Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2817: Ape Rainbow's killing intention

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The sound of no sign sounded behind Prince Moro, making Prince Moro's pupil suddenly shrink:

Flying Eagle? Who is this master?

He appeared behind him, he didn't even notice any breath of the other party in advance!

For a time, Prince Moro was extremely vigilant about this man's strength. When he turned around, he saw a spiral portal hanging in the void ten meters away.

A figure shrouded in a black robe from all over the body walked out of the spiral portal, no matter how the deceased Prince operated his eyesight, he could not always see the face of the man.

Prince Moro could not help frowning:

"Flying Eagle? I haven't heard of it. But if you really want to help me, at least want to show people in their true colors?"

"Oh, is it true that the face is important? If I want to lie to you, even if I put on another face, you can't see through it."

The man shrouded in black robe said quietly.

Prince Moro frowned slightly, his eyes flashing, and suddenly realized that this black robe figure seemed to be brewing a huge magical energy.

More importantly!

Prince Moro was still in this person's body, sensing a hidden power fluctuation of time and space!

Prince Moro's eyes gleamed with a flash of light:

"Huh, if I hadn't been in contact with those past sons, I'm afraid it's really not easy to perceive this force of time and space. This person is too weird to believe in!"

Thinking like this in his heart, Prince Moro could not help but reveal a trace of amazement, shook his head towards the black robe, and said decisively:

"Sorry senior, I have an important task, I am not suitable for asking others for help, I kindly lead, leave!"

When Prince Moro finished speaking, he raised his full guard to beware of this man's sudden attack.

To his surprise, however, the black robe only smiled faintly, waved his hand at will, and let himself go.

He didn't mean to block at all.

"It's strange, what is the origin of this mysterious man?"

When Prince Moro rushed straight towards the direction of the Little Brahma Temple, the figure disappeared completely.


The eagle gang leader, who was shrouded in black robe all over his body, appeared a strange mark beside him, and the void seemed to become a translucent stone wall, which was kicked away from the other end.

A space portal is formed in this way, and the bandage figure is wrapped around the body, and the only pair of eyes exposed outside have a playful look:

"The old fellow Moro, the skill of teaching children is not bad, the little guy is actually quite alert, not fooled by you."

The glory of the flying eagle helper stared at the figure with bandages all over his body:

"What do you mean, old man, do you want to say that I am prince Moro?"

"Oh, I didn't say that, but you sent Yang Xu so many gifts in a row, and you bothered to hate him. I was very strange: Are you the enemy of the human kid, or his? friend?"

The figure wrapped in bandages, gazing closely at the master of the flying eagle.

The eagle lord sneered:

"You still be the grave keeper of your watch tower! Tell you that the Five Domain Alliance is about to fall apart!"

Watching the powerful "tombkeeper" of the Xintaitai, he couldn't help smiling and looked in the direction of the demon world indifferently:

"Oh, what does it matter if the five domains are not broken? I don't even care about the survival of the Observatory!"

The gravekeeper sighed long:

"Ah, in fact, all endings have already been doomed, and those stupid people are not going to let Yang Xu go, but instead chased to the world of Brahma for thousands of miles. To sieve Yang Xu, the Five Domains Demon Sect is already gone. On the road of no return!"

The eagle helper heard a speechless voice:

"As a member of the Observatory, you claim that your sect is a demon sect, is this appropriate?"

"Whether it's appropriate or inappropriate, is it so important? See, those idiots are really here!"

The tomb-keeper, who was wrapped with bandages all over the body, seemed unwilling to meet people and turned his head into the space portal:

"You should deal with them, according to your arrangement, anyway, I am too lazy to see these stupid."


The tombkeeper disappeared.

Several other figures flashed in front of the leader of the flying eagle, so that the eyes of the leader of the flying eagle flashed a cold light:

"Everyone, you really can't wait to kill Yang Xu. Well, Yang Xu is not far ahead, but if you come a step late, there are already other demons that have started against Yang Xu..."

Over the small hall.

The battle between Yang Xu and Yahong has been going on for more than ten minutes.

What amazed everyone at Xiaofanyuan was that both of them had a wide-opening combination, and the power was extremely violent. The fierce and overbearing momentum made them breathtaking.

Especially the cultivators of Yangxu and Xiaofanyuan could not imagine how a weak human could cultivate to such a terrible state.

Terrifyingly, this man is still so young!

"I don't know who Yang Xu has more potential than Brother Lingxiu?"

These young monks sighed with some doubt.

Monk Kudu heard the words and couldn't help smiling:

"Lingxiu's kid has also said that Yang Xu is close to his mouth. In his speech, he worships Yang Xu very much. In terms of potential, Lingxiu should be worse than Yang Xu..."

Next to Master Fan heard the words, but shook his head with a smile:

"No, it's not that bad. Lingxiu's qualifications and potential are enough, but the mentality is still far worse than when he came from Erjin."

"And more importantly, the Duer King Kong you are seeing is actually only showing half of his strength."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in Xiaofanyuan suddenly took a breath.


Such a powerful force is only a small part of his skill? What a joke!

Does that mean that Yang Xu would be even more terrible if he tried his best? Not even that monster monkey is his opponent?

Monk Kudu heard Master's words, but nodded in agreement, not to mention, there are still many magic weapons that Yang Xu didn't use.

And it is said that he also has a powerful fairy!

Above the sky.

Ape Hong and Yang Xu have come and gone, fighting thousands of rounds. In Yang Xu's mind, the system keeps sounding a clear prompt:

In just a short time, the various magic techniques Yang Xu has practiced have been improved one after another.

It's a small harvest.

The opposite Ape Rainbow is more and more frightened, more and more bottomless:

I have already mastered all kinds of exercises and divine arts, but I haven’t thought that the human kid in front of me has mastered more than himself!

More importantly, the power of every divine art is so powerful!

"Can't delay anymore, fight quickly and **** the Jiuqiao God Stone!" In the eyes of Ape Hong, a cold killer broke out!

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