Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2846: Final choice

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Yang Xu's gaze, crossing the barrier of the endless plane, seems to exist with a certain kind, facing each other.

And as he said that with a smile, he exerted a little force on his hand:


At the same time, the hearts of hundreds of millions of cultivators came out with such a crisp explosion.

The next moment, bang!

In the hands of Yang Xu, the black dragon ball shattered.

The black dragon ball turned into a black substance, Yang Xu snapped his fingers, shout!

A hurricane hurricane, swept over, will get those black matter, swept to the sky of nine heavens:


The black matter is like a thick black mist, which will envelop the magical tower of life.


Surrounding the tower of life, that strange picture, containing the existence of fate and impermanence, has been infested with black matter.

In the next moment, boom!

These pictures impregnated with black matter turned into a fierce alien energy, rushing fiercely towards the life-threatening tower.

As if they were a group of fierce beasts that had been suppressed for countless years, they were finally rescued and vented like crazy.


Without the help of the Sealed Black Dragon, the towering and sacred Tianming Tower was unable to survive these powerful energies. In an instant, the tower shattered into cracks.

The spider-web-like rift spreads throughout the entire life of the lock tower, the next moment, bang!

Suo Tian Tian Pagoda exploded!

In the face of hundreds of millions of practitioners in the world, it shattered into powder and turned into annihilation dust.

And those divine energies infested with black lightly shocked and suddenly showed their original form:

It is a pure, mysterious, strength from the origin of heaven and earth!

It is precisely the withdrawal of these powers and laws that has caused countless cultivators who have reached the mixed cave environment to lack a ladder to climb up, and have been unable to break through.

And now.

They finally recovered a part.


All these forces of heaven and earth were shot in all directions and merged with heaven and earth again.

this moment.

Whether it is the little black dog of the heavens or all the cultivators in all the worlds, they all feel shocked.

Their power, invisible, seems to be so powerful.

"Is this the pressure that Suo Ming Tian Pagoda brings to us?"

"Unexpectedly, only a tower of lock life was destroyed, we would have such an amazing improvement!"

"It's hard to imagine what a huge improvement there is in the powerful existence of the Hundred Cave Realm!"

All the cultivators felt amazing and amazing.

However, contrary to their reaction, the Tiandao little black dog fell into rage and panic.

Even if it is, it has benefited from Yang Xu's actions, and its strength has been improved.

But for Yang Xu, it is still full of murderous opportunities:

"Yangxu! You are playing with fire! This world, can't tolerate the existence of any rebels! You dare to disobey the meaning of the above existence, and what awaits you will only be destruction!"

"Even if you are strong, even if you have a fairy armor, can you destroy a lifelock tower, can you still destroy two?"

"Even if two are destroyed, what about three? Four? Five, six, seven, eight?"

The existence of nine lock-towers made Tiandao little black dog wipe out all the will to resist.


It also does not allow any replacement for it, against the existence of the Locking Tower!

"No matter how stubborn you are, you will be dragged down by the whole world!"

Heavenly little black dog threatened Yang Xu.


In response, it was Yang Xu's sneer:

"Destroy? Didn't all the cultivators in the world have already responded to you? They would rather destroy, but also retain a glimmer of hope. This kind of visible day is not what they are after!"

The moment before the words fell.


Above nine days, the wind and clouds changed color, and eight huge shadows shone down towards this area.

Tiandao little black dog, looking up at the sky, his expression could not help changing:

"Destructive disaster! This is the most devastating result...Yang Xu! Have you seen it? Those who do exist will not give you any chance of luck! They directly urge all the remaining life-savers to kill you in one fell swoop. Kill!"

"Hahaha, late, everything is late, now you even want to repent, but it's too late!"

Heavenly little black dog, bursts of crazy laughter in his mouth, at the same time, a fierce murderous opportunity emerged from his whole body:


Its scarlet eyes locked the opposite Emperor Wu:

"Yangxu, I have repeatedly dissuaded you. If you don't listen, you have to fight against the existence of Suo Ming Tian Pagoda. As a result, even I will be affected by you!

"The only thing I can do now is to send your woman as soon as possible and go with you!"


Tiandao little black dog, toward the Emperor Wu Emperor, issued the most violent attack.


Unexpectedly, Yang Xu didn't look at it from beginning to end, even with a glance.

It seemed certain that the little black dog could not threaten the safety of his woman.

And Emperor Wu Huang's beautiful eyes are also full of awe-inspiring war intentions:

"Want to kill me? It's up to you, I'm afraid it's still far away!"

"This big handwriting, those guys, really want to completely wipe out Yang Xu's existence?"

Feiying helps the master with a pair of eyes, flashing a fine mans:

"It's a pity that you still look down on Yang Xu. His origin is not as simple as you think, nor is it just the existence of your kneading!"


Being able to instantly release all eight towers of life in locks can be considered a spare effort.

"Yangxu, what will you do next? Your opponent has already hit your calculations. The next thing to do is to destroy all eight lock towers."

Rao is the leader of Flying Eagle. He is very confident in Yang Xu's ability and understands some of Yang Xu's methods.

But he still couldn't think of what method Yang Xu would use to deal with these eight towers of life and death?

"Sun God Disk, now!"

"Ling Ming Shen Shi, now!"

The sky above Yang Xu's head, the sun **** disk bloomed brilliantly, the magical **** stone had nine holes and eight holes, and there were countless rays of light, which sprayed out.

The emerald green dragon-blade turned into a ray of light, flashing in Yang Xu's palm.

At the same time, Yang Xu said coldly in his mind:

"Huanggu God Pagoda, you have to make a choice for a long time, should you make a choice? Give you a chance, and now go away obediently, you will not be affected by me."

"If you want to stay, it's time for you to contribute."

Yang Xu's voice was full of calmness and reason. Even in the face of the killing of the eight towers of life, there was no sign of panic.

Such a reaction made the ancient ancient pagoda somewhat suspicious and quieted inexplicably:

Yes, what are you afraid of? Yang Xu, when did this guy do unsure things? "Hahaha, when it comes to this part, I will accompany you to fight against this lifeless tower!"

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