Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2819: Then take your **** stone!

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When Ying Ning looked at the direction of Yang Xu's battle and pondered.

The Tulong Taoist frowned slightly, and said unpleasantly:

"Little fellow, you came to me before and hope I will take you to avenge Master. Why, now regret it? Or, are you afraid?"

Tulong Dao Ren looked at Ying Ning's eyes, a little bit more bad.

Yingning's eyes flickered slightly, just about to speak, and suddenly a playful voice sounded behind him: "Hey, you who like to play with snakes, still like to force people like this. The children hesitate to be scared, is it strange? Not to mention me As far as I know, the master of Yingning left him at a critical moment and ran away. Yingning also wanted to avenge him.

It's pretty good. "


A figure appeared on the side of Yingning, even a golden sacred light was flowing through his body. His face was peaceful and sacred, and even his gentle eyes had a feeling of letting Yingning sink in.

"Heaven Demon, I don't need you to take care of my affairs. Yang Xu killed my beloved wife, this time he will die anyway!"

The Tulong Dao people are full of murderous opportunities.

The heavenly demon with the Holy Light flowing all over his body smiled slightly:

"Coincidentally, I am very interested in Yang Xu's "Heavenly Punch", I will help you kill him, "Heavenly Punch" is mine."

The Tulong Dao people did not frown:

"Kill him first and talk about it."

His eyes looked at the fight between Xiang Yangxu and Yahong:

"I can't imagine that Yang Xu's power has grown so much for a while! According to me

Looking back at the time and space of Ranxin Lin, when Yang Xu killed my beloved wife, it was not so difficult..."

Tulong Dao Ren said, a grin appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"But exactly, the stronger he is, the more addictive it is to kill!"

Yingning next to him, hesitant to speak again, looked away to Yang Xu.

Boom, boom, boom!

Ape Hong's three ways were divided into one body, and Yang Xu's eight-phase body was used to manipulate the power of the world.

Immediately afterwards, five other ape rainbow avatars were also exploded by Yang Xu avatar.

The void behind Yang Xu, the gateway to the eight gods flashed, and the eight-phase avatar suddenly appeared behind Yang Xu. A pair of indifferent and indifferent gazes all gathered to the body of Ape Rainbow:

"Do we need to continue?"

Chaoyangxu asked in a white clothing from the fire.

Yang Xu shook his head with a smile, "I don't need it, I can do it myself."

"That's good. Take care."

Lihuo avatar stepped into the portal of the eight-phase world, and the other seven avatars also disappeared one after another.

At this time, Ape Rainbow only felt incomparably suffocated. The eight demon bodies were exploded, and his loss was actually not small, but it was much lighter than Yang Xu’s depressing look, but it was much lighter. Too.

"It's just a few of my avatars. I want to have a few of those avatars, just a few!"

Ape Hong's face was unwilling, he burst into a scream, and the phantom of the Eight Stones of Nine Tricks suddenly appeared again behind his back.

However, there is no time to change, poof!

Facing a blood-red cold light, wrapped in endless murderous and devilish qi, assassinated towards his face, Yang Xu's face with a trace of sarcasm quickly zoomed in the eyes of Ape Rainbow:

"Do you think I will give you this opportunity?"

"Children, the game is over!"

If you want to see how powerful the Nine Trick God Stone in this monkey is, Yang Xu will not talk so much with him.


Yang Xu has sensed that there are several eyes with hostility, converging towards this side.

Another enemy is here!

"Resolve early, respond early."

In the eyes of Yang Xu, the murder flashed away, and the Lankinus Ghost Gun burst into bleeding red light.

"If you want to kill me, you are far away!"

Ape Rainbow burst into a sigh, and the Nine Trick God Stones in the back of the sky suddenly released the seven-color Shenhua.

"Heaven fist, give me town!"

Yang Xu assassinated with a magic gun, and the other hand was turned into a fist and killed.

Suddenly, hum!

The phantom of an ancient paradise, the broken void, seems to have come to this realm from the ancient flood era. What made Ape Hong dare to be shocked is that from the ancient heaven with endless crushing breath, a sacred angel came out, with a neutral and handsome face, a divine breath flowing through the whole body, and a holy sign Text, around

Its white angel wings are all around.

"This is... the power of those birdmen? Are you still related to God Realm?"

Do not……

At this moment, Ape Hong felt that he was completely miscalculated, and he regretted taking the task of the Black Prison King.

Yang Xu, who has an angel, don't talk about yourself. I am afraid that even if the Black Prison King comes in person, it is estimated that Yang Xu cannot be won!

more importantly.

Ape Hong actually felt that the eyes of the divine angel contained the power of a knife, and he was completely separating the nine-know **** stones in his body!

"No! The God Stone is mine! How dare you grab it, I will kill you!"

The most precious thing of Yahong is this Jiuqiao God Stone. He was originally fighting to rob Yang Xu of another God Stone.

Any idea that Yang Xu robbed him!

"Huh? Is this the fist of heaven? Compared to the punch I saw at first, the power seems to be more powerful, and even evolved the power of an angel!"

On the side of Prince Moro, standing on the side of the Tulong Dao, there is a divine light flowing around him, and there is a holy color on his face. Are all destroyed.

Paradise Demon’s eyes full of possessive desire are almost exploding, staring at Yang Xu’s Heavenly Fist:

"Sure enough, this kid has mastered the doorway of the divine power, this is what I really need! Heavenly fist is me, ha ha ha!"

Heavenly Demon said that the flowing light of the whole body spun quickly, and a fighting spirit continued to soar.

Tulong Dao frowned:

"You can't wait for this, are you going to take action?"

Prince Moro also groaned in his heart and shouted badly:

"I haven't led Yang Xu to the Black Prison King's killing game!"

Thinking of this, he could not help but yell, "Senior, I..."

"Huh, playing snakes, haven't you seen it? The little monkey is already at the end of a strong crossbow, and is only barely supporting it. When the human kid pushes out the stone in his body, the monkey is finished."

There is a particularly violent grin on the holy face of Heavenly Demon:

"I want to give him the strongest blow when he has no time to do so!"


The divine energy of Heavenly Demon flowed all over the body, swept abruptly, wrapped his body and disappeared from the place.

"No, I must lead Yang Xu away before he shoots!" Prince Moro shook his body and rushed towards Yang Xu's place.

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