Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2797: Inviting

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On top of a mountain.

Yang Xu, the little nun, and the thousand-faced beast stopped to look back. They watched the black image of Rulai, and went towards the attack of the monk. The little nun was worried.

"Yangxu, don't we really help Master Kudu? I always think that the bitterness is very fierce. Will Master Kudu be in danger?"

Yang Xu didn't answer, just said a little, "For the masters of the Brahma world, no one can save anyone, everything is their own choice."

"Since Monk Kudu chose to stay, it means that he has done a good job. Not to mention..."

Yang Xu looked into the distance, and the blackness of the mourning monk, who had gone through the cracks, came to his eyes.

"Not to mention, is it so easy to be defeated by the suffering monk who is immortal and immortal and immortal?

It seems to confirm his words in general, just at the moment when the devil is coming to the monk, and the town is killing the monk, and it is booming!

A huge golden lotus rose from the top of the Kudu monk's head.

Within a thousandth of a minute, the golden lotus turned into a huge mountain size, and it turned out that the dark and rumored appearance of Demon Rulai was directly blocked:


The violent punch of the Fa-Rang, wrapped in an unmatched killer, collided with the golden lotus, and burst into a wave of black and gold interweaving.

Monk Kudu folded his hands together, his face not sad or unhappy, the whole person turned into a light, and escaped into a golden lotus petal.

He looked to the opposite side, the magical demon hidden in the dark like the devil's appearance:

"Brother, you choose to indulge yourself, and use your own depravity to mock the existence of the above, but you know that the guys above are indifferent to any of your actions."

Monk Kudu still persuades:

"Brother, human beings will not cry because of the self-breaking of a ant, your self-indulgence,

It’s just giving yourself a reason to fall. Look back, the sea is endless, the turn is the shore..."

The Kudu monk persuaded and responded to him, but it was Mo Rulai's firm and irony cry:

"Where I am, that is the shore!"



The dark as if to come out of the law, the big hand rushed toward the golden **** lotus where the monk Kudu was, and the huge black palm palm, a black shining "death" word, rumbling and spinning, releasing endless death.

Seeing this, the monk Kudu sighed, hum...

From his eyebrows, a golden **** came out and greeted the black "death" word:


The two words with strong breath collided again.

A tumultuous atmosphere, sweeping in all directions, made the little nun's face change greatly:

"The breath of alternating life and death, my God, what a rare scene, whether it is Master Kudu or that Devil Comes, are masters who are proficient in the essence of Buddhism!"

The little nun exclaimed.

Yang Xu didn't respond, but a pair of eyes with Yin and Yang Tai Chi figures turned in another direction:

There is more than one demon coming to stop himself.

Some people don’t want to go to Little Brahma?

"Thousand-faced beast, give this thing to you. When it is in danger, urge it immediately."

Yang Xu flashed his palm, and the general killed the chess board, and handed it to the thousand-faced beast. "Remember, don't leave her half a step at any time. If she has a problem, I only ask you!"

Yang Xu said, and put the Void Beast into the nun's arms again.

Finding the dignity on Yang Xu's face, the little nun foresight felt that something was about to happen, so she anxiously asked:

"What happened? Are you aware of any powerful enemies and don't want to take me?"

Yang Xu smiled, before speaking, the little nun shouted:

"It is clear! You are afraid that I will drag you down, so you deliberately did not take me! You don't have to worry about my safety, I can protect myself, you see!"

The little nun said, the silver light flashed, and the vajra presented by Yang Xu to her, shining brilliantly, suspended above her head.

Yang Xu couldn't help blinking, a little surprised:

"You successfully refined it so quickly? Impossible?"

The little nun looked proud, "Of course I have completely refined it, and now its power, I can exert more than 80%! Give me another period of time, I will be able to exert all its power!"

These words made De Yangxu look at the little nun's gaze more and more amazed.

"You just let me follow you, I won't add chaos to you, I can help you when it's critical, I want to kill the demon together!"

The little nun begged.

Yang Xu was nothing but her. It wasn't a matter of secretly keeping her hiding. She had to go through some things before she could grow up.

So he agreed, but still let the Thousand-faced Beast and the Void Beast stay close to her.

The battle between Monk Kudu and Mo Rulai has entered an intense stage.

However, what Morulai did not expect was that his brother, who had always been inferior to his practice in practice, was getting stronger and stronger, and had full potential for stamina.

Morulai exhausted all the means and power, but still couldn't win the opponent.

This made Demon Rulai feel secretly shocked, and secretly said that the human kid was really so powerful. Only after a short period of contact, did the strength of Brother Kudu soar?

On Yang Xu's side, taking the little nun along the way, he didn't worry about the safety of the monk.

When they came to a huge valley.

Standing above the sky, Yang Xu felt clearly that the valley below seemed like a mouth of a huge fierce beast and wanted to devour them.

"There is a weirdness in the valley below, let's go down and talk about it."

To prevent accidents, they no longer flew from the sky and took the initiative to enter the valley.

In the eyes of Yangxu Yinyang, the runes of the Tai Chi figure slowly rotate, releasing light energy fluctuations and seeing all the clues around them.


His eyes flashed, scorn!

A golden lightning flashed in his eyes and shot at a corner in front of the valley, poof!

That void was directly penetrated, and the space was rippling like a wave of water, pop!

Like a soap bubble, it burst at once, showing a gorgeous house, antique, flowers in front of the door, green grass, shade of birds, flowers, a relaxed atmosphere.

The portal hole of the house is open, and on the floor of the house, a woman with a good figure and a beautiful face is sitting on the plate, cooking tea and drinking tea.

Seemingly sensing Yang Xu's gaze, she beckoned towards Yang Xu's side, "Come here."

"It must be a demon! Guli is dressed up, not a good person!"

Said the little nun.

Thousand-faced beast is also staring at the woman who drinks tea and taunts.

Yang Xu smiled a little at this, "It's just thirsty, and it's good to beg for a cup of tea." The little nun sullied, "Bah, you clearly look good with the parents."

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