Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2845: Fingers collapse!

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Above the sky, the endless seal magic power, flashing black light, completely covered the figure of Deyang Xu.

In all directions and in all realms, I do not know how many eyes there are, full of expectations and worries, all gathered on Yang Xu.

At this moment, Yang Xuwan attracted attention.

Concerned thoughts, from all directions, toward the heart of the little black dog of Heaven, came together instantly:

"Can Senior Yang Xu deal with that seal black dragon?"

"What should Senior Yang Xu do? In our world, if Senior Yang Xu is lost, who else can fight against this existence?"

Seeing that weird and powerful seal black dragon, the body is like a magic mountain, and it is fierce toward Yangxu, killing down.

Emperor Wu Huang's beautiful face flashed a trace of worry.

Even if she didn't notice, the Tiandao little black dog opposite her, deep in her eyes, flashed a trace of unnoticeable worries.

This worry, in a flash, immediately turned into an angry roar in the next moment:

"Emperor Wu! Yang Xu can't fight the Sealed Black Dragon at all! What awaits him will only be the end of death and death!"

"And you, go with him!"


Tiandao little black dog broke out the most fierce killing opportunity, it seems that he really wants to kill Wu Huang in one fell swoop.

"Want to kill me? No one can kill the emperor before the husband finishes his goal!"


The Emperor Wu Huang's head was empty, and appeared in January every day, and fierce power broke out.

For Yang Xu's side, she had no intention of shooting except for a few concerns.

It seems that Yang Xu is full of confidence.

"Does Senior Yang Xu really have the means to contend?"

Under the sky, all the practitioners couldn't help but think of this kind of thought.

Seeing the black dragon seal, the momentum is fierce, the murderous opportunity is prosperous, and the town kills down.

Just then, everyone found out that Yang Xu actually smiled.

The smile is extremely bright, the calmness, the eyes are clear and calm, not a sign of madness:

"Seal the Black Dragon, you are finally willing to come down, but your masters seem to have great confidence in you. Just look down on me, do you have a dragon-broken sword in my hand?"

There is a saying, although there are some skins, Yang Xu really wants to say to the seal Black Dragon:

Is it my lord who can't lift the knife, or are you guys all fluttering?

"Every little dragon, dare to provoke in front of me, alas, I really don't know who gave you the courage."

Facing the huge seal Black Dragon, Yang Xu looked faintly, as if sighing, and said such a sentence.

Yin Yang!

The huge seal black dragon was already detected by the dragon's claws, enough to crack the sky and earth's empty blow, and came towards Yangxu and destroyed.

And at this moment.

Between heaven and earth, suddenly there was a verdant green.

Seeing the sky above the Nine Heavens, a turquoise beam of light, like the battle of the heavens, broke through the barrier of time and space, and rumbling down.

This turquoise beam of light seems to be superimposed with countless days, and the light of green hope will irradiate the world, countless planes, countless voids, and countless crystal wall system cracks.

This moment.

All the monks in the whole world felt that the huge pressure that enveloped their hearts swept away in an instant.

And at the moment when the pressure dissipated, poof!

The turquoise beam of light hung down, and it was destined to be normal, right in the middle of the body of the sealed black dragon.

To be precise, it is the position of the black dragon in the middle of the seal, and the position of the anti-scale!

The same picture as before, with the turquoise light and the killing of the sealed little black dragon, appeared again:

The seal black dragon, which is tens of thousands of times larger, failed to block the horrible green beam of light.

When the column of aquamarine light hung down and slammed on the body of the seal black dragon, humming, humming!

Dense and dense, hundreds of millions of seal runes, where the black dragon's counterscale is sealed, madly gather, shine, collapse, and tear!

The turquoise beam of light, like the destruction of a loach, will wipe out hundreds of millions of seal runes.


There was a crunch.

Seal the black dragon's reverse scale, shattered.

Then, Yinang~! !

A bleak dragon roared through the world, booming!

Above the sky, there was a black thunder, tearing through, seeming to be silent for the fall of this sealed black dragon.

"Thunder with a feather! But only the first one was cut, then come on!"

At this moment, Yang Xu, like an ancient God of War, stood quietly in the void, and above him, there were dense seal runes, shining with black light, like raindrops, falling continuously.

The huge dragon body of the sealed black dragon, in the void, in front of all the cultivators in the world, so disintegrated!

"This... this is incredible! How did Senior Yang Xu do it?"

"The power of the Dragon Sword is really that powerful?"

At this moment, under the tens of thousands of realms, some dragon clan strongmen who knew Yang Xu saw Yang Xu cut off the dragon in such an overbearing way.

In their hearts, they suddenly realized:

It turned out that when Yang Xu taught them, how much spare power was left!

"Oh, it's Yang Xu, I know, he can do it."

The flying eagle gangster stood in the void, watching Yang Xu's fingers, and instantly slaughtered the dragon. His eyes shrouded in a black hood flashed a sigh.


He turned his doubtful eyes to Wu Huangzhang's side:

"Is that woman really confident in Yang Xu?"

"She understands Yang Xu's methods so well?"

This kind of suspiciousness was not only caused by the flying eagle gangster, but even the heavenly little black dog, it was also a little surprised: "曌! His luck! But if the second and third seal black dragons arrive, it will affect the second, third and even more lock towers

Coming, waiting for the ending of Yang Xu, it will only never overtime and completely fall! "

Heavenly little black dog, bitter-mouthed.

However, apart from the strength of Wu Huang's attack on him, he became stronger and stronger, and there was no trace of expression on the face of the opponent's alluring peerless.

It seems that she really has absolute confidence in Yang Xu.

"Huh, what is that?"

Everyone was shocked to find that after the seal black dragon fell into countless seal runes, a fist-sized black sphere appeared in situ.

A peculiar fluctuation of energy emerged from it.

Yang Xu can do it easily, woo!

The black sphere flew into Yang Xu's hands.

Yang Xu Yin Yang's eyes flashed slightly, and his eyes seemed to penetrate the endless universe void, and looked at the stronger existence above the fairy world: "The first lock of life tower, I have already solved it, it seems, You can't help me."

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