Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2816: I would like to help you

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"Block me!"

On the side of Ape Rainbow, facing the "Kunpeng Sword Qi" cut by Yang Xu, he was completely aroused by the fierceness. His huge body, like the sun and the moon, was full of enchantment in his eyes, holding the magic gun in his hand. , Straight towards the fierce sword gas:


Ape Hong's double fists are like a black magic mountain, slamming toward the "Kunpeng fierce sword gas", violent energy, bombarded on the huge black sword gas continuously, making a clanging sound.

at the same time.

The huge devil qi in his hand was shrouded in black clouds, and the roaring roaring like a dragon, shattered the void, and fell hard against the black sword qi:

"Crush me!"


The black magic gun, Kunpeng sword gas, collided suddenly.

The aftermath of the violent energy set off a hurricane, sweeping in all directions, and the surrounding voids shattered into a cobweb-like crack.

The people in the small Brahma below all changed their faces, full of horror:

"Oh my god, what a terrible power this is! This level of fighting, I am afraid that only those master Daoists who suppress the Brahma Pillars can cope with it?"

All the monks in the small Brahma Temple present felt a huge gap in power disparity.

At the moment, the monk Kudu showed a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Master to the monk.

Master Fan flashed his eyes and sighed:

"Due King Kong is indeed extraordinary in strength and extraordinary in potential. I am afraid that it is those uncles who suppressed the Brahma Pillar, I am afraid that it can't be compared!"

this moment.

All the monks from the upper and lower halls were convinced of Yang Xu's strength.

Coupled with Yang Xu’s decisive crackdown on Ming’s monk’s move,   has his wrists and strength, and is indeed the best person to lead the small Brahma!

"Perhaps, our little Brahma Temple has not reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. There is Duer King Kong, and we still have hope!"

The desperation that was originally shrouded in demons in their hearts, and with Yang Xu's shot this time, all disappeared.

Above the sky dome, the fight between Yang Xu and Ape Hong continues. This monkey has been completely aroused by Yang Xu. Various tyrannical means continue to emerge, and he must be separated from Yang Xu.

As for the mission given by the Black Prison King to Ape Hong, the monkey has long been thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun.

And Yang Xu is also happy to play Ape Hong against himself. He just needs to upgrade the level of many divine skills to the limit. There is a free accompaniment to target, and he is too happy to be too late.

Another point worth mentioning is.

Yang Xu had a strong interest in the Jiuqiao Spirit Stone refined into the body by the Ape Rainbow. Since the monkey was going to grab his own Lingming God Stone, did he represent it? ?

What a huge benefit Yangming Shenshen brings to Yang Xu, Yang Xu knows it deeply.

If you can get the second Jiuqiao Shenshi, especially at the critical moment of starting the plan yourself, Jiuqiao Shenshi will be of great use!

By that time, his chances were truly seamless and cost-effective!

"That's it, monkey, the nine-know magic stone at the moment you melt inside is mine!"

A glimmer of light flashed in Yang Xu's eyes, looking at Ape Hong's eyes as if looking at a treasure belonging to him.

"Thousands of high-fives!"

"Undying Silkworm Fist!"

"Chaos God Spear!"

"Golden Eyes!"

Ape Hong successively shot, various tyrannical tricks and tricks, don't show it in destiny. The variety of powers, the power, made everyone in the small Brahma Palace discolored.


Faced with a stronger attack than the one after another, Yang Xu showed no signs of decline:

Eighty-eight Gods Air Combat!

Chaos Nine Tips!

Five rounds of King Kong!

Real Dragon Six!

Yang Xu used a long and familiar divine art, which was constantly used. At first, it was slightly inferior to Ape Rainbow.

However, as Yang Xu continued to use it continuously, he quickly became familiar with the magic techniques he used.

In addition, they have incorporated their own new insights into it, and suddenly they have been reborn and shine.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the proficiency of "Eighty Eight Gods Air Combat" is full, and the level is improved! Has reached the highest level lv12! 】

【Ding! 】

["Eighty Eight Gods Air Combat" has reached the full level, does it immediately break through the advanced stage? 】

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the proficiency of "Chaos Nine Trips" is full, and the level is improved! Has reached the highest level lv12! 】

【Ding! 】

["Chaos Nine Trips" has reached the full level, does it immediately break through the advanced stage? 】

In Yang Xu's mind, a series of prompts sounded continuously, but he did not pay attention to it, but his whole body of energy was violent, and the five-color divine light shone:

"Five rounds of diamond bodies, congeal!"

Clang clang!

On Yang Xu's tall body, there were five colors and five elements of divine light shining. His body seemed to be flowing through the elements of the golden wood, water, fire and earth.

The magical energy fluctuations, centered on Yangxu, suddenly filled in all directions.

Opposite, Ape Rainbow saw this scene, his eyes flashed, and sneered:

"Do body protection exercises? You think only you have it? I have it too!"

"Return to Xuan Gong!"


Ape Rainbow's head was empty, and the rolling magic cloud swept up, and there were nine magic lights of chaotic colors, flying out of the heavenly cover above his head, and transformed into nine figures exactly like Ape Rainbow.

The nine chaotic figures, suspended above Ape Rainbow's head, accompanied him with a rant, bang!

All merged into one, toward the body of Ape Rainbow:


The eyes of Ape Rainbow seem to be transformed into two ancient chaos, there is an ancient world, born in his eyes, there are two statues similar to the existence of Pangu ancestor, bred from his eyes.

"Nine and nine are one? Interesting, it seems that the potential of the Jiuqiao God Stone is not small..."

Yang Xu sensed the change of Ape Rainbow's breath and his eyes flickered. He felt that Ape Rainbow's Nine Trick God Stone seemed to have a greater potential than his own Spiritual God Stone!

"If this nine-knowledge **** stone can be refined into another incarnation, it will turn the world upside down, reversing the heavens and the earth, no matter what!"

At this moment, Yang Xu wanted to refine the Ape Rainbow and seize the Jiuqiao God Stone, becoming even more determined.

And thousands of miles away.

Prince Moro had a golden dragon under his feet, carrying him all the way, rushing towards the direction of the small hall.

Even if they were thousands of miles apart, Prince Moro could sense the violent energy fluctuations erupted in the battle between Ape Hong and Yang Xu.

"I knew that this monkey would be a bad thing. It was too late. I had to find a way to attract Yang Xu's attention immediately..."

Just as Prince Moro frowned, there was no sound behind him, and a voice sounded without warning: "Are you going to deal with the human kid Yang Xu? My Flying Eagle is willing to help you!"

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