Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2823: The horror power of fairy

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"If you really want to kill me, it's better to find some helpers, just three or two kittens, it's not enough to look at."

Yang Xu stood in the void, facing the awe-inspiring eyes of the Tu Tuo Dao Ren and the God of Extinction, his expression was calm and calm.

As if standing in front of him, it was not a giant demon, but a cat or a dog.

Such actions made them more sensible and life-threatening, and they felt more and more wrong.

Looking at Yang Xu’s eyes, he couldn’t help being full of deep fear, always feeling that Yang Xu was planning something.

On the contrary, it is the Black Prison King who has never opened his mouth. At this moment, he is surrounded by a ray of death, and the void behind him, that mysterious portal seems to be connected to the bottomless abyss of the underworld, giving a strong sense of shock.

"Huh, every human kid, dare to take such a big breath? We can come to so many masters, it has already given you a face!"

The Black Prison King's eyes were dim, staring at Yang Xu as if looking at a prey with nowhere to escape:

"Everyone here wants to kill you, including me. If you are smart enough, Yang Xu, I will give you a chance. Do it yourself."

The Black Prison King's eyes are deep:

"In this case, you may be protected from some torture."

Whether it is the God of Extinction or the Dragon Slayer, if Yang Xu is captured, he will definitely not let him die.

The Black Prison King thinks that letting Yang Xu kill himself has given him a good face.

So much so that the Heavenly Demon glared directly at the Black Prison King:

"Fart! What qualifications do you have to let Yang Xu commit suicide? Have we allowed it?"

What else does the Black Prisoner want to say.

At this time, Yang Xu's side, but Yang Tian laughed:

"Hahaha, you are so interesting. In the past, I might be entangled with you, but I am sorry today, I am not in a good mood..."

While Yang Xu was speaking, his big hand could not help but cover the void.

Everyone immediately felt that a tremendous amount of tremendous heat covered from nine days above, like hundreds of millions of ancient volcanoes, Qi Qi suppressed them.

After they fixed their eyes on the void, they suddenly found that the second big day appeared in the sky!

Jin Cancan's artificial sun, shining hundreds of millions of gods, hangs above the sky of the universe like a **** disk.

A breath of avenue law fluctuated from the golden disc.

"It's that fairy! This must be Yang Xu's fairy, the sun **** disk!"

Prince Moro exclaimed with a horrified look on his face, and stared at Yang Xu's head with a deep expression:

He did not expect that Yang Xu actually possessed a fairy weapon, and it was the existence of the fluctuation of Dao Law.

What's more terrible is that Yang Xu used the fairy device directly without any care!

"Damn, when he dealt with me before, why didn't he take out this fairy weapon? With this fairy weapon in place, the fool would come to challenge him!"

There was a trace of regret in Prince Moro's heart.

The wise son and the life-threatening son also saw Yang Xu for the first time urging the sun **** disk, and his face could not help changing:

"Something wrong! Why did Yang Xu draw the cards so quickly? What the **** is he planning?"

Such as Tulong Daoren, God of Extinction, and Heavenly Demon, when they saw the fairy on the top of Yang Xu's head, they all changed their expressions, their faces were dignified, their eyes flickered, and they were full of fear.

At this moment, the Black Prison King bears the brunt, almost bearing the pressure of more than 80% of the sun **** disk, and the huge atmosphere of heaven and earth Avenue makes his face almost distorted.

"Netherworld God Patriarch, give me town!"

The Black Prison King couldn't hold it anymore, and suddenly shook his body, suddenly, rumbling!

The divine portal behind him released a dark ghost gas and poured into the body of the black prison king.

The black prisoner's head was empty above the sky, and suddenly a whirlpool of condensed dark monstrous devil qi, condensed into a vortex, spun wildly, trying to resist the coercion of the sun **** disk.

Yang Xu sneered at this:

"It's replaced with the previous Devouring God Plate, maybe you can't do it, but now you are facing the evolved Sun God Plate!"

"Crush me!"

Yang Xu's big hand toward the sun **** disk, only a light tap, hum!

A golden waterfall headed towards the Black Prison King, and fell down with great force.

Suddenly, poof!

The nether vortex above the black prisoner's head shattered like soap bubbles.

The golden energy waterfall, enveloping the waves of Heaven and Earth Avenue, rumbling and washing on the black prisoner.

"Not good... Poof!"

The Black Prison King was spitting blood directly from the Sun God Disk.


Prince Moro's pupils shrank abruptly, and he probably had an understanding of the strength of the Black Prison King. Even if he reached the secret of longevity, it might be difficult for him to test the reality of the Black Prison King.

Which thought?

Yang Xu was just a face-to-face kung fu. With a wave of his hand, he would have to suppress the spitting blood.

Even worse!

Yang Xu did not even urge the true power of the Sun God Disk!

"Is this guy trying to get us out of here, right? No, he just said that this fight can't fight..."

Prince Moro looked at Yang Yangx suspiciously, his eyes full of doubts:

What is this human kid planning?

At this moment, even Prince Moro felt something was wrong.

As for the wise sons, although they have long known Yang Xu's endless methods, it is still somewhat unexpected for Yang Xu to crush the Black Prison King so easily with the Sun God Disk.

"It's not right, this human kid is even stronger than I thought. I am afraid that the magic box of heaven is not easy to take..."

The heavenly demon flowing through the sacred breath shimmered in his eyes.

The Dragon Tutors and the God of Extinction, the same thought is flashing in their hearts at this moment. The human kid in front of him seems to be more powerful than they planned.

Even the fairy was brought out!

At this moment.

In another space.

A figure shrouded in grey robes, with no flesh and blood in the whole body, only a hollow skeleton, and the gleaming green ghost fire in the skull.

Sitting in the plate, he suddenly flashed a greenish green fire:

"Huh? This breath fluctuates... It's a fairy!"

"Impossible, how can there be a fairy in this small world?"

The skull shrouded in the grey robe, the green fire was flashing quickly.

Just then, a mysterious figure shattered the void and suddenly appeared:

"Oh no, ancestors, the two eagle dogs of the **** prison, somehow locked our position, and chased over again!"

"This place should not stay long, flash!"

The gray robe skeleton steals the ancestors of the heavens, and makes a decisive decision.

"Where are you going?" "Go where the fairy is, come with the ancestor!"

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