Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2827: Hawk

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At this moment, don't mention how regretful you are in the heart of the wise son, or even start with Yang Xu, without saying a word.

Make it clear that they want to kill them completely, too lazy to talk nonsense with a group of dead people.

"If I can do it again, I will definitely hide far away, and I will never shoot without 100% certainty!"

"This time, we lost the bet!"

In the heart of the wise son, endless remorse raged, and the violent and life-threatening children around him were still trying to urge the throne in the past and struggled.

However, nowadays Yang Xu has completely killed himself. How can he tease them again?

"Death." In the midst, it seemed to think of an indifferent voice, as if death was sentenced, Yang Xu's "Palm World" supernatural power, combined with "Heaven's Fist of Heaven", unmatched power, will be a wise son, killing Son of Son, Son of Riot comes over

Three of the past past the throne, all shattered.

The majestic destructive power directly broke through the magical protection of the three sons of the past and poured on their bodies.

Suddenly, wow...

The three sons of the past all vomited blood together, and the organs were directly shattered by Yang Xu's majestic power.

"I gave you the opportunity, but unfortunately you did not cherish it."

At this moment, Yang Xu, like a cold human god, spit out a few words at random and pronounced their final fate:

"Send you on the road! Undefeated fist!"


Yang Xu's body was shining with light, the space was broken, and the nine groups of horrible and fierce energy suddenly formed nine brilliant and brilliant **** fists.

These nine magical punches, accompanied by Yang Xu's one punch, brush brush!

All the dazzling rays of light, all restrained, became plain and unpretentious, as if they were nine gray stones, slamming towards the sons of death, the children of heaven and the wise.

not far away.

The tomb keeper who came over and looked at it because of curiosity, through the space barrier, will see this scene in his eyes.

Feeling the immense power of "Undefeated Fist of the Undefeated", the tomb-keeper was astonished:

"This undefeated Divine Fist is the same magic skill of my Demon Race. It was actually learned by this anthrop, and the power has changed so much!"

"This human kid is a martial arts wizard!"

There was a shock in the eyes of the tomb-keeper who was wrapped in bandages.

It was at this time.

Not far behind him, scorn!

The space was torn, with a space portal flashing out of it, a figure emerged from it, and the whole body was shrouded in gray robe, vaguely able to see the empty gray robe, but a huge skeleton.

Its green eyes and wild eyes stared at the gravekeeper:

"Huh? It's the power of lifelessness! Did you meet the same fellow?"

The ancestral thief gazes at the tomb-keeper with a faint glance. On his side, another space portal appears. The thief-stealed ancestors also follow him.

"Master! It's that human kid again!"


The eyes of the ancestral thief suddenly flashed, ignoring the tombkeeper, and turned his eyes to Yang Xu.

At this moment, Yang Xu is urging Destructive Attack of Undefeated Divine Fist, even if he senses the breath around him, he is not distracted at all:


The nine undefeated Divine Fist energies are divided into three groups, and they are blasted towards the deadly son, the rioting son, and the wise son.

The terrifying energy enough to destroy the world, so that the faces of the three sons of the past were directly distorted.

They were too late to scream, shout...

Everything was annihilated under "Undefeated Divine Fist".

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player Yang Xu, beheading the wise son, rewarding experience value +20 billion! Moyuan + 20 million points! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get Shouyuan + 200 days! 】


A series of prompts sounded in my mind.

However, Yang Xu flashed in front of the ancestral ancestor. The cold eyes would make the other person look from the head to the foot, sneering:

"Are you actually here too? Did you die?"

The tombkeeper looked at Yang Xu in surprise. He didn't expect that he would be so direct. You know, from the body of the gray robe, the tombkeeper felt a powerful fluctuation of power.

I am afraid that it has long been a powerful existence that has reached the secret realm of longevity. When confronted with him, Yang Xu was not at all stunned?

Next, a scene unimaginable to the tomb-keeper appeared, and I saw that the ancestral ancestor faced Yang Xu's question. Instead of being angry, he waved his hands again and again to clear himself:

"No, no, I was just curious to come and see. I wanted to see who was in control of the fairy, now it is not strange to see you."

Not only is it not strange, the ancestors of stealing the sky even feel a little taken for granted:

Is there anything more natural than a child of fate in this world to get a mouthful of fairy artifacts?

"But I want to remind you that I sensed two powerful forces, coming down from above, you..."

Before stealing the ancestors’ words, he was interrupted by Yang Xu’s laughter:

"Hahaha, their movements are really fast."

Eyes glanced behind the ancestor, and smiled:

"Should you also be chasing soldiers behind you? Are they the eagles and dogs of the **** prison?"

The ancestral ancestor nodded bitterly, "Following me for three hundred years, no matter where I go, I can't get rid of it."

"What's wrong with this, I'll kill you directly."

Yang Xu downplayed the authenticity.

Not surprisingly, after today, he may be enemies all over the world. He doesn’t care about the **** prison, the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of Moro.

The ancestral ancestor heard Yang Xu’s words, his eyes lit up, followed by the men beside him, his eyes widened:

I go, this one is just human blood, why is it so domineering?

An opponent who hasn't been able to get rid of his master for hundreds of years

Bragging does not bring such a bragging!

The tomb-keeper who was hidden behind the space barrier also had a flash of surprise in his eyes at the moment:

"This Yangxu, even understands the existence of Shenguo and Shenluo? What is his origin? Is he really a human?"

At this moment, the tombkeeper sensed a strange wave in the space, and the next moment, brush!

Two figures, surrounded by a circle of gods, the huge wings behind the rune of the law of shine, appeared in front of everyone.

One of the eagle-headed human body, the other is the dog-headed human body, two pairs of sharp eyes, as soon as they appeared, locked the skeleton strong man stealing the ancestor.

Presumably it was the eagle and dog trackers sent by the **** prison.

I don't know if it was an illusion. The tombkeeper found that when the eagle appeared, Yang Xu blinked towards him.

"Is this kid aware of my existence?" The tombkeeper wondered, and at this time, facing the eagle dog's watchful eyes, Yang Xu shot again...

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