Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2824: Soul flying!

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A chaotic space, the world seems to have not yet been born, suddenly, scorn!

A ray of light, like lightning, cut through the chaotic space, and a figure descended from the sky and emerged from the chaos.

He was entangled with a beam of holy light all over his body, with a round of sun on his left and right shoulders, and a round of moon on his back.

A sacred light fell down from the bright moon and the big sun, reflecting his radiance through the whole body, just like a saint.

"Did the fluctuation of the fairy come from this world?"

The person frowned, looking at the eyes of the world, showing a little disgust.

One day in January on his shoulder, the light shined, forming a mask, covering his entire body.

Isolated from this world.

At the same time, bang!

A thunder fell.

Behind him, another figure came out, apricot-eye cherry lips, like the long hair of a waterfall, a hot and exquisite body wrapped in a dark armor, no material could be seen, covered with a bright red robe.

She looks heroic, but her face is shining with compassion.

A moment of sympathy flashed in her eyes when she came to this world:

"Is this the breath of the lower realm? It's really pitiful. It's hard to imagine that such a world could actually have a fairy prototype?"

She glanced at the man:

"What are you going to do?"

The man's shoulders were up and down in January and the light of the sun hung down, making the protective cover around him more dazzling and dazzling.

"It's simple. Find the prototype of the fairy, get it, and go back."

The woman in the bright red robe and the black battle armor could not help showing a sneer on the sad face, just about to speak, brush!

A figure swept past their heads, like an invisible wind. If they were not superior in perception, I am afraid they wouldn't find that kind of existence at all:

"I can't think of the Holy Son of the Divine Kingdom actually coming down to the realm in person. It seems that I want to get the prototype of the fairy, and the pressure is not small."

As the voice went away quickly, the pupils of the Divine Kingdom Son and Daughter suddenly shrank:

"That abandoned child actually came!"

"Damn! Unexpectedly, the abandoned child was actually sent from the side of the god's prison! They must never be allowed to get the fairy, chase!"


The so-called Divine Son and Divine Son of God, transformed into two rays of light, disappeared instantly.

"If you want to kill me the Black Prison King, you are still far away! Ghost Divine Ancestor, blood kills all directions!"

On the side of the Black Prison King, accompanied by his rant, the mysterious portal behind him, the connected world seemed to collapse, and a breath of destructive energy passed from it crazy.

The next moment, click!

The whole body of the Black Prison King, the magic energy entangled, turned into a layer of dark armor, bone spurs, and black awns shining, which would make every point of his body wrapped in layers.

The Black Prison King seemed to turn into a **** of war, facing the repressed sun disk above his head, and propped up strongly:

"Get out of here!"


The inexhaustible power of the Sun God Plate is stalemate with the ghost energy of the Black Prison King representing death.


It's just a moment.

Yang Xu's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth. "Every district firefly, do you want to compete with Haoyue?"


There is no idea of ​​keeping any hands at all, Yang Xu just shoots down, buzz!

The sun **** disk is blooming with endless power, and the power of terror wraps up all the collapses, kills all the existing power, and rolls down towards the black prison king.

There is no accident.

The Black Prison King turned pale almost, instantly!

A gulp of blood spouted.

Before the response, the power of the sun disk above the head is already killed by the town, poof!

The whole black prisoner was crushed into a pile of minced meat, wow!

The flesh did not exist for a thousandth of a second, and was burned into nothingness by the hot temperature of the sun **** disk.

The soul of the Black Prison King is full of shadows, madly absorbing the ghost gas around him, and the dark ghost portal has not completely disappeared.

However, Yang Xu just smiled coldly:

"sucker Punch."


A cold hum, not to mention a thunderbolt, made the sun **** disk slightly shaken, just this time, it seemed to have a thousand magic powers, and with a snap, the towering nether portal shattered.

The soul of the Black Prison King was also directly shattered into powder, and completely dissipated between this heaven and earth.


Prince Moro and the wise son, watching Yang Xu's fingertips, wiped out the Black Prison King and couldn't help but take a breath.

Especially Prince Moro.

He has never been able to see through the depths of the Black Prison King, and is even more amazed that the Black Prison King can easily summon the ghost power.

Where do you know.

The powerful and mysterious Black Prison King, in front of Yang Xu, did not even support a round!

"Is this the power of the fairy? It's terrible!"

Prince Moro felt a powerlessness in his heart.

Mastering the existence of such terrible power, how to fight?

He felt a little dazed for a moment.

The wise sons and life-threatening sons looked at each other, and saw the horror in the other's eyes.

However, the shock of the Tu Tuo Dao Ren, God of Extinction, and Heavenly Devil are not under the wise sons.

Especially the paradise.

Originally intended to kill Yang Xu, the idea of ​​robbing the exercises, now it seems that it is not so simple to want to kill Yang Xu.

"I'm too lazy to fight today, do any of you have an opinion?"

Yang Xu's cold eyes glanced at everyone present:

"Who has an opinion, come forward, I will send him to die."

Random and plain words give people a sense of forced oppression.

The Tulong Daoren and they all looked at Yang Xu with dismay, and looked at each other:

Everyone go together?

What if someone doesn’t do it?

Isn't the one with the head popping out?

"This kid is too strong, if we want to kill him, we may have to think long..."

Tulongdao people also regretted it and felt a little reckless.

If you want to avenge your beloved wife, you must kill in one blow!

"To retire today, since Yang Xu doesn't want to shoot, we can't commit to force him!"

The wise son was the first to speak with a decisive look.

The deadly son, the child of the sky and the others immediately responded:

"Yes! We have missed the best shot opportunity, we should consider long-term..."

Brush brush!

The wise sons, without saying a word, immediately walked away.

Immediately after them, Tulong Daoren and others also left.

"Let's go back and take a chance! Yang Xu has a strange body, and today is the best time to kill him!"

When the wise son retreated halfway, he said so suddenly.

The dead son they smiled suddenly:

"I knew that you wouldn't give up so easily! Yang Xu must have a hard time not wanting to fight, maybe that fairy weapon can only be shot once, so he wants to delay the time!" "Yes, let's go back immediately and kill Yang Xu!"

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