Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2825: The Great Eagle's Great Discovery

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The Wise Son played a "pretend" hand, went back and forth, trying to find the secret that Yang Xu didn't want to fight.

Several of their sons in the past agreed that Yang Xu had a hardship, and he had to avoid war because of his strength.

I didn't even think about it at all. Yang Xu felt that they were too few, and the grade was too low. It was not worth fighting, so they were lazy.

So, it is conceivable that these past sons are all tragic.

"Finally remind you once, Yang Xu does not want to fight, you better not go together to find death."

Halfway through, the Flying Eagle Lord saw a strange look on his face when he saw the returning wise son.

The Wise Son looked at the Flying Eagle gangster, and looked at the mysterious man who was wrapped in a black robe. He looked from the head to the foot, sensing the diffuse time and space fluctuations in the other person. The Wise Son snorted:

"I was surprised by your origins before. Are you also from the past era? Huh, hide your head and show your tail, pretending to be mysterious, you are not a member of the devil, but Yang Xu's reinforcements?

In a word, like a sharp needle, it directly penetrated the truth.

Of course, it is only a part.

While the Feiying Gang leader was slightly surprised, neither his eyes nor his face revealed the slightest fluctuations. Looking at the wise son, their gaze was a little more sympathetic:

"Well, since you want to rush to death, I won't stop you."

"go Go."

The flying eagle helper waved his hand casually, it seemed that he didn't care at all.

The wise son snorted, and together with the deadly son, they turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the direction of the small hall.

"Are these guys really going to die? Could it be that Yang Xu is really in trouble and has no way of doing things?"

In the ear of the Flying Eagle Gang, doubtful voices came, wow!

The space barrier, like a brick wall, was kicked away at random, and the tombkeeper with bandages all over his body appeared in front of the leader of the Flying Eagle.

The curious eyes also looked up at the owner of the Flying Eagle:

"I am already wondering about your identity. Are you really not from Yang Xu's side?"

The Eagle Master grinned:

"I am, Yang Xu doesn't want to be in trouble. I don't want to bother to shoot many times. I will help him. Unfortunately, these goods are smart, so I have to rush to die."

"It is estimated that it will die very painfully."

The eagle gang master knew a lot about Yang Xu's character.

At the very least, Yang Xu had some concerns, he was strong in the outside world, he still really didn't want to fight and was too lazy to get his hands. The Feiying gang master could see at a glance.

"You wait and see, these guys from the past era are about to fall."

The voice of the eagle gang leader just fell, his eyes flashed suddenly:


His eyes were like electricity, and he brushed his head in the direction of infinity.

At the same moment, the tomb keeper who was bandaged around him also looked in the same direction with horror:

"What's going on? This fluctuation is... someone in the upper realm has come down!"

"How is this possible? Isn't that the law of the world above is so powerful that it can't be violated? How can anyone break the shackles of the law and enter the world forcibly?"

The tombkeeper was puzzled.

The Flying Eagle Lord seemed to have thought of something, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes:

"If you want to forcibly break the law and enter this world, there is still a way, as long as you are willing to pay the price. These two people may come for Yang Xu's fairy weapon!"

Only the existence of the level of fairy, they are eligible to let them pay a huge price, but also forced to enter the lower realm!

Just thinking about this.


The pupil of the eagle helper shrank suddenly, and his mind was like a flint of light, and he suddenly figured out what:

"It turns out that this is the purpose of Yang Xu!"

"My God, this kid's real target turned out to be them! Want to hunt those guys in the upper realm, Yang Xu wants to poke the sky out of a hole!"

In an instant, the eagle gang master had figured out the prototype of Yang Xu's real plan.

And because of Yang Xu's earth-shattering courage, he was so horrified that he always had a very strong self-control ability, and his heart was fluctuating.

The tomb keeper next to him heard the sudden thick breath of the flying eagle gangster, and felt strange:

"What did you think of? Tell me."

Feiying Gang has a quick tone:

"I have something important, I have to take a step first. If you want to watch the drama, go to the Xiao Fan Yuan, but as a friend, I give you a piece of advice: Don't interfere!"

"No matter what you see or discover, don't interfere! Don't stand in line! Don't be fooled by anyone!"

"Otherwise, you may not be able to survive!"

Behind the flying eagle gangster, a space spiral appeared, and the figure disappeared instantly.

The tomb-keeper, who was wrapped in bandages all over his body, watched the direction of the disappearance of the flying eagle master, and felt a little dignified:

He was the first time he heard the solemn tone of the Flying Eagle gang master.

The tomb watcher almost instinctively thought: Isn't this matter related to Yang Xu again?

That human kid, is this a tossing news?

"The two breaths are clearly directed at Yang Xu, and the upper realm confronts the existence of the law of the Avenue. The strength is powerful. I am afraid that the strength of the entire world is difficult to fight. Is there any way Yang Xu can turn over?"

This time, the tomb-keepers who had always claimed to be wise and calm were a bit blind.

The wise son.

A group of sons from the past rushed towards the direction of Xiao Fan Yuan with excitement, trying to kill Yang Xu with the strongest attitude.

But the wise son felt strange that he did not feel too excited and expecting, but there was a kind of uneasiness.

And as he got closer and closer to the small Brahma palace, this anxiety was rapidly expanding.

"What's the matter with you? Without accident, you can kill Yang Xu immediately and complete the task of the leader. How can you look at you with an uneasy look?"

A life-threatening son dressed as a scholar, smiled and asked the wise son.

The wise son's brows were all pimples, and hesitantly asked:

"You said, can these of us really be able to form an overwhelming advantage over Yang Xu? It's really hands-on, at least his fairy weapon, how should we resist?"

The dead son couldn't help but smile:

"I think that Yangxu's fairy weapon may not be able to be mobilized many times. After all, it involves the existence of the law of the avenue. I don't know how huge the consumption of mobilization is once. Yangxu has so many resources?"

The Wise Son frowned more tightly:

"So we are gambled this time? Gambled Yang Xu didn't send that fairy device for the second time?"

"Wise son, listen to what you said is this bullshit! Obviously it was you who decided to go back before, why are you shrinking now?"

The son of Riot said impatiently:

"I tell you this way, as long as Yang Xu uses the fairy weapon, even if I sacrifice myself, I will help you to block the fairy weapon! By then, you can attack Yang Xu with all your strength!"

The wise son nodded.

But the inner worries still did not dissipate: it is good to desperately block Yang Xu's blow, but who stipulates that Yang Xu can urge the fairy device twice, and can not urge the third or even the fourth time? ?

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