Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2803: Perfect magic reappearance

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The Demon man, with his head long and dark black ink, dancing with the wind, and a pair of deep eyes, at this moment because of being too excited, it seems that there is a golden flame burning.


He turned sharply, a sharp golden knife, suddenly shot and beheaded Xiang Yangxu.


Daoman cut into the place where Yang Xu was originally, and violently broke a huge hole.

But Yang Xu's figure had already flashed in front of the Demon men, and in his horrified eyes, Yang Xu's hand waved violently:


Under the feet of the demon man, two strange runes suddenly burst into a silver light. The next moment, scorn!

Two silver lightning bolts, like two god-killing guns, came from the bottom to the assassination towards the Demon man.


The pupils of the Mozu men contracted, their eyes filled with shock and sigh:

Good guy!

Originally, I buried the demon rune on the ground to calculate this guy. I didn't expect this to be a blink of an eye, and he returned immediately.


He can clearly feel that these two silver lightnings are more powerful than the other three swords before!

Two silver lightnings had not rushed in front of him, and made him feel a cold biting bone underneath, as if it had been penetrated.

When it was too late, it was fast, the Mozu men suddenly wrapped around the whole body of black gas, the next moment, bang!

He turned into a black smoke and dissipated in place.

Moan, moan!

Two silver lightning bolts pierced into the air, rushed to the infinite height of the sky, and a sharp roar erupted.

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly and looked in a certain direction with a smile:

"The response is pretty good."

A hundred meters away, the Demon man stood proudly, with a pair of deep eyes, as if a blazing flame was burning at the moment:

His fighting spirit was inspired!

"Hahaha! Happiness! It's been a long time since I started working with people so heartily! Humans, you are very good, I appreciate you!"

The Mozu man shouted loudly in his mouth, his voice like thunder, revealing his excitement at the moment.

In my mind, I couldn't help but think of everything I grew up with in the kingdom of Moro.

That's right, this Demon man comes from the kingdom of Moluo, and unlike the ten princes, this Demon man is the presence of more than 10,000 people in Moluo!

He is the prince of the Kingdom of Moro!

Because of his special identity, he has been awed by everyone since he was a child. Even if he wants to fight with others, the other party is often afraid of his Moro Prince's identity and will not let him go.


Some of the counselors would rather be killed by him in battle, rather than bursting out real power and hurting him!

This made Prince Moro feel boring, and it was too difficult to find an opponent in his life.

Even if he secretly concealed his identity and went to Mo Luo to over-privately visit the lower realm, he would often soon be discerned and no one would dare to anger him.

Because of this kind of life, too boring, Prince Moro secretly flowed out of the kingdom of Moro, walking and wandering in the demon world.

With his excellent strength and combat experience, Prince Moro quickly became famous in Demon Realm.

Not long ago, when he heard about the task of gathering a human genius, he did not hesitate to fight with his companions, so he finally struggled for this opportunity.

"Humanity, you have not let me down! Your tenaciousness and power have started to inspire my fighting spirit, and I am very happy, ha ha ha!"

At the moment, Prince Moro had a golden light burst out of his deep eyes, like two golden beams of light, coming out through the body.

The bloodline of the Moluo royal family in him began to be constantly activated and urged.

A huge and tyrannical atmosphere spread from his whole body. A few breathing skills, Prince Moro's momentum, changed dramatically.

If before, he was just a dragon with open teeth and claws, then now, he has become a real dragon!

The terrifying momentum of the 9th heaven of Long Life Secret Realm, mixed with the power of the blood of the Moluo Royal Family, is wrapped around Prince Moro, burning like a golden flame.

He looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, full of strong oppression:

"Now, funny humans, congratulations on inspiring my fighting spirit. I am going to give you a death!"

A "dead" word hasn't landed yet, bang!

Prince Moro's figure suddenly disappeared.

Because the speed is too fast, the power is too explosive, and the space in his place has even exploded, and the void has been cracked into a space crack like a cobweb.

And the next moment.

Yang Xu's head was empty, and the violent pressure was like the ancient mountain, rumbling and suppressing:


Prince Moro flashed over Yang Xu's head, crushing down the violent force, even splitting the space, compressing it into a thick transparent air pillar, and calmly sang toward Yang Xu.

Change to the past.

Faced with this kind of trick, Yang Xu was too lazy to be hard-wired, and he could easily hide in a flash.

but now.

Affected by Prince Moro's violent breath and unmatched fighting spirit, Yang Xu's blood and blood had an unprecedented sense of boiling.

Faced with the fierce and crushing trick of Prince Moro, he did not retreat, but his eyes were striking, and he shouted:

"Hahaha, come on well!"

"Look at me, unbeaten fist!"

Boom Boom Boom!

Suddenly, Yang Xu's golden fist burst into five punches.

Five golden fists, brilliant light, superb power, as if cast from gold, condensed in the void.

Five violent punches, without any concession, slammed heavily on the air **** pillar suppressed by Prince Moro:

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

I am afraid of the air pressure pillar of violent pressure. Without saying a word, a thick crack immediately broke out. The next moment, bang!

The air pillar burst.

Together with the void above Yang Xu's head, they were all cracked and annihilated and turned into a void black hole!

"Hahaha, good Kungfu! The strength is good, but it is unfortunately relatively resistant to me, still not enough!"

Prince Moro flying wildly, strong body, strong pace, dong dong dong!

Like an ancient beast, his feet stepped in the void, and imprinted deep tracks, with golden flames burning at the footprints.

Prince Moro's legs seemed to have turned into two pillars of flames at this moment, radiant and vigorous, and he shot down from top to bottom towards Yang Xu:

"Hulong, Hulong!"

Prince Moro’s legs, like a golden dragon, burst into the thunder of the vacant void, with unmatched momentum and unprecedented dominance!

"Come on well! Look at me, the Eighty-eight Gods air strike!"

Boom Boom Boom Boom...

In an instant, Yang Xu was almost cathartic, bursting out with 88 punches. The golden power of violent unparalleled rotation around Yang Xu, burning and stirring.

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