Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2822: Yang Xu was disappointed

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Being able to occupy a seat among the many sons of the past, the strength of the wise son is obviously not to be underestimated.

But even the leader of the son of the past does not know that the wise son is more powerful than the powerful strength and calculation ability, is the intuition that never loses the calculation!

Now, the intuition of the wise son who never missed the calculation told him that they were all counted by Yang Xu.

He believed without hesitation:

"I'm afraid our plan will fail this time, and nothing has escaped Yang Xu's calculations."

The Black Prison King looked at the wise son, obviously unbelieving:

"What a joke? With so many of us, he is just Yang Xu, who is just a commander of light poles, and he still wants to calculate us?"

The wise son frowned, and some couldn't figure it out:

Yeah, obviously so many people surrounded him and Yang Xu, how could he count everyone?

"Your intuition has always been accurate, in short, you can't be careless this time."

The life-threatening son dressed as a scholar looked a little solemn.

They also understand the accuracy and power of the wise son's intuition.

The children of the sky and the riots nodded again and again, and regarded the black prison king as a sneer:

"These idiots from the past era are really timid, no wonder they can only shrink in the past era, no good!"

With such contempt in his heart, the Black Prison King's face was not revealed, and his eyes were staring at Yang Xu's direction:

"Although he was not introduced by the Moro Prince to the killings we laid out, but there are so many demon predecessors, Yang Xu can't escape death!"

The origins of the Dragon Slayer, the Devil of Heaven and even the God of Extinction are naturally recognized by the Black Prison King.

He also heard about the strength of these predecessors:

"The opportunity is not to be missed. We must take this opportunity to kill Yang Xu! Afterwards, we will take care of whether to round or flatten the Xiao Fan Yuan."


Behind the Black Prison King, among the portals connecting the mysterious hell, suddenly a black shadow escaped and merged with the Black Prison King into a pair of huge black wings, bang!

Pushing the Black Prison King and galloping in the direction of Yang Xu.

The wise and life-threatening children looked at each other, and they all saw the dignified color in each other's eyes:

"Everyone is careful in this trip, and I always feel that Ye Kai is not right."


The wise sons, they also flew away from Chaoyangxu.

"Yo, it's all here, and they all look imposing."

Yang Xu chased Prince Moro closely, and came to the Tulong Taoist and Heavenly Demon.

The first thing that Ye Kai noticed was that the heavenly demon with a sacred atmosphere flowing around him was almost out of tune with the demon clan gangsters that had a tumult of magical energy around them.


He saw the corner at a glance, the whole body wrapped in a black robe, surrounded by the figure of power fluctuations in space.

Yang Xu couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly, a smile flashed under his eyes:

Well, I didn't expect to see the Flying Eagle Master again.

I thought this guy disappeared completely.


A few fierce breaths in the distance came one after another, and their figures, the Black Prison King and the Wise Son, suddenly caught Yang Xu's eyes.

"There are a lot of people, but it seems to be weaker than I expected."

Yang Xu's eyes were swept away by the Tu Tuo Dao Ren, God of Extinction, and Heavenly Demon.

The Long Tu Daoist, who has long been unable to resist, has two dragons wrapped around his arms, and the eyes of Xiang Yangxu are full of awe-inspiring opportunities:

"Yangxu, today is your death time! I will take your head and honor my beloved wife!"

The killing in his eyes was boiling.

The extinct **** next to him, a little old man with dry, extinct gas flowing all over him, is also a murderous outbreak:

"My obedient child Areyye, died in your hands, and today I will end this cause and effect with you."

Another heavenly demon flowing with holy light, narrowed his eyes and stared at Yang Xu, just about to speak.

It's a pity that Yang Xu was too lazy to listen to this group of guys talking nonsense and interrupted them directly, some shook his head helplessly:

"Huh, I'm a little disappointed with you. This one won't succeed today."

"Can't make it?"

Paradise Demon sneered, "Is it possible for your kid to choose whether or not to fight? You are dead anyway today!"

The Black Prison King and Tulong Daoren stared at Yang Xu with a sneer on them.

Only the wise and life-threatening children, remembering the hunch of the wise son today, did not come to a conclusion too early.

Especially, among so many people, they were the first to teach Yang Xu.

In any case, Yang Xu is not like a big talker.

"Is there any twists and turns? What the **** is Yang Xu doing?"

The wise son, the son of death, the son of heaven and the riot, all stared at Yang Xu.

Don't want to let go of his slightest movement.

On the contrary, it is the eagle gang leader who is the most laid back among this group of people. While watching the situation of Yangxu, he is chatting with the gravekeeper through the space.

The doubtful words of the tombkeeper passed into his ears:

"What the **** does this human kid have to do? He doesn't want to fight anymore? Does this allow him to choose?"

Feiying Gangzhu smiled:

"It's the end of the matter and the bow doesn't return. This is for others. If Yang Xu really doesn't want to fight, I'm afraid these people really can't force it."

On the contrary, Yang Xu may be able to make this group of people change their mind easily.

But what the flying eagle master is really curious about is, what exactly is Yang Xu planning? Why don't you want to fight?

They all came to me...

Even the eagle gang leader couldn't help Chaoyangxu's surprised look.

Yang Xu smiled faintly, but in a calm and calm look, he looked bored:

"Ah, I have to say, you disappointed me too much. I want to kill me. At least I have to make some preparations. Just come here with two or three kittens and want to take my life?"

He fixed his eyes on the magic of heaven, and smiled slightly in the doubtful eyes of the other party: "Do you want my "Fist of Heaven", right? In fact, I am really powerful, but not only "Fist of Heaven", I also have " Undefeated Divine Fist, Epochal Divine Fist, and Bright Divine Fist, all of which are unusually powerful and can all be sacred to you

Practice is inspired..."

Before the words fell, he turned to look at the extinct old man:

"Are you going to avenge your obedient child? Really, I heard that the master of Xiaoge was actually killed by me a lot, but it is difficult for me to kill me just because you are a little old man who is going to die."

"And you, Tulong Daoren, who is your daughter-in-law? I killed too many people, and I don’t remember any cats or dogs."

It was not enough for Yang Xu to win over hatred. In a few words, these people got their eyes on fire, and the rich murderous intention almost melted Yang Xu.


Yang Xu was really too lazy to start this time, because there was no other than him, and there were too few enemies. The gap between him and the number of people needed in his plan was too great. Therefore, it is best to let them find more people, the more masters, the better!

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