Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2814: Ape Rainbow Kills

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The Ming monk had no idea that even his own disciples had betrayed himself. Disappointment appeared again on his face, and the unwillingness in his eyes made his face look gloomy.

Beside Master Fan, he frowned, waiting for him to speak, booming!

Yangxu's Wuxing Avenue has turned into a mountain of five colors, and will be suppressed by the Ming monk directly. Just when he suppressed the Ming monk, there was a golden cloud above the sky in the distance. From above the cloud stood a golden-haired monkey with a black spear in his hand and a pair of red There are golden lights in the colored eyes



Ape Rainbow's eyes sharply stared at the direction of Xiao Fan Yuan, and he sensed that the powerful power of heaven and earth there fluctuated, and his expression could not help changing:

"this is……"

The breath of Wuxing Avenue!

Who actually mastered the Five Elements Avenue that is the origin of heaven and earth?

According to the old fellow of the Black Prison King, isn't the lower realm unable to capture the breath of Sanqian Avenue? Only the most obvious three thousand great skills can be mastered by the practitioners.

Who is it that actually controls the Three Thousand Avenues that the lower realm does not have?

At this moment, a strong excitement flashed in Ape Hong's eyes:

"Great! It was really the right time for me to come this time, thanks to the Black Prison King who gave me the task of decoy. This time, not only can I capture the spirit stone in Yang Xu's body, but also have the opportunity to plunder this trace of heaven and earth!"

Even if Ape Hong exerted his imagination to the extreme, he only thought that the one in the Little Brahma Garden would get only a trace of heaven and earth.

It is absolutely unthinkable that Yang Xu in the Little Brahma Temple obtained a complete heaven and earth avenue, and it still involves the highest level of existence of the origin of heaven and earth! "Everyone, this cartilage is known, and I have suppressed it. I will kill myself if I do a lot of wrongdoing. If you know that cartilage is a faction, even his apprentices can't stand it anymore. I think you are also confused by Ming. Now Give you the opportunity to punish the crime!


After Yang Xu suppressed the Ming with thunder, these surrenders suddenly broke up.

Without waiting for him to say more, these people have taken the initiative to show that they should make a contribution by committing crimes.

"I will organize a counterattack immediately. Everyone in the Demon Clan will be blamed. Our little Brahma Palace will not let them siege and never fight back!"

"This time, I will go straight to the Devil's Nest, and the battle will be very fierce. Maybe some of you will sacrifice, but for the small hall, for the people of Li Min..."

Before Yang Xu finished his speech, the disciple who practiced the monk's aspirations had already burst into thunder:

"We are willing to give everything!"


Behind the ascetic monk's void, a huge vajra halo phantom emerged, and a violent power burst from his body.

Next to Master Fan, his eyes lightened slightly when he saw this:

Unexpectedly, asceticism broke through at this juncture, it seems that the magic barrier at the bottom of the heart was removed, and the mind was clear and peaceful.

Monk Kudu also looked at the ascetic monk with some relief at the moment, "Brother Ascetic, I will go with you to demons!"

Monk Kudu folded his hands together, and behind him also appeared a phantom of a vajra Arhat with grief.

The other monks in the hall also showed their fighting spirit and morale.

At this time, Yang Xu's eyes suddenly flickered:



He glanced like a sword, bursting out, and slashing straight into the sky outside the hall, suddenly, poof!

A golden light flashed in the void, and a golden cloud was penetrated by Yang Xu's eyes. "Hahaha, Yang Xu, I can't think you are really mixed with these monks, so I want to counterattack with these local chickens and dogs. Mozu?"

The golden hair of Aehong's whole body shone brightly, as if covered with a layer of golden armor, and the dark magic gun in his hand also exuded a rich magical energy.

He stood above the golden clouds, condescending, looking down at Yang Xu, when he had to say a few provocative words.

Yang Xu below, sneered:

"Get me off!"


Suddenly there was a loud noise on the top of the head, and the face of Ape Rainbow suddenly changed, and the sky above him was covered by a huge shadow. Ape Rainbow looked around and found that it was a big hand covering the sky and the sun.

What changed the appearance of Ape Rainbow was that the gigantic palm fingers lingered in the fluctuations of the Five Elements Avenue.

Ape Rainbow couldn't help but startle:

"Five Elements Avenue!"

"Is the person who got a ray of Five Elements Avenue a human kid?"

Ape Rainbow's horror lasted only a moment, and then a burst of ecstasy:

"Hahaha, I really don't have any place to break through iron shoes. I have to come here without any effort! Exactly, today I will fool you, a human kid, and seize all your chances!"

Buzz, buzz!

In the eyes of the ape rainbow, the red light flashed, and a ray of rich demon gas suddenly gathered in his eyes. This red demon gas even made him look like electricity, and directly penetrated the body of Yang Xu:


Ape Rainbow saw that in the deepest part of Yang Xu's body, there was a magical nine-knowledge stone containing the spirit of heaven and earth, the essence of nature, so that Ape Hong just glanced at it and his heart was beating:

"This is the most compatible existence with my origin! This spirit stone is unworthy of human beings in your area, it is mine!"

"Break me!"

With the explosion of Ape Rainbow, scorn!

The dark magic gun in his hand, stabs fiercely toward the huge palm that fell over his head. After a while, a tornado storm condensed out from the dark gunpoint, and Cyclonus was spinning, drilling into Yang Xu’s "Palm world".

At the moment, everyone in the Xiaofanyuan was stupid. I did not expect that the Mozu even sent such a powerful demon king.

More importantly, there seems to be something that the Devil Ape conspires on Duer King Kong!

"Uncle Master, will Duo Kong Kong be okay? Should we help?"

The ascetic monk didn’t know much about Yang Xu’s strength, but the monk Kudu just smiled and shook his head:

"No need to help, since Yang Xu did not evade, it means that the demon ape is not his opponent! Waiting to see it, this demon will be surrendered immediately."

It seems to confirm the words of the monk Kudu, and seeing that the big hand that covers the sky and the sun, is about to be directly penetrated by the black magic gun wrapped in the dragon.

At this moment, hum... a fantasy world phantom was formed in the giant palm of Yangxu. At the same time, a star, a big sun, and a bright moon condensed and emerged in the palm. The moment they appeared, there was a ray of nature. The breath of the laws of the avenue and the world

Following integration.

"This is...world magic power in the palm? You actually practiced the world magic power in the palm to the point of evolving the real world!"

Feeling the huge resistance that the magic gun suffered, the magic ape and the rainbow could not help but exclaimed, and a pair of enchanting eyes flashed incredible.

Then, he screamed: "However, even if you cultivate the world in your palm to the limit, you can't stop me!"

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