Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 280: What a big deal!

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Chapter 280: A Big One!


The passers-by all took a breath of breath:

"Yang Xu wants to rebel? Want to kill the emperor of Tianfeng Kingdom?"

Yang family is now on the territory of Tianfeng Kingdom.

Even the children of the Yang family were shocked.

Looking at the astonished eyes of the Yang family.

Wang Jia laughed:

"Hahaha, are you scared of being stupid? Yang Xu's stupid self-destructive ruin, your Yang family is dead! Come on, give me, and smash **** the places that don't look good! If you see it, grab it! Who Dare to stop, even people together!"

Wang Jia laughed wildly and unscrupulously.

A few days ago, I bowed my knees and now I can finally express my anger.


Yang Fei was shocked by the fact that Young Master killed Shenwuhou.

He looked stunned for a moment.

But soon.

He quickly made a decision:

"The order! The Yang family will gather right away! Don't worry about the things around you anymore. Let them smash them as much as you want!"

"Feige! This is the last wealth of our Yang family, can't..."

"Stupid! A pile of broken copper and iron is worth a few dollars! What we need most now is to save the vitality and wait for the young master to return! The young master wants to rebel against the emperor of the Heavenly Wind Kingdom, and no one can do it! We vow to follow the young master!"

"That's right! Don't talk about Tianfeng Kingdom, even if the young master is against the sky, I will follow the young master of the old Hong!"

Yang Hong appeared with a seriously injured body.

Yang Hui was also determined.


The Yang Family Army quickly assembled.

Wang Jia and others could not help changing their looks.

Looking at the children of the Yang family who were more or less injured but had a firm look.

Everyone in the Wang family was ashamed:

"Crazy! Yang family is crazy!"

"Their young master wanted to rebel, and they even vowed to follow? Yang Jiajun are a group of lunatics!"

Yang Jiajun screamed:

"Say who is crazy!"

"court death!"


The Yang Family Army has undergone strict training.

Even in a wounded state, the sudden burst of momentum is not something that a third-rate family can resist.


The group of Wang family was so scared that they all retreated.

Some even collapsed directly to the ground.

"Yangjiajun is so powerful! They are all injured, and they still have such momentum!"

The passers-by onlookers looked surprised:

I really don't know how Yang Xuping trained them?

Even if Yang Xu wants to rebel, they will follow them faithfully!

Some other family members, looking at the Yang family army who are all in the same city, are envious of the dead Yang Xu:

Wouldn’t it be nice to give me such a team?

At this time, someone came to inform Wang Jia:

"Master, Xiaoshuo Longshuo is bringing people to prepare to strangle the Yang family rebellion!"

"Long's going to shoot?"

The panic on Wang Jia's face suddenly disappeared:

"Hahaha, I see how you die, Yang family! Even if Yang Xu is here, I can't save you!"

The voice did not fall.


Three tyrannical breaths immediately descended on the door of the Yang family.

It was Longshuo Xiaohouye, with two strong men.

"Yang Xu intends to treason, not going against it! Yang Fei, Yang Hong, Yang Hui! Immediately, the consciousness immediately puts his hands to rest, and I can save you from death!"

Longshuo Xiaohouye had a golden armor and looked at the three of you quietly.

Yang Fei laughed loudly:

"Hahaha! The young master wants to kill the dog emperor, there must be his reason! It is impossible for our Yang family to betray the young master!"

"Vow to follow the young master!"

Yang Jiajun burst into tears.

Long Shuo was so angry that his face was green:

"Yang Fei! Don't know what to do! Tian Feng Guo has issued a killing order against the rebellious Yang Xu! He is dead! If you obey surrender..."

"Put a fart! The surnamed Long, you have seen the young master before, you can only admit it. Now the young master is not here, are you playing with prestige?"

Yang Fei's mouth has always been very poisonous:

"Long surnamed Dragon, since the young master can kill the General Shenwu, you can easily destroy your dragon's family! If you dare to move the Yang family's armies, I promise you and your family will have to be buried with us!"

"Burial for us!"

The Yang Family Army sounded thunderous.

The passers-by around were all stunned:


The Yang family are too fierce!

How did Yang Xu train them?

Actually so loyal!

Some far-sighted seniors flashed their eyes in wonder:

"Yang Family Army is more than loyal! Yang Xu has used his unique method to unite their hearts together."

"As long as you take time to add enough members, this is a group of tigers and wolves!"


Long Shuo's face was called ugly.

Originally, he thought that the Yang family suffered the disaster of extinction, so he could easily suppress it by coming here.

I did not expect that the other party would not enter.

"Sir Hou, would you like us to kill them without killing them?"

"Yes, what nonsense with them, a group of chaotic parties, just kill them!"

The two men brought coldly by Long Shuo.

at this time.


The Longjiajun also arrived, all dressed in armor, full of spirit and menacing.

They surrounded the Yang family.

It is in stark contrast to the Yang Family who was dressed in distress and had injuries on his body.

Long Shuo's eyes were cold, staring at the Yang family:

"Finally ask you once! Will you surrender?"

"Vow to follow the young master! Never surrender!"

In front of life and death, Yang Jiajun made the strongest choice.

"Find your own way! Kill them all, and leave none!"

Long Shuo ordered fiercely.

He firmly believed that Yang Xu, who dared to rebel against the rebellious country, would never end well.

Maybe now, it has been killed by the masters sent by Tianfeng Kingdom!


The Longjiajun burst into a scream and dashed toward the Yangjiajun.

Yangfei and Yanghong, without fear:

"Brothers! Let's reunite in the afterlife and follow the young master! Now, let me kill the enemy and kill them with pleasure!"


The Yang family army burst into a bang, and Cang Chi pulled out his sword.

But at this time.

The sky suddenly gloomy.

"What's going on, why is it cloudy?"

Passersby looked up one after another.

Suddenly, his complexion changed greatly:

"A big one!"

"A dragon flying in the sky!"

Yang Fei's eyes lit up:

"Dragon! Black dragon! The mysterious master who is the young master appears!"

"Young Master's Master is here to save our Yang Family!"

All the Yang's army suddenly brightened their eyes.

Long Shuo and others all changed their complexions:

"Mysterious Master Yang Xu? Why is he here?"

"Isn't it rumored that he destroyed the Hades' home and was severely injured to retreat?"

"This is going to suffer!"

The look of everyone in the Longjiajun suddenly looked hard.

Especially Long Shuo, his eyes staring in mid-air in horror, the tall figure standing above the dark underworld dragon:

"Senior! I have no malice towards the Yang family, I..."

"Not malicious? Then you just wanted to kill my Yang Jiajun, did you fart?"

Yang Xu stood above the Nether Dragon, overlooking the Yang Family Army.

When I saw Longshuo.

The killing in his eyes made no secret:

This guy, who respected himself before, saw no hostility.

Unexpectedly, he was the first to attack the Yang family!

"Eight-phase world! Kill town!"

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