he naturally saw at a glance that Yang Xu was a human being, and he couldn't help but brushed a bit of doubt:

"This human kid is the savior of the Hope of the Little Brahma? The only person who holds the "Eternal Immortal Countless Scriptures"?"

Around Moru, there was a black devil qi, which spiraled around him and watched as the monk Kudu stepped on the golden lotus and came flying.

He could not help flashing two black sword-shaped symbols in his eyes, his sharp eyes were as real as real, scorn!

Two black flying swords instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, beheading the lotus at the foot of monk Xiang Kudu.

Monk Kudu did not do any complicated movements, only folded his hands, his eyes flashed, hum!

A golden light revolved, as if a shield flew out, only to hear Dangdang's two crisp sounds, but actually hit the two black swords directly and flew out.


The two black swords are in the void, turning into two groups of black mist, before they can dissipate. The figure of Demon Comes suddenly flashes here, a pair of sharp eyes, looking at the monk of Kudu:

"Brother, are you sure that the kid can save the Brahma world from falling?"

Monk Kudu said indifferently, "Don't the younger brother have already seen it? Has it fallen into the devil's path and doesn't even believe my own eyes?"

Mo Rulai's expression was stagnant, and his eyes looked at the back of Xiang Yangxu's departure, with sword-shaped runes flashing in his eyes:

"Useless, even if there is eternal immortality and immortality, how can he see through? Besides, the Brahma Pillar is broken, and unless there is a magical power that reverses time and space, how can it be restored to its original state? With a book of immortality?"

Mo Rulai's face glanced a little bit of sorrow, and a pair of godless eyes looked at the sky:

"The people above have already abandoned us. If they weren't, how could the good Brahma Pillar break, and the Town Demon Tower collapse? Since they want to throw us away, why should they hold them tight? "


In the eyes of Mo Rulai, the sound of Jianyin sounded, and the sharp eyes seemed to be sharp weapons, almost puncturing the monk of Kudu.


The golden lotus at the foot of the monk of Kudu rises a golden awn, which will block the deceptive glare of Demon Rulai. The monk of Kudu shook his head and said:

"Brother Wisdom Master, you are in a magical obstacle, and it is deeper than before. My spiritual practice has never been practiced for anyone, and never existed for someone. What does upper bound behavior do with our choice?" The monk Kudu remembered the war between Yang Xu and the son of the riots, and his heart was shocked and complicated, with a sigh of emotion, "The origin of this Duer King Kong is more complicated than you and I thought. You just mentioned the upper boundary, hehe , The shepherd of the **** prison in the upper realm, dedicated

Door came to find this Yang Xu, do you know? "Looking at Mo Rulai's horrified eyes, the monk Kudu didn't stop. He continued, "Not only that, but the sons of the past in the past also come to him for trouble. I dare say that Yang Xu is absolutely The existence of the fate of the times

Now, only he has the ability and luck to fight against the tower of life and save the Pillar of Brahma! "

"Since that's the case, I'll try it, how strong is that kid."

Mo Rulai showed a sneer on his face, and the other Kudu monk on the opposite side saw the same smile.

"Unfortunately he has left."

Mo Rulai picked up a corner of his mouth, "He will come back, believe me."


Behind Morulai's void, a black bean-sized black seed crackled and burst into the void.

The next moment, the fierce and fierce magic energy burst out from the black seeds, and behind Morulai, a huge gigantic image of up to a hundred meters was instantly condensed.

The whole body of the dark Rulai Fa, there is an overbearing and fierce fierceness, Mo Rulai's body flashed, and it has appeared in Rulai Faxiang's eyebrows and blended into it:

"Brother Kudu, if you are going to die, will you say that Yang Xu will come to save you?"

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