Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2801: Demon man

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The ring-shaped mountain, the Shenhua shines, and the void will be shattered. The two demons have already been scared to pale.

They wanted to run away, but they were shocked to find that a strange power, like an invisible big hand, would have won them and pressed firmly in place.

Can't get out of it, they left the sky above, and the ring-shaped mountain cracked down, poo poo!

These two demons were directly smashed into two groups of mud.

The little nun looked the same and urged Vajra to fly back, only a shock, and the dust on it was all flying.

Yang Xu didn't mean to stay at all. He slapped the Dazu Zulong:



The ancestral dragon turned into a light of five elements and continued to rush towards the direction of the small hall.

Monk Kudu and the Thousand-faced Beast standing on the faucet looked at each other, and they saw the surprise in their eyes:

The little nun just hadn't gotten this diamond for a while, did he actually control it so handily?

What surprised them even more was.

The heritage of Zulong and Yangxu in this avenue was so powerful.

The demon who was directly cut off his head had at least the strength of the ninth peak of the longevity, but he didn't even stop Yang Xu's move!

Just thinking about it.

On the top of a mountain in front, two cold lights flashed at once, and two black lightnings lustfully rushed towards Yangxu:

"Little thief is here!"


The two demons have a pair of demon wings on their backs, and the breath of breath of 9 days in the long-lived realm exploded from their entire body. They held a powerful magic weapon in their hands.

When they rushed to Yang Xu, their ugly faces were filled with sneers, and they were about to speak and groan!

A silver lightning flashed across the sky, and the bright light will reflect the sky into a white snow.

The two demons, even with their eyes too late to blink, only felt that they were spinning in all directions.


The two demon heads rolled out for several meters on the ground, and the afterglow of the eyes saw two headless bodies in the air, which fell down.

The figure of the young man riding the dragon didn't even stay at all, and walked away.

"Quick sword..."

The two demons died.

"There is a town ahead, shall we take a break?"

Asked the little nun.

Her strength is actually not the weakest, but she is kind enough to notice that Thousand-faced Beast seems a little tired.

Yang Xu nodded when he saw this, "then find a rest at a restaurant."

After collecting Dadao Zulong and landing in the town, Yang Xu raised his eyebrows.

A pair of eyes with insight into everything, staring faintly at the tall figure in the distance.

It was a man with a wicked look. He looked in his early twenties, his face was cold, and there was a gloomy face in his eyebrows, but at the moment, with a hearty smile on his face, he was comforting a crying man in front of a restaurant. child.

He gave a gentle whisper of comfort, and finally made the kid laugh.

The man seemed to perceive Yang Xu's eyes, turned his head and smiled slightly towards this side.

The deep eyes are like two ancient wells, so people should be sucked in.

"Good devil qi! That is a demon who is about to enter the realm of mixed caves!"

Monk Kudu exclaimed in his heart, and wanted to remind Yang Xu, but found that Yang Xu didn't need him to remind him at all.

"You find a place to eat, I'll say hello to others."

It was at this time.

Da Da Da Da!

At the end of the street in the distance, a mad tall horse galloping towards the place, and in the middle of the street, a few children are still playing.

"Oops! Those kids are in danger!"

Yang Xu's pupil shrank.

The man riding a horse is also extremely ugly:

"Go away, this horse is frightened, I can't control it..."

Seeing the frightened horse is about to slam the children away, Yang Xu hasn't had time to shoot yet, woo!

A shadow flashed before my eyes.

The next moment, the children who were about to be hit and flew, only felt that the light in front of them was dim and booming!

The stunned horse ran against a black wall of magical energy, and flew a few meters away, rumbling!

It was a mess, and the people immediately fell into a mess.

"Are you guys all okay? Don't play in the middle of the street in the future, it's too dangerous."

The man smiled and touched the heads of several children.

They probably haven't realized what a thrilling scene they have just experienced. They just felt that the man in front of him flew a tall horse, very powerful.

"Hey! What are you doing? It's too violent, pay my Malay!"

The man riding the horse rushed over to grab the man's clothes.


The man's eyes were cold, and he stared at the rider with a cold snort.


The equestrian spurted a big spit of blood, and Qiqiao came out with blood marks, fell to the ground, and died directly.

People across the street were suddenly scared away.

The man's gloomy gaze was staring at the fierce horse that was blasted out and still panting:

"What's the use of keeping you?"

Rule of Law!

The screaming horse screamed, and also had bleeding from the nose and nose, and fell to the ground to die.

"Save people easily, kill people as you please, you really do what you want, you are a demon."

Yang Xu's cool voice sounded behind the man.

The man did not look back, but squatted down, staring at a group of ants on the ground, watching them move, without looking back:

"Are you here to rest and eat? I'm not in a hurry, you go to eat first. Let's talk after the rest is over."

Yang Xu smiled faintly, "No, it's solved. You can go to dinner again without delay."


The man stood up, with a tall body and a foot of two meters. At the moment, he looked down at Yang Xu and smiled coldly:

"You are much stronger than I thought."

Yang Xu looked indifferent:

"No, I'm stronger than what you see now. You can raise your evaluation of me as much as possible. It's good for you to fight like this."

The man's eyebrows rose slightly:

"Oh, you are quite confident. Are you humans always so arrogant?"

"It's like a little moth, thinking that it can fly through thousands of mountains and rivers, but it's always difficult to rush into the fire!"

Yang Xu didn't answer, he said lightly:

"I don't know how humans are. Moth-like demons, I really beheaded a few."

"How many?"

The man's eyes were cold, "Do you think of the Mozu as a pig? How many heads do you describe?"

Yang Xu smiled, "No, I just treat your Mozu as a pig. If we treat it as a dog, we are used to doing it twice with strips."


An energy burst in front of him, and the man's figure had disappeared.

However, Yang Xu's ear sounded like a thunderous explosion: "The highest mountain in front of me, I'm waiting for you, the human race!"

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