Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2843: not enough? Then kill

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"I depend!!"

Seeing the Tulong Taoist and Heavenly Demon, being shaken by Yang Xu, and instantaneously killing, it is the noble existence of the demons such as Prince Moro and the Tenth Prince.

Their eyes were fixed on Yang Xu's side. They didn't expect that Yang Xu would actually kill with a finger, and his expression didn't change.

What makes them incredible is that.

Killing the Dragon Slayer and the Heavenly Demon, Yang Xu didn't even look at it once, just grabbed it, hum!

The breath of fate and the law of heaven flowed into his hands, with ample brilliance and brilliance, constantly fluctuating, trying to break free from Yang Xu's shackles.


Yang Xu's palm turned and hummed!

A peculiar wave appeared in his hands. The green-green dragon-broken sword gently oscillated with green flames, flowing along Yang Xu's arm, converging to the palm of his hand:


All the fate and the breath of heaven were burned away.

Turned into a rune, exuding amazing energy fluctuations, it turned out that the area of ​​Deyang Xu showed a twisted and overlapping state.

It seems like a mysterious scroll, which unfolds slowly around Yang Xu.

Such a scene made all the monks in the world startled:


They couldn't help but turned their heads to look at the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda, Yang Xu, and the surrounding scrolls, which were exactly the same as the Su Ming Tian Pagoda and the surrounding pictures!

"Does Senior Yang Xu want to... fishing? No, he wants to fish for dragons!"

In the minds of the cultivators, Qi Qi came up with this kind of thought, and it seems to be confirming their ideas. It is around Yang Xu, the moment when the scroll of destiny slowly unfolds.


Above the Locking Tower, the seal black dragon entwined in the fate of hundreds of millions of people suddenly opened its huge eyes.

Then, looked to Yang Xu's side.

The cultivators almost clearly saw that the sealed black dragon flashed the light of expectation in his eyes.

But no action.

"It seems that it is not enough."

Yang Xu shook his head and turned to look at the God of Extinction and the Tenth Prince.

"Do not……"

The God of Extinction suddenly sensed the danger, and the whole person changed shape. Between heaven and earth, there was no longer his breath.

He seemed to be decaying into powder, and the smoke was extinguishing, but everyone clearly saw that his body was still there.

"This strange trick of exterminating God can wipe out my existence from the sky and the earth?"

Those powerful cultivators showed their astonishment and shock in their eyes.

"How should Senior Yang Xu deal with such a Demon Race?"

"We can't just watch it like that? Senior Yang Xu is fighting against the strongest malice of the entire heaven and the entire alien world for us! We must do something!"

"Yes! We should do something!"

Under the world, there are countless cultivators who have a decisive look in their eyes, and their will is converging into a torrent, trying to communicate with Heaven.


Compared with their desire to break through the repression of the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda, there are too few practitioners who want to help Yang Xu.

This time, Heavenly Dao didn't sense their idea.

On the Yang Xu side, to be honest, they don't need their help at all.

Seeing Yang Xu faced, the extinction **** whose breath completely dissipated between heaven and earth, the expression on Qingxiu's face did not change at all.

Yang Xu's expression was so faint and calm, watching the God of Extinction playing tricks there.


When the God of Extinction transformed into a light, ready to escape from here.


The void behind the God of Extinction suddenly burst, and a huge palm seemed to have crossed the existence and nothingness and came towards the God of Extinction.

Looking at Yang Xu's side again, his left hand arbitrarily penetrated into the void, spanning countless distances, appeared on top of the extinct god, and exhibited magical powers:


The huge palms, like the mountains coming, instantly collapsed the extinct God's "Nothing, Nothing" state, pooh!

The God of Extinction turned into a mass of blood mud directly, and the huge power made the blood mud evaporate instantly and turned into scum powder.

Only a few regiments remained, shining there.

"It's your turn."

Yang Xu glanced, looking towards the tenth prince.

At the moment, the tenth prince was already pale, without any blood, and before that, the arrogant arrogance of the siege of Yang Xu.

"Brother Prince! Should we save him?"

The elder sister took Prince Moro's hand and begged.

Prince Moro frowned slightly, and said to Yang Xu:



The tenth prince shattered into a mass, and flesh and blood annihilated into nothingness, leaving only a mass of life rules.

"Prince Moro, what do you want to say?"

Yang Xu looked lightly at him.

"Nothing. You continue."

Prince Moro's voice was condensed, without a word, he flew away by pulling the Queen Girl.

"Brother Prince! We haven't got that fairy..."

"Shut up for me!"

Prince Moro slammed the Queen, "Don't hit Yang Xu's fairy weapon again! Otherwise I will never spare you!"

"I will be the father emperor and behead you in place!"

Prince Moro had a pleasant tone, and it was no joke.

The tears that scared the Queen sister came out:

"What are you doing? Yang Xu is an enemy, I am your sister! You..."

"Yang Xu is not an enemy!"

In the eyes of Prince Moro, a strong sigh flashed, "Even if we can't do anything, we must not affect him in any way!"

"Because Yang Xu, for all cultivators, monks of all circles, seek a glimmer of hope!"

Prince Moro's eyes were gleaming, and he looked at the girl:

"Mo said you can't move him, even the father emperor, even my entire Moluo Kingdom, once Yang Xu is moved, I am afraid that the endless planes of all the worlds will gather us and attack them!"

"We can't do such unreasonable things!"

Even if it was far from Yang Xu's endless distance, Prince Moro could not help but turned his head to look in the direction of Yang Xu:

"What he has done is the greatest feat! Whether successful or not, Yang Xu deserves the respect of all monks!"

Suddenly, Prince Moro's face suddenly changed, "Well~! I seem to have forgotten one thing! The great secret of our country, I am afraid I can't keep it..."


Yang Xu boxed to kill the tenth prince, frowning frantically, because after the tenth prince was exterminated, what was left on the spot, except for that mass of law energy.

There was even a golden outline of the palace, resembling the law, resembling a dagger pattern, suspended in the void.

Yang Xu didn't make any noise, and took it into his palm.

In my mind, a clear system prompt sounded:

【Ding! 】【Player Harvest Treasure: God Seed (Lower Level), use it? 】

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