Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2802: Opposite!

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"Okay, I'll cut off your devil's head soon!"


Yang Xu was like a flash of lightning, chasing the demon man straight away.

The demon man is tall and sturdy, but the speed is not slow, it is like a thunder.

Moreover, he deliberately wanted to strike Yang Xu, estimated to increase the speed to the limit, almost instantly, flashed to the top of the highest mountain.

However, when his feet had just touched the ground, Yang Xu's joking voice sounded in front of him:

"Huh, the speed of your devil is still not good, too slow."


The pupils of the Mozu man suddenly shrank, and he didn't expect that Yang Xu's speed was faster than him.

You know, he is almost at the forefront of speed among the powerhouses of the demons.

The only ones that surpassed him were all specialized in self-cultivation, and their blood was also related to speed.

Only he has both strength and speed, which has always been his proudest point.

But today.

But it was beyond the past by a human being.

"You are fast, and if you want to escape, I'm afraid I can't stop you."

The demon man's eyes were faint, staring at Yang Xu, as if he wanted to change every expression of his expression into his eyes.

In response, Yang Xu shrugged and smiled:

"Escape? Do I need it?"

The Mozu man's mouth twitched, revealing a sneer. "Don't worry, you will need it soon."

"I agree with this point. My companion has probably already ordered a meal. Hurry up and wipe you out. I have to rush back to eat."

Yang Xu looked up at the sky, "Well,   Kung Fu for a cup of tea, go back with your head, probably the tea is still warm."

"Don't talk nonsense, die!"

In terms of fighting skills, this Demon man has never matched Yang Xu. The anger in his heart made him unable to suppress the violent murderousness in his chest, and he directly shot:


The Mozu man waved a golden flame of energy between his hands. The flame of flame was like a ray of thorns, tearing the void, and beating the face of Xiangyang Xu straight.

"Holy Phoenix Bell Bell!"

Between Yang Xu's shaking hands, a thousand golden shields appeared in front of him, the light shining and the dignity and dignity.

The attack of the Mozu man's angry outburst, Yang Xu naturally will not be underestimated, as expected, the golden flame of the sword, will be defended by the holy phoenix bell guard, and it has shattered a total of 500 layers. .

This slowly dissipated.

Seeing Yang Xu wave his hand, he stopped himself in a rage. The pupils of the Demon Man shrank suddenly. While surprised in his heart, the bloodline that had been silent for a long time began to show signs of awakening:

"Interesting, it seems that you, a human being, really have a background, and I will forcefully take this task without hesitation, haha."

"Come and take me again!"


The demon man grabbed it with a big hand, as if an eagle claw appeared in the void, and three sharp rays of light shattered toward Yangxu:

Clang clang!

Mars flew, the golden light splashed, and the defensive light of "Holy Phoenix Bell Bell" was broken again.

Yang Xu stood there with a smile on his face, without stepping back, and the attack of the demon man was once again dissipated into the invisible.

"Don't you know offensive? Take your strongest trick to kill me!"

The war spirit flashed in the eyes of the demon man, staring at Yang Xu faintly.

Yang Xu grinned, "I'm afraid I'm really shot, you can't stop it, a sword kills you, how embarrassing?"

"Hahahaha!" The Demon man laughed loudly. "You jokes like human beings are really interesting. They make me laugh. I am killed with a sword? Even if the Vaticans once were powerful, they can reverse life and death and control the mix. The existence of the hole doesn’t dare to say that it can kill me with a sword,

You alone? "


The Mozu men's black hair was scattered, and the tall body stood proudly, and the look of Xiang Yangxu was full of provocation:

"Come on, kill me. It can hurt me, count on you!"


It was Yang Xu who responded to the Mozu man without hesitation. He waved his hand, "Kunpeng Sword Sword Qi" suddenly roared, and turned into a cold sword light.

"Good sword!"

The moment the demon man saw "Kunpeng's fierce sword gas", his eyes gleamed sharply, and he couldn't help admiring, hum!

In the void, there is a huge Kunpeng phantom, condensed out, a huge tail covering the sky, rumbling slapped on the dark sword light.

Suddenly, the fierce and overbearing sword gas came to the demon men at a more violent speed.

The speed of terror was so fast that it was almost within a thousandth, and it killed the demon man's face.


The sharp black sword gas will cut the man's body directly into two halves.

The expression of the Mozu man froze on that pale face, and then, he called...

The body of the "Devil Man" turned into Dao Dao Qi and dissipated directly.

The fierce Kunpeng's fierce sword spirit rushed straight ahead, booming!

Standing on the top of a mountain thousands of kilometers away, it was actually cutting the peak of the mountain directly.

"His... The power of this sword is not simple. Your strength is very strong, very strong!"

The voice of the Mozu man sounded not far behind Yang Xu.

Yang Xu turned his head, wrangling!

The dark side was chopped up, but it was a golden flaming sword, and the sneering face of the Demon man shone in the distance.


Yang Xu grabbed the void, an ancient oracle bone script, condensed in the void in front of him, turned into a huge shield.

It is "Armor".

The powerful defensive power of "Armor" is about to block that blaze of flames. Unexpectedly, Yang Xu's unexpected appearance is that there is a Demon Rune that spins violently in the sword. .

Ruoyang Xu still uses "Holy Phoenix God Bell Bell" to resist it this time. I am afraid that "Holy Phoenix God Bell Bell" will be instantly torn by these demon runes!

"You are more cunning than I thought."

Yang Xu stared at the Demon man with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. "Don't the Demon are all violent and belligerent, when did you appear such a sinister guy?"

The demon men don’t give up:

"We are demon warriors, but we are even more competitive! In order to win you, I naturally have to use some means. After all, I am a devil. You should understand..."

The moment the sentence was not finished, the demon man suddenly raised his arms, and the mutation suddenly broke out:


On the ground at the foot of Yangxu, the golden light shone, and a rune of demon races lighted up, Cangji, Cangji, Cangji!

In the blink of an eye, three sharp and fierce gold swords swept from his feet.

Yang Xu's body will be torn in half soon!

"You really are mean and insidious, very different from those Demon Races!"

Yang Xu burst into the mouth, but was too late to dodge, he was hit by the sharp knife light:


Yang Xu's body was directly torn into three pieces by the knife from the bottom up.

However, the Demon man looked in his eyes, but he didn't have the slightest happy expression:

"I can't think of your doppelganger, so well mastered."

Yang Xu's voice sounded not far behind him: "There is still a gap between you and the winner."

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