Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2847: The will of all beings!

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The ancient ancient pagoda, laughed, like an ancient god, suddenly flashed and appeared in the palm of Yang Xu.


A wave of extremely ancient and wild energy spreads from Yang Xu's palm.

All the cultivators, when they saw that pagoda, were all a little stunned, and were very surprised:

"What kind of treasure is that? Can you say something?"

"Oh my god, wouldn't it be the existence of the spirit that was born?"

"It can be taken out by Yang Xu to fight against the existence of the Locking Tower. I am afraid the quality is not under that sun **** disk! In other words, that pagoda is also a fairy artifact?"


Many cultivators couldn't help but take a breath in their hearts, although they have tried to overestimate Yang Xu's strength.

But they still can't imagine that this senior Yang Xu will have so many cards!

At this moment, Yang Xu stood proudly above the sky, above the head, the sun **** disk radiated a brilliant golden light, a spiritual **** stone, and bloomed nine-color gods.

In the right hand of Yang Xu, there is the turquoise glow of the incarnation of the Dragon Sword, and in the left hand, there is an ancient pagoda that has obviously disappeared in half.

Above the sky above the heavens, the eight huge shadows, like the eight archaic demon hills, wrapped in an imperishable momentum, descended towards this world.


Nine days of void, the plane crystal wall system directly collapsed a strange crack.

The power of the eight lock life towers is really terrifying. The eight-headed monster black dragon, coiled above the lock life towers, shone with a black fire of destruction.

Those who calculated this world and sealed this world did not intend to give Yang Xu a chance to turn over.

Therefore, one shot is the best and most aggressive method.


This year's sky, still unable to withstand, the power of the eight locked life towers, the sky at one corner collapsed.

God, exposed.

The strength of the black seal and the rules of the seal turned into a dragon shape, and fell from the missing corner of the sky.

Wherever he passed, black chains suddenly appeared in the void, which turned out to be the side of the void, all sealed and sealed off.


Those black seal chains are like dragon snakes, with Yang Xu as the center, converging, sealing and suppressing towards this world.

Let Yang Xu escape without escape!

Even if you want to escape into the void, it is impossible!

"Hahaha! Yangxu, you see, this is the will of the upper realm to kill you! They want you to have no way to heaven, no way to go to the ground, no escape to escape! This time, you can't escape the fate of God's soul and soul Now!"

Tiandao little black dog, with fierce flashes in his eyes, accompanied by his roar, attacking the force of Wuhuangzhao, became more and more violent.

The most overbearing attacks in the world and the most fierce master skills seem to have gathered on him. At this moment, the Tiandao little black dog, the combat power raging, and the murderous outbreak completely broke out.

It seems that he has also reached the edge of collapse, and has sensed the end of destruction.

"Tian Dao incarnate, I advise you one last time, don't be obsessed, now join me in dealing with the Locked Tower, maybe you still have a chance!"

Yang Xu faced the top of his head, the eight cracked down towers, and his delicate face, but there was no slight anxiety and panic.

His tone of voice is also full of calmness and indifference.

All the crises in front of me seemed to be drizzling.

However, Tiandao little black dog sneered: "Yang Xu, don't hold on any longer, and don't try to confuse me anymore. Even if this world is destroyed, my Heavenly Dao will not die, and the day I finally recovered. And you, that’s not the case, you will completely disappear, the spirits will disappear, and you will not enter the reincarnation

! "

"Your woman, your relatives and friends, all your inheritance, all existence, will be completely erased from this world, from fate!"

"You will never have any hope of resurrection and reappearance! Your destruction comes from your arrogance and arrogance!"


In the eyes of the little black dog, suddenly burst out two blood-red rays, just like two blood-colored spears, assassinated towards Yang Xu.


The two Scarlet Spears flew halfway, Bang Bang!

In a golden day, the volley flew out and shattered it into the sky.

Emperor Wu Zhao, with a beautiful complexion, cold and frosty, his eyes flashing sharply:

"I said, no one can disturb Yang Xu! You, Heaven, don't do it!"

Tiandao little black dog, whispered:

"Zhao, you will regret it! What you should do is stop Yang Xu, don't do stupid things, you even indulge him!"

Wu Huangzhao's response to him was a fierce and overbearing blow. The silver moon shattered the void, entangled with the rules of destruction, and walked towards the heavenly black dog, killing him.

Wherever he passed, the void cracked and the inch was annihilated.

What shocked all cultivators was that such a destructive power encountered the sealed void and the sealed rune.

It failed to cause any damage to it.

The black seal runes that crisscrossed each other, with a gleam of light, would be attacked by Emperor Wu Huangzhao and absorbed.

"This... this is the power of the Locked Sky Tower?"

"The eight towers of the life-giving tower will be so terrifying? Will Senior Yang Xu fail?"

"If Ruoyang Xu fails, will we be affected by him?"

"Yeah, Yang Xu is still impulsive, and he clearly has insufficient means, but he has to be hard to violate the above. I have already felt that the world is about to destroy!"

"Yes, you found that no, our power is becoming weaker and weaker, and vitality seems to be abnormally depressed..."

Some harsh voices and comments began to spread among many planes and practitioners. "You idiots! What about Senior Yangxu's involvement with us? Are you willing to be pigs and dogs and kept in captivity? If Senior Yangxu wasn't for our future, why did he work so hard! With his ability, who would go? No? Which place?

Fang Xiaoyao? "

"Yes! You white-eyed wolves, don't confuse the army here! Now is the time for all of us to work together to help Senior Yang Xu! We should think about what we can do for Senior Yang Xu!"

"Yes, yes! You can't just put Senior Yang Xu in front..."

Among the countless seat faces, and countless cultivators, supporting Yang Xu's voice quickly overshadowed the few complaints and objections.

As a cultivator, you can gain absolute power, at least IQ and right or wrong can still be clearly discerned.

Otherwise, the brain is not clear enough to achieve such a powerful achievement at all!

"We must be able to help Yang Xu, and there must be a way!" A determined will, from all directions, across countless planes, and the barrier of the space-time crystal wall system, converged into the will of the little black dog of Tiandao...

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