Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 281: The choice between Danmeng and Zhenmeng

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Chapter 281

The sky behind Yang Xu suddenly appeared eight portals.


A gigantic mountain formed by the formation of yellow sand suddenly went to the Longjiajun to suppress it.

The huge shadow of death suddenly covered the dragon family army.


The yellow sand giant peak fell down.

Puff puff.

Blood splashed, bones crushed.

Eighty percent of the Longjiajun were instantly crushed by the Huangsha Jufeng.

The onlookers were shocked:

I go!

The Yang family's big backing is too good!

With a simple wave of hands, most of the Longjia Army was exterminated!

With such terrifying strength, it is no wonder that Yang Xu dares to challenge Tianfeng Guo!

Yang Xu proudly stood above the Nine Nether Nether Dragons, and the murderous opportunity appeared in his eyes:

"Sand binding coffin! Sand waterfall funeral!"

The yellow sand swept through and spread all around.



Senior Yang spares his life!

There was a lot of howling and begging for mercy.

The loyalty of the Longjiajun is not one or two grades worse than that of the Yangjiajun who vowed to die.

Blink Kung Fu.

The Longjiajun was killed by Yang Xu.

Only Long Shuo and the next two people were left.

"Well, I can't do it. You have three heads and six arms! Lord Hou, wait for me to slay this man... Pooh!"

Long Shuo's companion burst into his head directly.

The other was so pale that he didn't know what to say.

He turned to escape.


A yellow sand flying knife directly penetrated his heart!


Long Shuo's pupils shrank, and his heart couldn't suppress a trace of fear:

"Can I die here today?"

Mind flashes.

Long Shuo squeezed out a smile that was even uglier than crying, looking up at Yang Xu high above:

"Senior! I admit you wrong, I... pooh!"

His smile froze in his face.

In the middle of the eyebrows, a blood hole the size of a thumb bleeds and bleeds.

"Your confession is not as good as before my Yang Jiajun's finger."

Yang Xu spoke coldly.

A group of Yang family troops were immediately grateful.

Be more loyal to Yang family!


A space bag flew into Yang Fei's arms:

"It's all Yang Xu's healing elixir. The effect is outstanding, and everyone will be treated immediately!"

Yang Xu smiled and looked at everyone:

"Your young master, come later."

Yang Fei, Yang Hong and Yang Hui were all happy:

"Follow your orders! Thank you Senior!"

Longhou Xiaohouye said that if he killed, he would kill.

This predecessor is not generally strong.

Everyone in the Yang Family was happy that the young master had such a mountain.


Yang Xu's eyes flickered and landed in the corner of Wang Jia, who was shaking.

"Who are they?"

Yang Xu asked.

"Oh, a third-rate family who wants to take advantage of the fire."

Yang Fei said casually.

"Oh? Then there is no need."

Yang Xu waved his hand, poo poo!

Huang kills like a sword, killing all the people in Wang Jia.


Everyone exclaimed:

"Master Yang Xu is so scary!"

"So many people, kill if you say kill!"


Even more discoloration is still behind.

Just listen to Yang Xu order lightly:

"Nine Nether Nether Dragon, I have to protect the Yang family army for healing, you go to destroy the dragon family, yes, by the way, clean up this third-rate family."

"Leave it to me boss! I will go too!"


Nine Nether Nether Dragon turned into a black light and escaped instantly.

The passers-by onlookers were all stunned:

"In a word, the Longs will be destroyed?"

"The Dragon family is really a tragedy! It's always good to follow the Yang family. You have to rush to the door to die!"

"Dragon family deserves it! Want to bully the Yang family, do not limit yourself!"

Yang Xu personally protects the Fa.

In the hearts of everyone in the Yang Family, it was called gratitude.

All blood is boiling.

Coupled with the healing elixir from the system exchange office, it is indeed awesome.

Less than half a day later, Yang Jiajun's injuries recovered.

During this period, no forces dared to come to the Yang family for trouble.

Just listen to booming!

Explosive sound came from the direction of the Long family.


The Nine Nether Nether Dragons flew by:

"Boss! The dragon family is destroyed! This is the head of the patriarch! This is the harvest of the dragon family!"

A gleaming bag of space and a **** head fell to the ground.


Yang Xu opened the space bag and threw it to Yang Jiajun:

"Take whatever you like!"

The Yang Family Army immediately rejoiced:

"Thank you Senior!"

Although they wished to take the space bags one by one, they still kept order.

The gleaming gold and pearly space bags were passed among the Yang Family.

Yang Xu is pleased.

Everyone in the Yangjiajun Army took the armor, elixir, and healing medicine.

Gold and silver treasures, etc., did not take one.

They are very calm:

The wealth is touching, but if you have to get it, you have to have it to spend it.

If there is no accident, the young master will follow the world.

Gold and silver have a hair!

Not as good as a healing medicine!

"It's all good!"

Admiration flashed in Yang Xu's eyes.

At the same time there was a trace of regret.

Damn Phoenix!

Kill my Yang family army and take my mother forcibly!

Even if you are a mother and mother, I will not let you go!

Yang Xu returned to the Queen and went to Danmeng.

"Yangxu? Do you dare to come to Danmeng? Are you afraid of being caught?"

The disciples of Danmeng looked cold when they saw Yang Xu.

The attitude is different from before.

Yang Xu frowned slightly:

"I want to see Xiao Yi, where is he?"

With the help of Yang Xu, Xiao Yi is now the president of Tamron City.

"Meet the president? Wait, shall I go and see if the president is there."

The brightly dressed disciples of Danmeng, glancing at Yangxu quietly, left with a sneer.

Not beyond Yang Xu's expectations.

Xiao Yi did not appear.

"Have you started to avoid suspicion? People go to tea and cool."

Yang Xu sneered and went out of Danmeng.

"Have he left? Send someone to keep up with him immediately, and master his every move! When necessary, notify Shenwuhou Mansion, and my Danmeng will make great contributions!"

At the window, Xiao Yi was condescending, watching Yang Xuyuan's back.

He smiled proudly:

"Yang Xu, whether my Danmeng can enter the imperial city and get the support of Shenwuhou Mansion depends on you."

"Your rebellion is my glory and wealth!"


"I want to see your president."

Yang Xudao.

"Yangxu! How dare you come at this time? Come in and no one will follow you behind?"

The reaction of the alliance was beyond Yang Xu's expectations.

"The chairman was worried about you just now. You are waiting. I will immediately notify the chairman!"

The disciples of Zhenmeng gave Yang Xu a worried look.

Run away quickly.

Not even ten seconds.

"Yangxu! Why are you here, are you not injured?"

Fully armed Liu Lin hurried forward.

Her beautiful and sensual face was covered with anxiety.

Rushed to Yang Xu and checked him up and down for injuries.

The disciples around the alliance all cast an ambiguous smile at Liu Lin:

"Hey, the relationship between President and Yang Xu seems to be unusual..."

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing:

"Bullshit, tell me what to do."

He pulled Liu Lin into the room.

"Quick! Take off your armor!"

Three times five and two apart, Yang Xu stripped her into a white and tender lamb.

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