Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2808: What to do with you

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On the second floor, Yang Xu was eating, and the voice of the provocator downstairs was naturally in his ears.

But there is no point in ignoring each other.

The other guests of the restaurant were all on the side of Chaoyangxu, who were surprised.

Seeing the man with the blue dragon tattoo, he rushed to the second floor, and everyone's expression could not help changing:

"It turned out to be him!"

"That famous evil spirit is said to be able to control the power of Thunder!"

"Can that human being be an evil opponent?"

Some knowledgeable guests frowned, thinking this was not easy:

Although this evil spirit is a bit cruel, he is not a generation with nothing to do. Why did he not live with a young man this time?

And this aggressive look is not like looking for someone to compare, but like looking for revenge.

Seeing the tall evil spirit, he rushed to the second floor, with the face of Qinglong tattoo hanging, and glared at the customers around him:


The customers fled, and 10% went to 90%, making the restaurant owner angry, and dared not step forward.

The few remaining guests, Xiu Wei was in the body, did not escape, but instead looked at the evil spirit with great interest and went to Yang Xu.

What surprised them was.

The human young man didn't have the intention to deal with evil and evil spirits from beginning to end, burying himself to eat.

Even if the evil spirits rushed to him, Yang Xu still calmly dine.

On the contrary, it was the companion at the table next to him with big fish and meat, and when he saw the evil spirit rushing over, he couldn't help but glare:

"Master! Do you want to solve this kid?"

Yang Xu didn't look up:

"Just whatever you want, don't disturb me for dinner."

Having some activities with that Demon man, Yang Xu now has a good appetite.

The thousand-faced beast seemed to have received the imperial edict. His eyes suddenly lighted up, and his gaze to the evil spirit was like looking at his prey:

"Come on, you have heard my master's words too. If you want to trouble him, I am afraid you are not qualified."

This remark came out.

The few customers left around could not help changing their looks slightly:

What are these foreigners, including the human teenager?

Actually calmer than the Vatican master?

At this moment, the blue dragon tattoo on his face was distorted, because his face was angry and ignored, his eyes were angry, and he stared at Yang Xu fiercely:

"Human boy! Do you even have the guts to fight me? I..."


Before the evil myth was finished, he was kicked and flew out by the thousand-faced beast:

"What special nonsense, do you still want to challenge my master? Go down and I will fight with you!"

The foot of the Thousand-faced Beast, with its strong strength, directly kicked the evil spirits and smashed the second-floor guardrail and fell down.

The Thousand-faced Beast also jumped up and appeared on the first floor. His feet just touched the ground and crackled!

A black bolt of lightning struck him head-on.

Evil and evil shot, and the first attack is the most powerful offensive, his inner anger made him want to kill this guy in one blow.

Thousand-faced beast saw this, but his eyes glared:

"Good boy! It's dark enough!"

Golden Black God Bell Bell!


The body of the thousand-faced beast was covered with golden shields, black lightning struck it, and only a ripple was caused.

The next moment, scorn!

Thousand-faced beast is not at all polite, shaking his hand and hacking out "Kunpeng Sword Sword Qi". The dark kunpeng Sword Sword Qi contains awe-inspiring divine power, rushing to the evil evil god.

The majestic and sharp sword spirit, wherever it passed, cut the bluestone floor on the ground directly, exposing a layer of mud cracks.

Evil God's face couldn't be changed greatly, and the dark sword gas hadn't rushed. He already felt the horror strength contained in this sword:

"No! This sword is so strong!"

Evil God shook his heart, his hands shook violently, boom!

Black lightning flashed out one after another, bursting the void one after another, and finally blocked and canceled the black sword gas.

Thousand-faced beast saw this, his brow could not help but pick:

"Interesting, come again and see if you can't stop it!"


Thousand-faced beast once again urged "Kunpeng's Sword Qi", and it was a whole three steps.

At first sight, this time he completely changed his face:

Good fellow, it takes a lot of effort to block one sword and nine cows and two tigers. This time there are three ways, how can you stop them?

The strength of a man is so powerful, it is unimaginable, how powerful will this kid's master be?

Evil God at this moment, very regretful heart, looking for help, could not help looking back.

Seeing the three fierce sword spirits of Kunpeng, tearing the void and the earth, they will be cut down on the evil spirit, and at this moment, hula!

A white figure flew out, his hands flicked forward casually, swish!

Three snow-white butterflies, passing away in a flash, bang bang bang!

The three fierce sword spirits cut by the thousand-faced beast were blocked by the three snow-white butterflies, but the three butterflies were all blown to pieces.

Looking at Evil God, there was a man in white clothes with extremely beautiful face. In the eyes of a pair of peach blossoms, there was a hint of coldness at this moment, and he looked at Evil God:


Evil God hung the face of Qinglong tattoo, and suddenly his face jumped, and he wanted to be angry, but he could think of the horrible strength of the white man. He couldn't help but swallow this breath.

"I'm not the opponent of this person. I'm afraid the owner of this person will be more powerful. You have to shoot it yourself."


The man in white lifted it up, and a snow-white elixir flew into the hands of evil spirits. Suddenly, a strange floral fragrance diffused away.

All the passers-by around were exposed and intoxicated:

"What a fragrant smell, what is this medicine?"

The man in white said much lazily, and gave a cold glance, "Go away."

He looked at the second floor.

Evil grieved the illustrious elixir, he was ecstatic, and he just turned to leave.

Behind him, there was a voice of Yuzaiyouzai:

"It's all here. It's boring to leave without a win or lose."

Brush brush!

All the people, including the white man, looked at Yang Xu on the second floor.

At this point Yang Xu had already finished his meal, and he didn't even look downstairs, but instead turned his head and asked the Kudu monk next to him:

"It was offended to kill in front of the master."

Monk Kudu looked indifferent:

"Anyone who has entered the Devil's Barrier, kills and kills. As for the other, the demon elements, everyone in the Brahma world is to blame."

Monk Kudu looked at the man in white from the second floor, and his plain eyes flew across the murderous opportunity.

The white man frowned.

Yang Xu smiled, "Well, I will stop them."

The man in white couldn't help but sneer. "The arrogant man wants to destroy me. He looks down upon me too much." Yang Xu jumped down from the second floor and looked indifferently. "Oh, destroy you, what are you doing?"

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