Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2800: Dragon Envoy

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Yang Xu didn't understand that these devil heads struggled freely from the town demon tower. Instead of escaping from all directions, they ran back to challenge the Vatican.

Do you think the Vatican is in a difficult situation, so you want to come down?

Don't think about it, when the Vaticans could suppress you under the devil's tower, can Yan now have no power against you?

In the eyes of Yang Xu, the runes of the Yin-Yang Tai Chi figure rotates, and a cold and quiet murderous death flashes:

He is feeling a little unhappy now!

I seem to be underestimated!


The golden light flashed in his hand, the Linhuang Divine Sword appeared, Yang Xu made a look at the Thousand-faced Beast, and the Thousand-faced Beast suddenly said:


Swing the bracelet on your wrist to the sky and yell!

The ancestral dragon of the avenue is full of light, and the dragon spirit swept through the sky, turning into a giant dragon that is 100 meters long.

There was a chaotic atmosphere of ancestral dragons, which spread out from the whole body and formed a cloud of five colors.

Yang Xu stood up and appeared above the dragon head of Dazu Zulong.

Monk Kudu looked at the majestic ancestral dragon, his eyes flashed with horror:

"It is worthy of being the son of destiny, Duer King Kong, Yang Xu, your means is simply fascinating, even the existence of Zulong can surrender!"

Yang Xu smiled and said nothing.

However, when the monk Kudu also appeared at the top of the ancestor, suddenly, the fierce avenue of breath under his feet made the monk Kudu greatly change his face:

"This...this is the breath of the avenue! Such a strong atmosphere of the Five Elements Avenue, you, Duer King Kong..."

Monk Kudu was so shocked that even with his will and determination, he couldn't help but exclaim.

Even though the little nun had already seen the existence of Dazu Zulong, she stood at the top of Dazu Zulong and felt the power of the majestic Dao contained in Zulong under her feet. She still couldn't help shaking her body, her eyes flashing with excitement.

As for the Thousand-faced Beast, I have already experienced the power of Dazu Zulong for a long time, and the reaction is a little calmer at the moment.

"Sit firmly, I want to see what big demons dare to stop me if I don't know what to do."

Yang Xu stood on top of the ancestor leader, holding the Linhuang **** to kill the sword, a sharp killer shines in the eyes of the Yin and Yang gods.

Da Zulong, puncturing the void, galloping all the way, galloping towards the direction of the small hall.

Thousands of miles away, in a dense forest, the three breathing figures gathered together.

One of the figures was surrounded by a black dragon, with a wicked and cold breath wrapped around the dragon.

The owner of this black dragon made a secret survey:

"The previous level has been defeated, but as long as the kid dare to come to us, to teach him whether he has come back! Want to go to the Little Brahma? Obediently fill my belly of the spirit beast!"

The two figures next to them couldn't help but cast their dreaded eyes on the black dragon on his side. Thinking of the horror and difficulty of this dragon, they couldn't help but tremble together: "Let this one guard the second level above , Really the most suitable person! The demon women in the front, that is, a few vases, are not useful, and even the tricks are not scared, they are scared away by the human kid. Now there are poison dragon messengers

Now, that kid might suffer! "

"Hey, it's best to let the Dragon Envoy kill the kid in seconds, and save our shot. But... I heard that the kid seems to have two hits, not easy to mess with."

The two figures next to the Dragon Envoy were also very gloomy, and the whole body was surrounded by a ray of qi, condensing but not scattered.

It was at this time.

The black dragon beside the Dragon Envoy screamed slightly, and the gloomy eyes of the Dragon Envoy suddenly shone suddenly:


"That human kid is approaching here quickly, the two of you are in charge of guarding all around, don't let this kid run away!"

A bit of coldness flashed in the eyes of Duron's messenger, and he screamed slightly proudly:

"Look at how I made this kid! Cut off his head and feed my spirit beast!"

Say, take a shot of the black dragon dragon head, hula!

He rose from the deep forest, and the black dragon's huge head shook it, carrying him on the top of his head.

Standing in the void, this black dragon foot is hundreds of meters long, with a huge body, covering the sky and the sun, and rolling black magic energy, lingering around the dragon and the poison dragon messenger.

His gloomy eyes swept through thousands of miles of space, and soon locked Yang Xu:

"Hey, I can't think of the kid with a dragon-shaped mount, but unfortunately it's just the feed of my spirit beast!"

The Dragon Envoy sneered, unaware that the rest of the black dragon had a trembling tremor.


As Yang Xu's party continued to approach here, the dragon under the Duron Envoy was moving more and more unsteadily, causing the Duron Envoy to frown:

"What's wrong with you? The enemy is at present. You can be honest with me, but don't fall off the chain!"

In the deep forest, the two powerful demon clan found the black dragon dragon's misalignment, looked at each other, and saw the dignity in each other's eyes:

"There will be no accidents? The human kid doesn't seem to deal with it..."

Not waiting for them to continue talking, but listening to the sky above them, the Dragon Envoy screamed:

"Human boy, stop me right away, otherwise..."


A loud sword chant sound interrupted the words of the Dragon Envoy, and the two strong demon in the deep forest changed their faces:

"It's fast! Is it close to us so fast? What kind of mount is that kid?"

They haven't had time to act, puff!

A head fell from the sky and smashed in front of them, staring at the beads with an incredible look on his face, not who is the Dragon Envoy?


These two demons directly took a breath of gas, but did not expect that the Dragon Envoy was too late to make a move, and he was cut off with a sword.

More terrible.

Above them, there was a cry of screaming from the black dragon, and then a sound of Clara's bones shattered.

Lifting their nerves, the two demons followed the gap between the branches and leaves of the deep forest and looked towards the top of their heads. They saw a giant dragon covered in golden light and a cloud of colorful clouds, chewing and eating.

The breath of the Five Elements Avenue fluctuated down from its entire body, making the two demons, and their hearts almost didn't jump out of their throats:

"Oh my god! Is this the mount of Yang Xu? This turned out to be an ancestral dragon?"

"What a joke! How did I sense the fluctuations of Tiandi Avenue in the body of this Zulong? The boss let us kill halfway, is such a terrible character?"

Just when they were horrified in their hearts.

Boom! Above the sky, the silver light shone, the branches and leaves collapsed, turned into a ring-shaped mountain, and went down towards the two demons.

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