Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2821: Who counts who

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I have to say that Prince Moro is also a ruthless man, and dare to come to the front of the Little Brahma Temple and take out a relic.

This is like when you come to the door of the enemy's house, holding the ashes of the enemy's ancestor in his hand and kicking the ball.

Crazy death!

Yang Xu did not have too strong feelings for the small Brahma Temple, but since he was personally gifted to the "Eternal Immortal Infinite Scriptures" by the master of the Lingxiu monk, he has a special feeling for the Vatican monks.

This kind of feeling was further strengthened after seeing the feelings of mourning and compassion for the monk Kudu and Master Fan.

Now seeing Prince Moro holding the relics left by the Taoist monk, he was insulted.

Rao Shiyang Xu knew that Prince Moro had no intentions, and there was a burst of anger in his heart:

"Leave the relics down, I have everything for your purpose. Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless!"

In Yang Xu's eyes, a sharp killer flashed.

Prince Moro on the opposite side only felt that his body was a little bit stiff, as if there was a huge pressure, squeezed towards him from all sides.

This made him grieved, "Black King, Black King, this time you will be pitted to death! I already knew that, I said that I should not take this relic!"

Seeing the small Sanctuary below, the powerful and vigorous Sanskrit, there is a tendency to overwhelm yourself.

Prince Moro did not dare to go and poke Yang Xu, forcing a smile on his face:

"Okay, do you want this relic, right? Just follow me!"

The words are not falling, rumbling!

Prince Moro had a void above his head, and a huge golden palm covered the sky and sun, just like the ancient mountain, falling down towards him.

Yang Xu's cold, icy voice, like an ice skate in the winter, tears the void:

"In front of me, you have no bargaining power!"

"Even if all of you come together, it's nothing more than a chicken and a dog!"

These words of Yang Xu, like thunder and thunder, made no secret. When they heard the Dragon Slayers in the distance and the ears of heaven, they could not help but look at each other:

"All of us? Has this kid found us?"

The Flying Eagle Gang, who was caged in a black robe, rolled his eyes and sneered in his heart:

"Is it strange to find you? How underestimated are Yang Xu's perceptions?"

His eyes flashed, looking in a direction behind him:

In that direction, he sensed a breath of death in the Jedi.

It should be the purpose of the so-called "Black Prison King"?

Will Yang Xu go?

Just when the eagle lord doubted, hum!

A black wave appeared in the void without warning. An elderly figure, stepping on a black giant wave, came towards here.

There was a breath of death and extinction on him, as if the end had come.

The appearance of this figure changed the look of the Dragon Slayer and the Heavenly Demon.

In the ear of the flying eagle gangster, the hoarse voice peculiar to the tombkeeper sounded:

"Listening to the old guy in Xiaoge, actually dispatched himself!"

The Falconer raised his eyebrows:

"Is it the God of Extinction? Listen to the Master of A Luo Jia Mo in Xiaoge?"

"Well, Alorga Demon and Alaya Demon are the two apprentices he ended up in, and they all died because of Yang Xu..."

Some grave gloating voices across the tombkeeper, unabashedly crossing the space barrier, passed into the ears of the eagle gang leader:

"Oh, this enemy that Yang Xu provokes is really diverse. This time, even if he is the big Luo Jinxian in the upper realm, I am afraid that it is also a disaster!"

"Flying Eagle, are you ready to collect Yang Xu's body?"

The Falconer raised his eyebrows:


"No need."

It seems to confirm his general judgment. On the side of Prince Moro, he didn't persevere in his face. Yang Xu's "World in the Palm", which covered the sky and the sun, was already as fast as thunder and completely suppressed him.

As soon as the golden light in his hand dimmed, Prince Moro found out that the relic he had given him was gone.

Yang Xu throws it away, woo!

The relic turned into a golden light and flew into the hands of the monk:

"Place it properly. Protect the Little Brahma Temple, others have me!"

Yang Xu's voice was full of indisputability, which made the bitter monk who originally wanted to help, and his words stuck in his throat.

On the contrary, the little nun who had just rushed over beside him sipped:

"Yangxu! We have to help too!"

"Protecting the Little Brahma Temple is to help me."

Yang Xu's words are still falling, poof!

The huge palm condensed in "The World in the Palm" was torn by a blood-red ray, and the moment Prince Moro got out of the trap, he immediately had to escape:

"The plan failed. This time the Black Prison King is going to be miscalculated. Yang Xu is too difficult!"

Prince Moro's character is quite like a hero. Since nothing can be done, he does not care about his face as a prince, and turns away.


Unexpectedly, Yang Xu didn't give up, but instead changed his body, spreading a pair of shining wings behind him, and chasing Prince Moro:

"Want to go? It's rare to have so many people come out. My plan hasn't started yet. How can I let you go?"

"Fuck! Prince Moro came over to us, and this little rabbit wants to misfortune!"

There was a thud in the mouth of heaven, and the divine light flowing around the body like water, and the anger in the face instantly turned into a color of excitement:

"But it came just right! Hahaha, this kid Yang Xu is mine. Don't **** me from sleeping!"

The voice is not falling, shout!

A huge black wave came like a galaxy pouring backwards, beating the demon of heaven, and the divine light around him seemed to be dimmed.

"Extinct old man! What do you mean?"

Heaven Demon stared at the old man who stepped on the black giant wave.

The old man's face was a languor, and he was quite imminent, and there was no slight vitality in his old eyes. There was no slight fluctuation in the tone of speech:

"You can't suppress Yang Xu...he killed my disciple, this cause and effect, I want to end with him!"

Immediately afterwards, two arms of the Tulong Daoist were wrapped around a dragon, which also flashed to the side of the extinct god:

"Yang Xu killed my beloved wife, and I will end this hatred with him!"

The remaining Yingning kid looked at the present with a tangled face, and finally stomped his teeth. "Sorry senior, I don’t want to participate in this matter!"

Don't wait for the Dragon Slayer to speak, woo!

Yingning transformed into a flying sword, and immediately fled away——

For Yang Xu, who spared his life, he finally chose to give up his hostility.

"Humph, sap!"

Tu Tuo Dao Ren snorted.

In the other direction, the King of Black Prison watched Prince Moro lose his reliance and escaped away, frowning.

And the wise son next to him, his eyes flashed with doubt: "Is it my illusion? How do I always feel that it is not that we are counting Yang Xu, it seems that Yang Xu is waiting for us to count him?"

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