Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2831: The Son and the Virgin

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Above the sky, a blood-red hurricane swept like clouds, covering the sky and the sun, and wrapped Deyang Xu in its entirety.

In an instant.

A terrible element of wind power turned into a sword, halberd, and a gust of wind swept through, assassinating and attacking Yang Xu.

Its terrifying power is not only the Prince Moro and the tomb keeper, but also the condor, the dog, and the ancestor of stealing the sky.

"How is this possible? The strength of the unknown man has increased so much?"

"Does Wuming have completely melted a wind system into the body?"

There was a shock in their eyes.

The tenth prince saw that Wu Ming was irritated by Yang Xu, and such a fierce power broke out. He could not help but sneer and looked at Prince Moro:

"Look, I told you a long time ago, that every Yangxu still wants to fight against namelessness?

"Unless humans have the secret to open the hidden treasure, otherwise they..."

The tenth prince didn't finish the words, he got Prince Moro's fierce glaring:

"You haven't finished, do you? Want to solicit troubles for the Moro Kingdom?"

The tenth prince's heart sank immediately, and he almost revealed the secret of God.

The next sister, staring at the tenth prince, then landed on the face of Prince Moro, secretly said:

"No wonder Tenth Brother can't get the trust of his father and emperor, and his character is really not stable enough to be a great leader."

Huang Mei's evaluation of the tenth prince, there was a layer down, but when looking at Xiang Yangxu, a strange color flashed in her eyes:

It's really been a long time since I've seen such a good boy.

Even if he is just a human, it is not much more difficult than the young people with amazing bloodlines of the Devil Race.

more importantly.

The strong confidence in this human youth is full of domineering power under control.

"Huh, why do I feel this way? Everything is under control? Obviously, this Yang Xu has fallen into a passive state, no matter whether it is the nameless or the uncle who seals the crown, I am afraid that he is a person who can resist..."

Although she was amazed by the powerful power displayed by the nameless, she still instinctively felt that after the Prince released his power, she would never be under the nameless.


Why is Prince Tai so afraid of Yang Xu?

Just because he mastered a fairy?

If he didn't have the protection of the fairy weapon in his hand, would he...

Huang Mei's eyes flickered constantly, her thoughts fluttering, thinking about how to grab the fairy in Yang Xu's hands.

On the side of stealing the ancestors of the sky, starting from the anonymous shot, the shock on his face has not disappeared.

If at first, he was surprised by the unskilled and more advanced strength.

So now, he is shocked by Yang Xu's endless defenses.

At this time, Yang Xu stepped on a unique Taoist implement, and the Great Wall of China stretched endlessly under his feet, extending to the void of infinity.

There is the power of rolling space and the five elements of divine power, which are constantly grabbed by this unique Taoist weapon and transformed into a light curtain with amazing defensive power.


The unidentified wind elemental attack, majestic and powerful, however, was blocked by Yang Xu's unique Taoist weapon.

This shocked everyone, not only stealing the ancestors of the heavens, but also the nameless person, who felt incredible for a while:

"How is this possible? How can I stop my attack in every way? I am urging an airway to perform the exercises!"

It is not to underestimate the power of the unique Taoist weapon, but it is unknown to me that how violent power broke out in this attack.

And don't forget, it was a real attack on the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

How can a Taoist implement that functions according to the law and comes from a barren lower realm?

"Does this human kid have refined this unique Taoist tool to the limit, and reached the point of free operation?"

Anonymous was secretly startled.

Unexpectedly, at his distracting opportunity, the opposite Yang Xu suddenly launched a counterattack:


The sacred sword of the Linhuang God was extremely bright, and the flames were boiling. At the moment of appearing in the hands of Yang Xu, the surging fire elemental power wave broke out.

Waiting for no name to react, groan!

A bright sword chant, accompanied by dazzling lightning, traversed the void, and the light shattered thousands of miles!

Almost instantly, Anonymous felt a terrifying murderous opportunity and rushed to himself.


His pupil shrank suddenly, an unprecedented sense of crisis, which made his nameless face suddenly change:

"not good!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Three light bulbs of wind element appeared all around him, and each one showed azure blue color, the power of the law wrapped around and exploded instantly.

Suddenly, a magical wind element protective wall stood in front of him:


There was a loud bang.

The wind elemental protection wall trembled wildly, and Yang Xu's "Sword-cutting Sword Extraction Technique" was bombarded on it, constantly tearing and destroying the law of the wind elemental avenue.

The unnamed eyes couldn't help but widen, and there was a sense of tension in his heart:


The elemental wind protection wall suddenly cracked and cracked in front of him.

This change made him suddenly mention his throat:

"Impossible! How can a cultivator in the lower realm break my defense?"


The sword mandrel of "Dagger Sword Extraction", after tearing a hole in the protective wall of the wind element, was still unable to support it, and dissipated in the void.

"Huh? Interesting."

Yang Xu raised a brow.

This is his unfavorable "Dagger Sword Extraction", the first time ended in failure.

"It seems that people in the upper realm are not so wasteful."

There was an inexplicable smile in the corner of his mouth, and the nameless person who had already had a lingering fear on the opposite side felt more and more confused.

And at this time.

Buzz, buzz!

In the distance, there were two powerful breaths.

The people almost invariably coincided with each other, and cast their eyes on that side.

Anonymity made him stun:

"No! Why did those two guys catch up so quickly?"

I saw two beams of light, shrouded in golden light, and in a flash, they were already flashing in front of everyone.

Prince Moro looked at the two figures, his face could not help changing:

"Is it from above again?"

Stealing Heavenly Ancestor and Condor Dog, their eyes were startled:

"God Kingdom Son and Daughter!"


They couldn't help but take a breath:

Was even the existence of the Kingdom of God shocked?

What is the existence of the fairy artifact on Yang Xu's body? Even the behemoths like the Kingdom of God are tempted?

And the one who came to the lower realm is still a son and a daughter?

"You move fast enough."

The unnamed eyes are cold and staring, staring at the Divine Son and Divine Daughter.

The two faced anonymity with a playful look:

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nem of Hmong, he was so poor that he was beaten up by an mortal kid in the lower realm. It is his credit for us to find you so quickly."

Boom! The eagle gang leader with a breath of breath was thrown to Yangxu by the Holy Son of God.

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