Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2818: Dragon Slaughter!

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"Return to mystery, change undead! Jiuqiao God Ape, really the same! Open!"

The huge monster body of Ape Rainbow is instantly divided into nine. Behind each monster body, there is a shadow of the magic stone of Jiuqiao God.

The eyes of Jiu Dao's rainbow demon's body, red as blood, with dense mysterious hundreds of thousands of mysterious runes, exploded from his pupils.


In the hands of Ape Hong, the black magic gun, under the blessing of his Nine Trick God Stone, also burst instantly, and there was an atmosphere of the ancient dragon clan that burst out from the broken magic gun:

Yin Yang...

The real dragon roared, condensed in the void, and the next moment, wrapped around the broken magic gun.

Nine statues of ape rainbow demon body, all holding Panlong magic gun, divided into nine directions, surrounded Yang Xu:

"Yang Xu, today is your death time! Your Jiuqiao God Stone and your Five Elements Avenue are all mine!"


At this moment, the ape rainbow completely broke out, and it was necessary to kill Yang Xu completely.

And so far, the trace of Yangxuxiu's face, which was originally hanging, finally faded away, and replaced it with a cold and indifferent look:

"Well, the game is over? Do you want to kill me? It seems that I really leave you in awe."

"Well, then it's over!"

Yang Xu's body flicked lightly, and there was a void behind him, and suddenly there were eight divine world portals emerging.

at the same time.

There are eight figures exactly like Yang Xu, who emerged from those eight strange portals.

"Eight-phase world, eight-phase separation, can't think of such a use."

Yang Xu looked at eight identical selves, a smile flashed in his eyes, and finally his eyes fell on Li Huofen, who was dressed in white, and nodded with a smile:

"Trouble you again."

A white-clothed fire avatar, but the temperament is colder than Yang Xu, said lightly:

"You and I are one, you don't have to be polite."

The other seven avatars are also in unison:

"That's right!"

Yang Xu smiled:

"Okay, this monkey wants to kill me, then let him kill him."

With a flash of figure, Yang Xu suddenly appeared above the head of Ape Rainbow's body, a blood-red light flashed in his hand, and the Lankinus Wraith Gun appeared, assassinating him abruptly towards Ape Rainbow:

"Go kill!"

"It's a coincidence that there is a magic gun. Yang Xu has a lot of good babies in your hands!"

Ape Hong exclaimed, and found the sight of the treasure in his eyes. At the same time, he could not help but sigh in his heart. It is worthy of being the son of the destiny of this world. He had such good luck and got so many superb treasures.


Ape Hong waved the Panlong magic gun in his hand, and was also heading towards Yang Xu. The eight avatars behind him, also towards Yang Xu's eight phases, rushed to death.


This piece of Tianyu has become a killing field of gods and demons. The huge demon spirit and rolling divine power cover the sky and cover the whole sky.

Even the light of the sun and the moon has been completely obscured, turning this piece of the world into a land of doom.

Below, almost all the monks in Xiaofanyuan, including the monks of assassination and ascetic monks, were completely stunned.

Even, even Master Fan did not imagine that Yang Xu would have such terrifying power.

And don’t forget, so far, Yang Xu hasn’t even used the slightest power of the Eternal Immortal Scripture!

"Eternal immortal immeasurable scriptures" originated from the Brahma god, but that is specifically to restrain the power of the demons!

"Is this guy still a human being? My God, it turned out that last time he fought me, did he even use 50% of his power?"

Not far away, Prince Moro who finally arrived here saw the scene of Deyang Xu and Ape Rainbow Fighting in his eyes.

Whether out of selfishness or curiosity, he didn't step forward immediately to stop, but watched beside him.

This is an earth-shattering world war. The violent power and the fierce devil's energy confront each other, so that even the well-known existence of Prince Moro can't help but be dazzled:

"I didn't expect this monkey to be so powerful? I really underestimated his "Guiyi Xuangong" before!" "Guiyi Xuangong was urged to the extreme, and then cooperated with the power of his Jiuqiao God Stone, it was so terrifying. However, what is even more powerful is that Yang Xu didn't fall down at all. His eight magical avatars had the fluctuation of the power of the world...


Prince Moro was speechless for a while. What is going on here today, and how do he always encounter these perverted masters?

On the way before, he met a mysterious person with fluctuations in the power of time and space within the individual. Now this Yang Xu is more exaggerated. Each of the eight avatars has the power of the world!

"It's finally here! I sensed the familiar breath, and the lady was killed by this man's kill!"

A man with a demon-like enthusiasm, but a somewhat handsome face, appeared with a teenager, not far from Prince Moro.

When Prince Moro saw the two figures, especially the handsome man, his eyes narrowed slightly:

"It's a chaotic heart forest! Five-domain alliance also sent people?"

The handsome man, Prince Moro, knew it, but one of the masters of the Five Realms Demon Sect, the famous master of the world, Tulong Daoren!

"The Tulong Daoists have rarely intervened in the affairs of the devil world, and they are only absorbed in practicing magic skills. How come he came this time? Is it because of the Liuli Lady?"

The Tulong Daoren and Liuli Madam are two pairs of Dao Dao companions in the chaotic heart forest, and they have very good feelings for each other, but before the Yangxu Demon Realm and his party seemed to kill the Liuli Madam.

"It turns out that the Tulong Daoren are here to avenge their ladies? That boy next to him is his child? No, the Tulong Daoren have never heard of any descendants..."

Prince Moro stared at the young man beside Tulong Daoren, and he saw that the young man's lips were red and white, and there was a madness in his body.

Prince Moro started the pupil surgery, looked at it, and couldn't help laughing:

It turned out to be a little snake demon, don't know what to do with Tulong Daoren?

"Ying Ning, this Yang Xu killed your master. If you want to take revenge, this is your chance!"

Tulong Dao Ren said,   grab a hand into the void, brush!

A dragon was actually taken out of the sky by him, and he didn't see any action of the Tulong Taoist. He only narrowed his eyes slightly, and the dragon seemed to be afraid, and wrapped it in his hands obediently.

The young Yingning, looking at this action of Tulong Taoist, his pupil flashed slightly, and then looked over to Yang Xu:

"Yang Xu is indeed too powerful. Last time he let me go, he didn't kill me. It is estimated that I can't threaten him?" "Do I really want to fight against such an enemy?"

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