Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2828: Prince and Sister come

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Everyone present, whether they were stealing the ancestors of the heavens or the tomb keeper, had no idea that Yang Xu was just fighting.

And it’s not a shot, one shot is an unusually overbearing move:

Flame Punch!


Overwhelming, full of golden flames, as if the flaming **** mountain came, the underground magma erupted.

The overwhelming blaze of flames will directly cover the newly arrived Condor and Divine Dog.

"Human! Don't mistake yourself!"

Shen Dog and Condor shouted angrily.

They were really unlucky. They were originally chasing the ancestors of stealing the ancestors here. How could they know that when they saw the figure, they hadn't had time to catch their breath before Yang Xu's attack hit him.


Even with the strength of God Dog and Condor, seeing Yang Xu’s attack, they couldn’t help but take a deep breath:

Oh my god, what a powerful attack!

Is the other person still human? How could there be such a terrifying power!

The Shendog and Shenying didn't have much time to think, so they had to mobilize their energy to deal with Yang Xu's attack.

What made the condor and the dog feel speechless was that the human kid in front of him seemed to be powerless and bombarded and exploded.

Not only the "Fist of Flames", but also all kinds of various magical techniques and supernatural powers, all madly smashed towards the condor and the canine.

The two of them were almost stunned, and there was no tears in their faces:

I go, we just want to chase down the ancestral ancestor and take him back to the prison.

Why don't you ask, you are going to bomb us?

To the surprise of the tomb-keeper and the ancestors of stealing the sky, the condor and the dog were originally powerful and full of breath, but in the face of Yang Xu's overwhelming magic bombardment, they seemed somewhat left-handed.

On the contrary, on the opposite face of Yang Xu, a satisfied smile appeared from time to time.

Can Yang Xu be dissatisfied? From just now, his system sounded the cue of the system from time to time.

Each reminder tells him that he has a magic skill, and his proficiency is full, which has been upgraded to the highest level.

Next, it is a further stage of evolution!

Of course, Yang Xu was satisfied with this result. He did not hesitate to use the Shenying Shenhe, on the one hand, he had a bit of an old grudge against Shenlu, and on the other hand, he wanted to evolve his magic.

Now it seems that the harvest is really good!

Seeing that Yang Xu is becoming more and more overbearing and attacking faster and faster, both the Condor and the Divine Dog are already left-handed and difficult to parry.

Stealing the ancestors, his eyes were almost staring out, but he didn't expect that Yang Xu said that he would help him kill the eagle, which was actually true.

He thought that Yang Xu was just joking casually. Anyway, for a while, Kung Fu was already dying!

For a time, Stealing Heavenly Ancestor looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, it was called a complex.

What makes him even more incomprehensible is that Yang Xu doesn't seem to worry about the existence of Shenluo at all.

"Isn't he afraid of the revenge of God Prison? It's not even considered to provoke the Demon Race, even the power of God Prison will provoke him?"

Stealing the ancestors is puzzled, looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, full of doubts.

And the tombkeeper not far from him, eyes flashing at this moment, sensing the fluctuations in space, it seems that there is a strange force, approaching here quickly.

However, when he sensed it carefully, he could not perceive anything.

"What's going on? Is there a mysterious force approaching here?"

There was doubt in the gravekeeper's eyes.

When he was wondering, boom!

In the sky in the distance, a burst burst through the sky, and the peculiar six-mans formation rune, imprinted on the void, accompanied by two figures, descended into this world.

"Morrow Kingdom?"

The gravekeeper frowned slightly.

When Prince Moro saw the six-man formation runes, his eyes also flashed with surprise.

When he saw clearly the figure coming from the battle, his face changed directly:

"younger sister!"

"Old ten, you bastard, you just die by yourself. Why did you let my sister get involved in this matter?"


Prince Moro flashed in front of the two figures, and saw a beautiful young woman on the left, a pair of white and tender fox ears, standing on the top of the head, a pair of water and spirit eyes, crossed Prince Moro, headed to Yangxu Look over:

"Which of them is Yang Xu? Let me see, I am very curious about this uproarable human."

The prince's sister with fox ears suddenly locked her eyes on Yang Xu in battle:

"Wow, he is Yang Xu? Isn't it interesting to look like this, is this what humans look like?"

The younger sister's eyes were full of curiosity.

But Prince Moro dragged her to her side, her cold eyes fluttering the murderous opportunity, staring at the tenth prince faintly:

"Old ten, you better stay here and protect my sister, otherwise she will lose a hair, and I will never let you go!"

The ten princes shrugged towards Prince Moro, without giving a face:

"Sorry, Brother, it's not that I don't give you a face, I don't care about the safety of the Queen Sister, but that the Father and Emperor sent us over..."

The tenth prince stared deeply at Prince Moro:

"You also know the special physique of the Emperor Sister. The purpose of the father emperor to let him come together, you would not know it?"

Prince Moro heard the words, his face suddenly changed:

"You guys are crazy! Want to seize Yangxu's fairy weapon? So many demon clan dared not take action, the father emperor actually wanted to make an idea?"

"Impossible! Unless holding the idea of ​​death, it is impossible to grab a fairy... Even if it is grabbed, so many tigers and wolves are waiting around, how to bring back the kingdom of Moro?"

The tenth prince sneered:

"How to take it back, whether you can take it back or not, you don't care, we just have to grab it..."


The tenth prince threw a stone the size of a fist, branded with mysterious runes, to Prince Moro:

"Is it unsuitable for the power to be sealed? I'll bring it to you, unfasten the seal, grab the fairy, and we will leave..."

When the tenth prince spoke here, there was a trace of fear in his eyes, and his voice lowered:

"Father and Emperor have got the news, the world above seems to have sent people, just for that fairy weapon..."

not far away.

Stealing the ancestors' eyes that were originally attracted to Yang Xu, but now quietly, he looked at the queen sister beside Prince Moro:

"Special constitution? Is it related to the fairy?"

Stealing the eyes of Heavenly Patriarch, he narrowed his eyes slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Interesting, it seems that this Yang Xu has been stared at."

He glanced towards Yangxu. At this time, Yangxu had not shot much, because the Condor and the Hound were already the end of a strong crossbow after he was bombarded, and they could not bear it.

Seeing the two of them, Yang Xu is about to be killed.

At this moment, where there was no sign, where the condor and the dog were, a strange tornado hurricane suddenly took off:

Bang! All of Yang Xu's attacks have been swept away!

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