Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2813: Thunder means to suppress!

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In the small hall, in the Buddha Hall.

A group of monks sat and waited. In the middle was a monk wearing a bright red cassock. There was a faint color between the eyebrows and his eyes were thrown out of the hall from time to time.

A bright-eyed monk next to him asked him:

"Master, why are you so anxious to see Duer King Kong? I heard that he made a lot of credit this time, and if he did it in time, we might not be able to withstand the attacks of those demons." "Oh, Ascetic, you are still young and don’t understand many things. I think the style of Erjin Kong’s behavior is resolute, and it’s not the kind of surrender. If he is involved in the matter of the small Brahma, I’m afraid Will stick to

Fight against demons instead of detours..."

"Master, since we have the help of Duer King Kong, we have great strength, why do we have to go roundabout?"

The monk dressed in bright red shawl was stunned by the disciples, and then glared:

"Less nonsense! You know a fart, that human kid just looks great! The ancient demon who can't even hold the Brahma Pillar, he can fight against Yang Xu with a broken book? Joke!"

The disciple still wanted to talk, but he was angrily blocked:

"Stop talking, Yang Xu will be here for a while, I will let you do whatever you want, and you won't need to say anything else!"


The disciple with bright eyes flashed a doubt in his eyes, and no more talk.

The other monks in the Buddha Temple closed their eyes one after another and did not speak.

At this time, there was a footstep outside the Buddha’s temple, and people did not arrive first. "What about the monk? Come out and let me see what those boneless surrenders look like."


Yang Xu was like a wind, swept across, holding the Void Beast in his arms, followed by the Thousand Face Beast.

The little nun was inconvenient, but Yang Xu didn't let her follow.

But even so, he appeared in this Buddha's temple, which was incompatible with the tranquil atmosphere inside.

Yang Xu’s eyes were like electricity, and only a slight swipe on everyone in the Buddha Hall directly locked the monk wearing a bright red robe:

"You are clear?"

The monk wearing a bright red robe is naturally a monk of the Ming Dynasty. At this moment, his eyebrows are raised, and the tone is a bit cold and authentic:

"Are you Duo King Kong? Your title is not polite?"

"Hahaha, the monk is six pure and dedicated to Buddhism. Do you still care about this vain courtesy? Knowing monk, you are not professional."

Yang Xu had no good opinion about Ming monk, but now he is even more contemptuous of him.

Even, he did not conceal this contempt at all, his eyes glanced obliquely, and looked at the monk Ming and those around him:

"These people are just like you. They don't dare to deal with the demons without their bones. They insist on patting their **** to escape?"

As soon as this remark came out, the other monks in the hall suddenly glared at Yang Xu, but there were also a few sheepish blushes.

But it became clear that Ming monk was not one of them. He yelled at Yang Xu: "Yang Xu, you are arrogant! What do Huangkou children understand? The devil is powerful. I am a roundabout tactic. No worries, no firewood, if you really rushed up as recklessly as you think, if you can't do it, you will be caught in the deceit of the devil

The whole army of Xiaofanyuan was annihilated. How to make a comeback? "

Yang Xu sneered and sneered:

"The spine has softened, and I have to fight back. It's clear. I'm too lazy to talk to you nonsense. If only you two surrenders, I don't want to waste my time. Give you two choices--"

Yang Xu's condescending eyes looked down at the monk Ming with contempt, but he didn't look at this group of people with a positive eye:

"The first choice, I will suppress you here by means of thunder. No matter whether the demon races into the small hall, your final ending is to coexist with the small hall, whether you want it or not!"

"The second choice is to obey my assignment, and follow me to deal with the demon. The monks who have a small Brahma over the Brahma Pillar are temporarily suppressed. We don’t need to worry about us. First, we will fight back the demon. , Think about the Brahma Pillar!"

Yang Xu's words were decisive and resolute, and the feasibility was extremely high.

When he said these words, a few of the people sitting behind the Ming monk suddenly showed their emotions.

Even, even the youngest monk who was closest to the Ming monk heard Yang Xu's words.

But when he looked at the back of Ming monk, he felt a little hesitant.

Yang Xuming's observation of Qiuhao naturally put the young monk's expression in his eyes, and his heart moved:

It seems that the crux of the problem is still this clear monk. Either he is really greedy for life or death, or this guy is the spy who the Mozu broke into the small Brahma courtyard, specifically to shake the army's heart!

No matter which one, Yang Xu has every reason to suppress it!

"Not much nonsense, you are being suppressed!"

Five Elements Avenue!

Yang Xu didn't say a word, his big hand rushed out and hummed!

In the Buddha's Temple, there are five elements of magical power, and the crazy gathering swept over.

It became clear that the monk couldn't help but change his complexion, but he didn't expect that the human kid would just say fight.

Shoot directly in the Buddha Hall!

"Teacher Brother, Du Ergang is so presumptuous, don't you care?"

The Ming monk flashed his eyes, and looked at the master of the monk Kudu, and the monk Fan.

The monk Xuebai Longbeard shivered slightly, and a trace of decisiveness flashed in the old eyes:

"Amitabha! From the moment Duo King Kong rescued the monks in my small Brahma academy, he has become the leader of the fight against the Devil. The old monk will support all his decisions!"

"Hahaha, you know you're overwhelmed and still have a mood to talk to others?"

"Suppress me!"

Yang Xu burst into a blast, and a cluster of avenue runes boiled from the ancestral dragon of the avenue. The fierce avenue of the avenue fluctuated, which made the other monks in the Buddha's palace all changed:

"This is... the fluctuation of the power of the avenue! How is this possible? Du Erking where did he get a avenue from?"

"And this is not an ordinary avenue, it is the five-element avenue that is related to the foundation of the world and the most original!" The terror wave of "Five-element avenue", after being warmly nurtured by the ancestors of the avenue, when it broke out, it released the power of terror Come, Yang Xu's big hand flashed with five colors of divine light, condensing the five elements of divine power, with an unmatched rage

Breath, directly suppressed toward the Ming monk.

This blow was fast and thunderous, and the power was majestic. Rao was an extraordinary monk, and it was too late to explode at this moment.

Directly stunned by the power of "Five Elements Avenue"

"Good boy, help yourself to help the teacher!"

The clear monk looked at the bright monk.

The little monk hesitated a bit, and happened to see Yang Xuchao’s expectation from him. He couldn’t help but shake his head firmly: “I’m sorry Master, you don’t want to fight the Demon Race, just take a rest and wait to kill the Demon Race, Just let you out!"

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