Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2844: Seal the black dragon, come!

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God hiding seeds?

The sound in his mind made Deyang Xu's expression slightly change:

"Morrow Kingdom? Do they have the secret to ignite the furnace of life and dig the hidden secrets in their bodies?"

Yang Xu remembered that human beings were cursed by the ancients, and humans were originally very powerful.

Later, their traces were erased from the time of the Famine, and they became very weak.

This has led to the forced emergence of human monks, really for self-protection.

Only by igniting the "life furnace" in the human body, breaking the curse, and digging out the "body's hidden treasure" can we truly master the powerful force!

"Morrow Kingdom, huh, interesting."

Yang Xu's eyes, the runes of the Yin-Yang Tai Chi figure, slightly rotated, and his eyes spanned countless distances. He glanced at Prince Moro.

this moment.

Yang Xu saw the worry and panic in the eyes of Prince Moro.

Yang Xu immediately understood, wow!

He concealed all his thoughts in an instant, without revealing anything.

The energy of the law in his hand was instantly smashed by him, suspended in the void of the whole body, and the glory of light was built into a scroll of fate.

Yin Yang!

Above the sky dome, the seal black dragon that twisted and circled the life tower was finally attracted by the breath here.

Under all circumstances, all the monks could not help but change their faces:

"The Sealed Black Dragon noticed Yang Xu, and the killer flashed in his eyes..."

"This seal black dragon seems to exist for the seal to suppress our world!"

"Damn! What the **** is there, showing such a vicious seal?"

this moment.

All monks in the world have a feeling of being insulted and calculated.

Yang Xu did not fluctuate in this regard. Even in the face of the deep gaze cast by the Sealed Black Dragon, his delicate face did not change at all.

Instead, he beckoned towards the Sealed Black Dragon, and the green-green dragon-broken sword in his hand flashed Cuimang:

"Come on, with your greedy attributes, should you want to devour them?"

"Come, as long as you come, they are yours."

Yin Yang!

The sealed black dragon burst into an earth-shattering roar. The next moment, the dragon's body shook violently:


Sealing the Black Dragon, from the Locking Sky Tower, half of his body was found, and he was dragging the huge Locking Sky Tower and rushed towards this side.

With the seal of the Black Dragon and the closeness of the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda, Yang Xu felt a huge pressure in this world.

Under the sky, all the cultivators felt a huge pressure on their hearts, making them almost difficult to breathe.

"Is this the power of the Locking Tower? It's so powerful?"

The cultivators all had such thoughts in their hearts.

It is such a powerful presence as a tomb-keeper, looking at the immense seal, rushing towards this world, the seal black dragon, there is a flash of shock in his eyes:

"Where is this powerful existence, setting such a vicious seal against our world?"

Different from the worries and shocks of the people, Yang Xu's eyes are always Gujing's waves, and his emotions remain absolutely calm.

Even the Sealed Black Dragon has already crossed the barrier of endless distance and plane with amazing speed and rushed to the front.

His face did not change at all, and the emerald green dragon-cutting knife in his hand shone with the emerald green light, and there was a mysterious and obscure power fluctuation, which poured into Yang Xu's body along the handle of the knife.

Sensing the fluctuation of the Dragon Sword, Yang Xu's eyes flashed slightly:

"I only know now that the meaning of your existence is not to suppress the dragon clan. It is for the purpose of sealing the black dragon!"

The dragon with the Dragon Sword is not the Dragons of the Ten Thousand Realms, but this sealed black dragon!

In an instant, Yang Xu felt something, waved his hand, woo!

Throw the emerald green dragon-broken sword.

The broken dragon knife turned into a turquoise light and flew to the sky.


Above the sky dome, the plane crystal wall system cracked and opened a mouth, a stream of time and space and plane plane wind, pouring from the crack of the plane crystal wall system.

With this, there are also densely packed, hundreds of millions of seal runes, black pressure, one piece, towards Yangxu, wrapped around.

Yin Yang!

Those black seal runes changed into a seal black dragon, a huge dragon tail, crackled and pumped towards Yangxu.

Wherever he passed, the void was like fragile white paper, and his inch of cracking.

Above the sky, the black dragon coiled around the Suo Tian Tian Pagoda was suspended there, looking down on Yang Xu.

The seal little black dragon drawn to Yangxu is not even a thousandth of the seal black dragon body!

"Oops, can Yang Xu block this seal black dragon?"

"Why did he throw away that treasure sword?"

"Senior Yang Xu's move must have a deep meaning!"

Suspiciously, in the hearts of everyone, when the black dragon was sealed at that end, when Xiang Yangxu was rushed to kill, scorn!

Above the sky of Nine Heavens, a green light hung down.

This ray of light, green and radiant, Cui Xia is boundless, in an instant, it has already come to the top of the little black dragon head of the seal:


The emerald green light penetrates exactly the position of the seal's reverse scale.

The terrifying emerald green light will penetrate the body of the little black dragon.


The seal little black dragon exploded directly, and turned into a seal rune in the sky.

"Oh, nothing more."

Yang Xu grabbed it and brushed it!

The massive seal rune exploded by the seal little black dragon fell into his hands.

"Yangxu! Stop it now, don't go against the sky!"

Tiandao little black dog, while fighting against Emperor Wu, persuaded Yang Xu, "While the evil dragon has not yet arrived, and only one of the locks of the Heavenly Pagoda appears, close it immediately, everything is too late!"

"Otherwise, what is waiting for this world will be the fate of total destruction!"

Heavenly little black dog, bitter-mouthed, persuaded Yang Xu.


Yang Xu smiled coldly, "Do you think there is such a thing as today, do you still have a way out? The moment when the Sealed Black Dragon dragged the Locking Life Tower, I'm afraid it has alarmed its owner?"

It seems to verify Yang Xu's general idea. Above nine days, the seal Black Dragon was originally wound and hovered on the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda, watching quietly.

Suddenly, it seemed to have received some commands, a pair of huge longan, suddenly red, and a violent murderous eruption broke out:

Yin Yang!

Along with a powerful dragon chant, the figure of the black dragon disappeared instantly.

The next moment.

A huge shadow overshadowed Deyang Xu's body, resembling an archaic demon mountain, tumbling down towards him.

"It's the sealed black dragon! Its body appears!"

"Oh my god, what a huge existence! This is just a dragon claw, it has such a terrifying figure!" "Senior Yangxu, how to fight this?"

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