Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 279: Yang Family Army Crisis

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279 The Yang Family Army Crisis

Slightly sword light, blinked in front of Youqin Wenying.


Yang Xu grabbed Jian Guang.

Slightly hard, snap!

Jianguang shattered.

A ray of energy is absorbed into the body.

"Xueyi, what are you doing?"

Yang Xu frowned.

"Don't call me Xueyi! You did this kind of thing without me, and you still have a name for my name?"

Yao Xueyi looked coldly at Sun Moon and Sakura:

"Finally call you Master! I ask you, what about your bad boy? Don't you want to let him down for a moment? Don't you just leave him behind because of a little physical pleasure?"


Riyue Wenying looked at Yang Xu somewhat helplessly:

"You explain to her."

She put on her clothes and her body was undoubtedly hot and exquisite.

Going out of the door, I met Wan Wan, but I was tangled in my face:

"Sister, she..."

"Maybe she wanted to understand long ago, but just didn't want to accept it. Go and persuade her."

Riyue Wenying left.

Wan Wan saw Yao Xueyi staring at Yang Xu coldly.

She opened her mouth and wanted to tell her sister:

"Yang Xu is a bad boy, and bad boy is Yang Xu."

"Sister, you misunderstood..."

"I haven't misunderstood! I saw these two things with my own eyes! Yang Xu, are you worthy of your master? Are you worthy of me?"

The tears of Yao Xueyi slipped.

Yang Xu smiled bitterly:

"Snow clothing, do you really not understand or do you not understand? The so-called master is just one of my identities."


Yang Xu changed to a trumpet.

Yao Xueyi's eyes widened.

His face is full of despair.

Wanwan was the opposite, she was actually happy.

Originally she was swinging between the two.

Unexpectedly, the two were actually the same person!

"I didn't mean to hide from you. It was really a matter of yin and yang. It caused the current situation. Some situations are too late to think of a better way. Alas, wait for you to calm down and explain to you."

All kinds of bad things come together, Yang Xu's mood is also very irritable.

He regretted coming to the ethereal palace.

"I will come to you after a while and give you an explanation."

No longer entangled with Yao Xueyi.


Yang Xu set foot on the Nine Nether Dragon.

"Sister, what happened to Yang Xu's family, he must be in a bad mood. Give him more time."

Wan Wan softly persuaded.

"Give him more time? Yeah, I forced him to be too anxious. I was too impulsive just now, so I shouldn't pierce them."

Tears flashed in Yao Xueyi's eyes.

Seeing Wanwan, a trace of envy crossed her face:

"I envy you, sister, you have been swaying between Yang Xu and his master. Now that's all right, you don't have to choose anymore. They are all the same person."

Wan Wan suddenly turned red.

"Yang Xu left?"

Sun and Moon heard Sakura appeared.

Yao Xueyi's face was suddenly cold and she didn't speak.

Both Riyue Wenying and Yao Xueyi are the same kind of people.

They can share anything else.

But only with feelings and love, they insist that they cannot share.


Riyue Wenying is the master.

The two apprentices were raised by her since childhood.

Some time ago, she had made a slight compromise to Wanwan.

By default, the children can be part of Yangxu.

But what about the disciples?

Can she give up generously?

"Master, Yang Xu said he was in a bad mood and left for the time being. He will come back to give us an explanation later."

Wanwan Road.

"What! Now Shenwuhou Mansion is arresting Yangxu all around, how can he be let go, it's too dangerous!"

Sun and Moon smell the cherry blossom road.

"Shenwuhoufu? Huh, it's all because of them! Otherwise, so many things won't happen! If they catch Yang Xu, I'll catch them!"


The reincarnation runes flashed in Yao Xueyi's eyes, and the whole person haunted the horror.

"I will go with my sister too!"

Wanwan also followed.

Yang family.

It was once the Yang Family Land of the first big clan of Tamron City.

It is already in ruins.

The mess after the war is everywhere.

The surviving children of the Yang family are sorting out the messy battlefield to treat the wounded.

Yang Hui and Yang Hong were seriously injured.

Yang Fei was also seriously injured and nearly died in battle.

At this moment they were pale and gathered together to discuss the matter.


There was a loud bang.

"Not good! The people of the Wang family are in trouble!"

The children of the Yang family came to report.

"The royal family? Which royal family?"

Yang Hong asked.

Yang Fei's complexion is ugly:

"It was not long ago that the lower third and the lower four begged us to join the Wang family of the Yang Family Alliance, a small third-rate family."

"Why does this matter! A small third-rate family dares to come down to the ground! Are you looking for death?"

Yang Hong was furious.

Yang Hui laughed bitterly:

"It's really not about looking for death. With the strength we have left, we can only barely resist the attack of the royal family."

The eyes of those mysterious people flashed.

They still feel terrified:

Those people are too powerful.

In order to fight against them, the Yang family army almost exhausted all its strength!

"I'll get Wang's family."

Yang Fei came out with a sullen face.


A young Yang family was beaten and flew out.

main entrance.

The Wang family wearing blue uniforms, headed by an inch-sized man:

"Hahaha, isn't your Yang family a cow? Now that the sky is falling, your Yang family is almost dead and extinct! This is retribution!"

"Yes, we wanted to join the Yang Family Alliance a few days ago, and you dared not agree with Yang Jia! Well, today we will teach the Yang family a lesson! Yang Fei, the rabbit, let me see how miserable he is!"


Yang Fei appeared in front of the inch man.

The whole body breathed violently, and actually reached the soul spirit level nine!

"Yangjiajun is indeed not simple. I heard that a lot of mysterious masters have been exterminated, and there are still so many strong people left."

Passers-by who passed by the door stopped.

There was a lot of talk.

The inch-sized man was calmed by Yang Fei's momentum, his face changed:


Isn't it true that Yang's family is disabled

Why are you still so good!

His arrogant face instantly turned into a flattering smile:

"Brother Yang Fei, I didn't expect you to be injured. It was our offense, so I left..."


Yang Fei coughed and turned pale, his violent breath suddenly weakened.

The inch-headed man's eyes grunted:

"Hahaha, it turned out that Yang Fei was also injured! The momentum just now was pretended!"

The passers-by looked surprised;

"Yang Fei was severely injured and his strength decreased?"

"I'm afraid this is not the opponent of the royal family?"

Everyone watched, Wang Jia's rickety back straightened.

His gaze to Yangfei was full of jokes:

"The surnamed Yang, now kneel down and immediately beg for mercy, I can consider forgiving you, otherwise..."

"No, you are the Gobi! You want to move the Yang family far away!"

A young child from the Yang family dragged his injured body and punched him towards the head.


He was beaten and flew out.

Yang Fei's complexion changed:

"Wang Jia! You dare to move my Yang family, you will regret it!"

"Wow! If someone else said that I might believe it, then it would be your Yang family, hum."

Inch man Wang Jia smiled coldly:

"Do you know what your young master did? He killed Shenwuhou! He also threatened to destroy Tianfeng Kingdom and wanted to rebel!"

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