Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2826: All have to die!

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Little Sanctuary is three thousand kilometers away.

On top of the highest mountain, Yang Xupan sits on a stubborn stone, the sky above is empty, and the golden sun disk has converged all the brilliance and is suspended there.

On the side of the Sun God Plate, the Jiuqiao God Stone, which was taken from the monkey, was engulfed in a ray of aura.

When Yang Xu waved his hand, Dao Zulong turned into a prototype, and this **** stone group was wrapped around. The law of "Five Elements Avenue" was released from Dao Zulong.

The Jiuqiao God Stone seems to have life in general, seeing the heart-hunting joy, will directly absorb the gas of these Dao Laws, absorb and annex into the Nine Dao God Qiao.

Facing the void, Yang Xu's expression was calm and calm. In the eyes of a pair of eyes, the runes of the yin and yang taiji figure slowly rotated, and his wise eyes seemed to penetrate the endless nothingness and look to the infinite distance:

"This time, I don't hesitate to use the fairy sun disc as bait. Should I be able to attract a few more big fish out?"

"All the fish and shrimp are not worth the effort."

Yang Xu's eyes flickered, and suddenly his eyes lit up:


"Hahaha! There are really fishes on the hook. It seems that the group of guys above are really anxious. They even want to fish for the lower realm. Unfortunately, you may not be able to swallow this thing."

"However, the gifts you have sent from thousands of miles away, I laughed."

There was an excited look on Yang Xu's face.

When the words did not fall, his eyes flashed again:


Some glanced impatiently in a certain direction behind him, Yang Xu's mouth sneered:

"Alas, there are always some guys who don't know how to advance or retreat. I opened the net and gave the fish and shrimp the opportunity to re-select, but unfortunately they don't know how to cherish."


The nine-knife magic stone above Yang Xu's head hit a turn and turned into a seven-color divine light into Yang Xu's mind.

Stretching out easily, Dao Zulong turned into a bracelet, wrapped around Yang Xu's wrist, and the Void Beast lying next to him. At this moment, it seemed to be awakened, and he gave a snort with some impatience.

"Oh, little one, you go to bed, come on, this thing will be your pillow."

Yang Xu probed his hand, suspended in the mid-air sun disc, caught by him, and laid it under the head of the Void Beast.

The warm breath of the sun **** disk and the fluctuation of the law of the avenue made the Void Beast enjoy unusually, and he rested his head on his head without being polite.

If seen by any other cultivator, Yang Xu even brought the precious fairy device to make a pillow for the spirit beast, I am afraid that his eyes will fall.

If an ordinary cultivator has such a treasure, let's not say it is a fairy artifact. Even if it is a unique Taoist artifact, which one should not be well protected, and wish to be raised as an ancestor?

That's why Yang Xu is such a willful son of destiny, and there are so many Wuyang Wuyang in his hand, so he dares to play like this!


In the distance, there was a bang, and it seemed that the space collapsed in pieces.

Yang Xu patted the head of the Void Beast:

"You go to sleep, I will go as soon as I go."


The figure of Yang Xu flashed in the air now, and there was a strong killer between the opening and closing of his eyes:

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"


The sky behind Yang Xu, the wings of the gods spread out, the light of the law entangled, the heaven and earth spirit swept through the roar, only a shock, Yang Xu seemed to turn into light and disappeared instantly.

On the wise son's side, when they finally locked in the position of Yang Xu, the broken void came.


Yang Xu, like a Kunpeng, flashed in front of them.

The son of Tianhuang is blushing like two flames, and his red hair is more like burning flames. His sharp eyes are full of terrible murderers, and he stares at Yang Xu:

"Yang Xu! Today is your death..."

A word of "period" has not been spoken yet. The opposite Yang Xu grabbed it:


The moment he reached out the palm of his hand, the world seemed to be in his palm, shrinking constantly, and even the child of Heaven and Earth, felt that the surrounding space was constantly being compressed.

His tall body, as if it had become a doll, was covered by Yang Xu's palm.


The child of Heavenly Waste clearly felt that the power of the five elements in all directions seemed to be completely controlled by Yang Xu, and he did not obey the dispatch of the Child of Heavenly Waste.

Regardless of how he urges the law, he wants to refine the aura around him, but he can't get supplements.

Not to mention, get rid of Yang Xu's "The World in the Palm".

At this time, Yang Xu was high above him, like a god, his eyes were old, and his expression was indifferent. He grabbed a big hand and pouted!

The Son of Heaven and Wasteland didn't even have time to make the defense, so Yang Xu slapped it in his palm.


The body protection magic weapon on the Son of Heavenly Waste was triggered passively, releasing a blood-red light mask, trying to cover the Son of Heavenly Waste.

Yang Xu's eyes didn't even change, and the magic of "The World in the Palm" continued to urge, pop!

The protective cover on the child of the sky was directly broken, and an unmatched terror was squeezed towards the child of the sky:

"Do not……!"

The Son of Heaven and Earth uttered a heartbreaking cry, and the next moment, his body had turned into a flesh of mud.

Speaking a thousand words, in fact, all this just happened in a flash.

Even, the wise son came here, in less than a second of effort, the child of the sky was crushed into a puree by Yang Xu.

"Not good! Throne of Wiseness!"

"Threat the Throne!"

"Throne of Riot!"

The wise son, the rioting son, and the life-threatening son instantly activate all states.

There is an incredible power above their heads, which breaks the void of the universe, and the power of time comes directly to them.

The breath of the wise, violent and life-threatening sons are all in shock.

However, Yang Xu's eyes are still cold, his mouth is pursed, like the sharpest touch between heaven and earth. With a big grasp, the magic of "The World in the Palm" came again:

Heaven fist!

Yang Xu's huge palm, covering the sky and the sun, is like an ancient mountain of hundreds of millions of gods, and at the same time, it fell down.

Their majestic pressure has already made them wise sons, some of them are crumbling, and everyone's face is horrified:

"Is this the true strength of Yang Xu? My God, it's terrible, the gap between us and him is too huge!"

No one expected that Yang Xu wouldn't make it, and it was such a terrible momentum with one shot.

The powerful "Heavenly Fist of Heaven" was released by him with the magical power of the world in his palm.

Suddenly, the terrifying power of catching the cloud and taking the moon will cover the figures of the wise, life-threatening, and violent.

"We all underestimated the strength of Yang Xu! The past era was counted by this kid!" The sound of the wise son's annoyance, like thunder resounding through the void...

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