Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2830: Danger of life and death! !

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Prince Moro felt a rage at the moment because of the mistrust of the tenth prince and her sister.

Especially for the younger sister, he stared at her violently:

"Sister, when do you think I deceived you? Have I made a mistake in my judgment since childhood?"

The elder sister with a special bloodline suddenly froze for a moment, and even the ten princes next to her couldn't say anything:

Because he grew up, Prince Moro had an ability similar to the unforeseen prophet and was able to escape many unnecessary dangers.

"You have to believe me! Yang Xu is really terrible. I even think that even the nameless shot will not necessarily win Yang Xu, let alone steal the magic weapon in his hand."

Prince Moro's unusually determined words made the still-shaking Queen and Ten Princes shake their heads again.

Especially the tenth prince, he is very proud of himself. As the existence of the Moro Kingdom is high, how can he be willing to bow his head to a human?

"Well, Yang Xu is not as powerful as you said, let's see if we look at it!" The tenth prince looked at Yang Xu who had gone to the nameless attack, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"This human being is really incapable of self-control. Even my awakening of power will soon open up a hidden treasure in the body, not to provoke the nameless, this human kid..."


The tenth prince hadn't finished his words, and was slammed into the mouth by Prince Moro:

"You nonsense! Don't talk nonsense, do you want to bring disaster to our country of Moluo?"

When it comes to the secrets of the gods in the body, it is a mysterious secret that can't be touched in the past and now.

If it is known that the chances of the Moro Kingdom are coincidental, they have cracked their scales and half claws, waiting for the entire Moro Kingdom, I am afraid it is a devastating disaster!

The tenth prince knew that he was justified. Even if Prince Moro was unhappy, he could only bear it, and vented his anger to Yang Xu:

"I don't believe that this man can stop the nameless! He is dead!"

Even if he doesn’t kill him without name, the king will kill him!

At the time Yang Xu insulted the tenth prince, the tenth prince always remembered it.

This time the father and emperor did not hesitate to dispatch their favorite princess, but also wanted to **** Yang Xu's fairy. This is exactly the idea of ​​the tenth prince.

Prince Moro's side fell into a little internal strife, but the battle on Yangxu's side had entered an intense stage in an instant.

The expert knew whether it was there or not. When Yang Xu broke out "Fist of Flames", it was sensed by the namelessness. The flames that swept through the sky, there was a trace of the fluctuation of the law of the road.

He is most familiar with this law, because it is not the law of heaven and earth in this world that can only conceive divine art, but the same heaven and earth avenue as in the upper realm!

The most fundamental force in the world!

"How could this happen, a cultivator in the lower realm, and still a human being, how could a world of heaven and earth be refined in such a barren place?"

"This is impossible!"

Because his heart was so shocked, Wu Ming even couldn't believe his eyes.


When Yang Xu's violent punching force hit him firmly, Wu Ming completely confirmed this feeling:

"This human being is by no means ordinary, and he must have a secret in him!"


It may be a more valuable secret than a bit of fairy!


Even the nameless is wrapped in Yang Xu's flames, but he comes from the upper realm, and his perception of the Dadao law is simply not comparable to the average person.

Even "Flame of the Flame", at the moment when the nameless body gave a slight shock, all the golden flames collapsed in an instant.

not only that.

At the moment when his body oscillated, a ray of golden flames was swept into the storm tornado surrounded by the unknown, Ka Ka Ka!

Those golden flames were instantly compressed dozens of times by the tornado hurricane, and turned into golden blazing flame knives, oh!

They rushed back and killed Xiang Yangxu at a speed more than ten times that of the violent and violent rampage.

Almost immediately, between Yang Xu and Wu Ming, a huge flame gully appeared, showing a dark state of nothingness.

It is completely the compressed flame swords, the power is too violent, and the void will be destroyed directly into a sky!

"Holy Phoenix Bell Bell!"

Sensing the tremendous power contained in the blazing sword, Yang Xu's eyes flashed, looking at the nameless eyes, but he was slightly happy:

"Oh, it's interesting. It's actually a cultivator who has mastered a wind system road. I don't know if you have a complete wind system road in your body?"

Coincidentally, it was not a book. Yang Xu's flashing eyes happened to be seen by the tomb keeper who was hiding in the isolation of space.

The tomb-keeper's heart suddenly choked, and then he couldn't help swelling the emotion of surprise, confusion, and doubt:

"What's going on? Isn't Yang Xu afraid of a terrible enemy like Wuming?"

"That nameless is a strong man from the upper realm..."

However, compared with the tomb-keeper, the heart-shattering ancestors at this moment, and even the inner shock of the condor and the dog are not weak at all.

Especially the Condor Dog, they knew the real power of the nameless, but they did not expect that this human teenager faced the nameless attack, not only did not have the slightest fear, but also took the initiative to defend.

What makes them feel even more incredible is that Yang Xu actually blocked this trick!

Clang clang...

Three thousand consecutive defensive walls formed by the holy phoenix bell guards were blocked in front of Yang Xu and collapsed one after another.

However, that golden blaze of flames was finally at the end of a strong crossbow, and it could no longer produce any destructive power, slap!

Broken in the void!


The unnamed pupil shrank suddenly, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, "Interesting, human, you are stronger than my little imagination. But unfortunately, you don't even know what kind of existence you are provoking."

Since this kid is so unaware of advancing and retreating, then--



The nameless voice dissipated in the void, and the next moment, Yang Xu's head, a blood-red hurricane rolled, killing and boiling, and rushing down.

At the moment, tens of thousands of miles away from here, two figures are walking through the space.

In one of them, the left and right shoulders are suspended with a round of sun and a round of moon, surrounded by defensive light shields.

And another figure, shrouded in holy light and beautiful face, contains a trace of sorrow and compassion.

It is the sons and daughters of the kingdom of God who came from the upper realm.

Suddenly, they were on their way, their expressions all changed and smiled:

"Oh, there is a little mouse tracking us."

"Catch him over."

A few kilometers away, the leader of the Flying Eagle who tried to hide his tracks suddenly sank: "Well! Found!"

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