Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2804: Moro God Blood!

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In an instant, the eighty-eight punches, with no exceptions, blasted Prince Moro's body and legs.


Prince Moro screamed, and there was a roar in his legs. It was because Yang Xu's boxing skills were too fierce.

A total of eighty-eight punches, each of which is dignified and fierce, contains a subtle force that is substantive, and bombarded on his legs.

If Prince Moro had a strong physical body and his legs were as strong as a magic weapon, I am afraid that with just these punches, his legs would be broken.

Even worse!

More than half of the power of "Eighty Eight Gods Air Strike" broke Prince Moro's empty door and fell heavily on him.


Prince Moro's entire body was slammed into the sky hundreds of meters by Yang Xu from the bottom, and had not fallen down. His whole body was full of tremors, and he couldn't suppress it anymore. A gulp of blood came out.


Prince Moro drew a cool breath, and the whole body's golden magic qi turned around, brushing!

Like a golden magic wind, he swept across ten meters in front of Yang Xu, a pair of deep eyes, full of rage and shock at this moment:

"You just hit me, what kind of punch? How could the power be so powerful?"

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes narrowed with a smile:

"Well, boxing is very common, but it's just a perfect divine skill I got when I just left the rivers and lakes."


Prince Moro's pupil shrank suddenly, and he was shocked:

"It's just a perfect divine art? A perfect-level divine art will erupt such a terrifying power, which is impossible! Unless..."

Prince Moro stared at Yang Xu in his eyes, "Unless your strength is strong enough to turn decay into a magical point!"

Even lower level exercises, used by real masters, will also erupt into shocking power.

It is like an ordinary pencil, but in the hands of a master painter, it can depict amazing masterpieces.

"Human, it seems that I really underestimated your strength."

Prince Moro's eyes, staring at Yang Xu faintly, seemed to want to see him thoroughly.

Yang Xu smiled coldly at this, "Well, how do I feel that this seems to be the second time you said this to me?"

"I advise you to try your best to get a higher evaluation of me! As for how high you should think of me, the level that can kill you at any time!"

Yang Xu's remarks are not polite.

Prince Moro sneered at this, slammed his body, and dissipated again:

"I will unscrew your head before you kill me!"

"Okay, let you twist."

Yang Xu shrugged his shoulders carelessly. The next moment, he directly punched his fist and slammed straight ahead:

"Heavenly Fist!"


The violent punching force shattered the void in front of me, an ancient paradise, coming through the void.

What surprised Yang Xu was that this time, this ancient ancient paradise did not explode with fierce killing power, but exploded in an instant.

The ancient heaven, which shattered into the energy of the sky, at the same time, Yang Xu thought of the sound of the system in his mind:

【Ding! 】

[The value of Heavenly Punch Proficiency! Level up! Current level: lv20 full level! 】


Yang Xu will get this set of "Fist of Heaven" and has already reached the limit.

So much so that "Heavenly Fist" has undergone a radical change.

Yang Xu sensed the advanced direction of the next stage of "Fist of Heaven":


That shattered into the sky, the golden light shone, and the light of a rune began to converge and rise, and a divine angel was born in the golden light of the sky.

It shines through the whole body, a pair of white wings, exuding a holy brilliance, the moment the wings flapped, snorted!

The divine light, like a sword, shot towards Prince Moro.

"not good!"

As a demon, he was most afraid of the energy of the sacred lineage, especially when Yang Xu punched out and a holy angel was born.

Prince Moro did not dare to carelessly;


He was like a black magic smoke, swept around and dodged the divine swords.

And the holy angels condensed in Yang Xu's "Fist of Heaven", a pair of white angel wings are open, hula!

The angel's wings were shaken and turned into a beam of light, and they shot towards Prince Moro.

It was too late, and soon, the angel transformed into a fist of Heavenly Fist instantly blasted on the body of Prince Moro, and suddenly, poof!

It was like pouring hot water on top of the hot iron, and there was a white smoke rising from Prince Moro's body, as if the whole person was about to melt away.

"not good!"

"Molu God blood, burn me!"

Teng Teng Teng!

Prince Moro surrounded him, and the golden flame instantly turned into a black color, as if the ink was swirling around, constantly swirling and sweeping in the void.

The sacred power wrapped around him was instantly flicked out by these dark-colored demons.


Prince Moro's chest was left with an angel-shaped mark, and there was a black magic blood flowing out of it.

"You actually hurt me! Humans, you actually hurt me!"

Prince Moro drank low in his mouth, and in Yang Xu's speechless eyes, he laughed in the sky:

"Hahaha! Is this the feeling of being hurt? Is this the feeling of bleeding? Humans, thanks to you, I finally realized the joy of fighting!"

"To express gratitude to you, I will give you eternal death soon!"

"You, I burned the blood of Mo Luo God!"

Prince Moro said, calling...

The black ink-like flames around them all absorbed and gathered into his body, at the same time, thumping!

Behind him was a pair of huge demonic wings, all black, branded with a rune of demons.

at the same time.

The prince Moro's eyes flashed brightly, scorn!

He was like a black lightning, disappeared from the spot instantly, the next moment, he flashed in front of Yang Xu:


Prince Moro punched, violent and unparalleled strength, straight to Yang Xu.

As soon as Yang Xu's head was biased, he escaped the punch of Prince Moro, but the moment he escaped, Yang Xu's pupil shrank suddenly:


"His goal is not me!"

That's right, what Prince Moro really wanted to do was not to hit Yang Xu, but through this punch, the ground behind De Yang Xu was directly shattered.

Suddenly, smoke and dust rolled up suddenly, blocking Deyang Xu's vision.

Prince Moro outside the dust groaned loudly in his hand, and a Fangtian painted halberd appeared in his hand:

"Stab me!"

嗤嗤嗤嗤......In an instant, thousands of halberd shadows, like a peacock opening, erupted, penetrated through layers of smoke and dust, assassinated Xiang Yangxu!

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