Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2809: Give you a small warning

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As soon as Yang Xu jumped from the second floor, he immediately shot, advanced to the top-level "Fist of Heaven", and as soon as he appeared, there was an ancient heaven phantom, just like the ancient mountain, rolling down.

The huge divine breath made the white man slightly stunned.

As for the unlucky evil spirit, with a bang, the body exploded directly--

He couldn’t bear the power of Heavenly Fist at all!

Feeling the fierce pressure on his head, the white man's face was extremely ugly, and he hurriedly worked his whole body skills, poof!

The dense butterflies flew out of his body, and in an instant there were hundreds of millions of white butterflies that wrapped his body.

"What is that? Demon Clan or Demon Clan?"

The little nun was on the second floor, his brows frowned, and his face was puzzled.

The monk Kudu said lightly, "It's the devil's skill, it's used for escape."

"Escape? Well, Yang Xu will not be in danger."

The little nun was relieved, but the monk Kudu smiled bitterly:


Ha ha, as long as Yang Xu is willing, there is probably nothing in this world that can threaten him.

Just because the white man wanted to hurt Yang Xu, it was a thousand miles away!


Yang Xu's "Fist of Heaven" is astonishing. The phantom of ancient heaven was resisted by the white man with hundreds of millions of butterflies for a moment.

The next moment, in the ancient paradise, a divine angel came, its white wings flickered lightly, hundreds of millions of butterflies, and suddenly disappeared.

The man in white was forced directly:

I'm going, should I be so exaggerated? The snow butterfly that condensed with more than 50% of its own skills, then the human boy collapsed with a punch?

Lazy even the second punch?

The white man looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, full of surprise and shock.

However, what made him even more unexpected was that Yang Xu was more than a trick to break the butterflies. After the angel of the Holy Wing came, the whole body of the Holy Light waved and flew directly towards the white man.

A ray of holy light, like a golden awn, reflects the void, and the huge pressure will make the white man directly nailed to the spot:


The holy angel rushed through the body of the white man.

The next second wow...

The white man's face is stiff, his body seems to have turned into gravel, and he shattered the ground directly, so he can't die anymore!

"Let me see if it is a spy from the Demon Race!"

Yang Xuchao grabbed a big hand in the void, "Ah let me go! Spare me!"

A soul was captured by Yang Xu. It was the man in white, and the whole body was filled with magical energy, and he wanted to escape.

"Offended me and the master, do you still want to go? Who sent you?"

Yang Xu coldly said.

The white man's soul was twisted and he wanted to resist. Yang Xu was too lazy to talk to him nonsense, and directly performed Soul Search, and got what he wanted:

"Black King, Ape Rainbow, Prince Moro?"

Yang Xu raised his brow slightly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I can't think of the realm of the Moluo Kingdom, even their princes have fought me."

Yang Xu knew the identity of the Mozu man. He was the elder brother of the tenth prince and the crown prince of the Moluo Kingdom.

The other two, one is a gigantic ape demon, the other is the mysterious black prison king, seems to be related to the underworld.

"Interestingly, these guys are hardened and want to prevent me from going back to the small hall."

Yang Xuchao smiled at the monk, "It seems that there is not a single iron in the small Brahma courtyard?"

Monk Kudu nodded and a bit of a wry smile appeared on his face, "Embarrassment is ahead, the entire Brahma world is insecure by itself, no wonder some fellow students have made a mistake..."

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"You can see it openly. It's okay to make a mistake, but don't turn to the Devil."


A golden fire appeared in his hand, which burned the soul of the white man directly.

Yang Xu clapped his hands. "Okay, the signal has been sent. I guess that the Black Prison King will immediately know that I have discovered their existence. It is up to them to decide whether or not to die."

"Let's go to the small hall!"

As the Du'e King Kong chosen by the Vatican masters, Yang Xu was not taken seriously, but now the more people stop it, the more interested he is.

"Maybe in the end, it can help me further improve the plan, even the Moro Kingdom and the God Prison have been mixed in. This time it will be hilarious..."

In Yang Xu's eyes, the light flashed, and no one could guess what he was thinking.

Everyone set foot on the avenue Zulong and walked towards the direction of the Little Brahma Temple.

Everyone in the remaining cities and towns waited and looked at Yang Xu's back, envied and admired.

In the valley.

The Black Prison King, who was surrounded by evil spirits and ghosts, was originally meditating, and suddenly his face suddenly turned white, and a blood stain appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The boring ape rainbow next to him, playing with his ebony spear, could not help blinking his eyes at this moment:

"What's wrong? Could it be that the test over the human boy failed?"

The Black Prison King nodded, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. "This Yangxu, it seems a bit interesting. This is calling me a challenge."

"Yingdie was careless in her work and was killed by Yang Xu. In addition, he already knew the existence of us."

As soon as this remark came, Prince Moro's eyes flashed:

"He knew the kingdom of Moro?"

The black prison king sneered, "Do you know how? It's weird? I'm afraid you don't know yet. Your brother has already seen Yang Xu and was almost killed by Yang Xu."

Prince Moro's expression suddenly changed, "Old ten? Is he really here?"

The Black Prison King nodded, "It's not just us who came to see Yang Xu. The shepherd of what kind of prison is also here, as well as the past sons of the past era."

When the Black Prison King said this, his eyes snapped:



A black sharp arrow shot straight into a corner, and I saw that the void was twisted. When the black light was blown out, a man wearing a gown and holding an ivory fracture fan in his hand, laughing Go out:

"Oh, is this the strongest of the demons, so welcome?"

Sensing the empty, volatile atmosphere in the man's body, the Black Prison Master could not help blinking:

"It really happened in time. Are you here to cooperate with us against Yang Xu?"

A wise son holding an ivory fracture fan in his hand, his eyes flashed and laughed:

"Talking to smart people is fun, yes, it must be a bit hard to deal with a Yang Xu with your strength? More importantly, that human kid still has a lot of hole cards..."

Black Prison sneered:

"Oh? Are you saying that there is a fairy artifact on Yang Xu's body?"

When this remark came out, whether it was the wise son or the Prince Moro, all exclaimed: "What? Yang Xu still has a fairy?"

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