Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2849: Strangle it all!

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With Yang Xu Yangtian laughed loudly, hundreds of millions of practitioners, all changed in color:


A terrified look suddenly turned toward Tiandao little black dog and gathered away.

Seeing the Tiandao little black dog at the moment, where is still fighting? Brush brush!

Tiandao little black dog changed shape, turned out to be nine hundred and ninety-one avatars.

Sealed the black dragon in those eight days, the moment came.


Ninety-nine-eighty-one Heavenly Dao black dog avatar, divided into eighty-one different directions, toward the seal black dragon, directly blocked.

Such changes.

Not only the cultivators, but also the eagle gang master, and even the opponent Zhao of Tiandao little black dog, couldn't help but be surprised.

Wu Huangzhao's beautiful face was full of surprise at the moment.

However, the response was as fast as her, and almost immediately understood the truth from Yang Xu's words:

"It turns out so!"

"It turns out that all of this is Yang Xu and the will of Heavenly Dao, a bureau set down!"

Wu Huangzhao's pair of beautiful eyes flashed with sighs:

"I'll say it. How can the wrong person be chosen by the divine will of the heaven and the will of the chosen son of destiny?"

"Not to mention, Yang Xu is not that capricious!"

this moment.

Both Wu Huangzhao and Feiying Gang Master understood that Yang Xu’s previous dispute with Tiandao Black Dog, the battle of life and death, was all a false appearance.

This is probably the moment when the Black Dragon is sealed.

Buzz, buzz...

Along with the ninety-nine and eighty-one avatars of Tiandao little black dog, shining in the void.

Almost instantly, the hole in the sky vault where the seal black dragon came was made up and closed.

The Sealed Black Dragon has been unable to do so for a short period of time even if he feels something is wrong and wants to get out!

"Close the door and cut the dragon!"

Yang Xu's words are by no means mere words.

At the moment when the eight sealed black dragons rushed down, the green light formed by the broken dragon knife in his hand suddenly burst into flames.

The next moment, a turquoise Qingtian God Pillar slain from the skydragon town.

Almost instantly, a black dragon with a seal was hit by the green pillar of the **** from top to bottom:


The sealed black dragon spewed out a large mouthful of black dragon blood.

The mass of black dragon blood melted in the void, all of which were densely sealed seal runes, burrowing around in the void, trying to escape.

Yang Xu's eyes swept away, the sun **** set golden fire, swept across, scorn!

Those twisted and tangled seal runes were burned clean.


The suppressed black dragon, Yang Tian uttered a scream, which made the other seven black dragons, suddenly more violent:


They all locked Yang Xu and rushed down towards this side.

The black dragon that was hit by the seal was enduring the risk of cracking and destruction. A volume of the black dragon's tail will get the green pillar of Optimus God directly locked.

To this.

Yang Xu raised a brow and smiled slightly:

"Want to trap the Dragon Sword? Not so easy."

The dragon-broken sword, which is specifically aimed at the lock life tower and the sealed black dragon, is it so easy to be suppressed?


The turquoise pillar of the turquoise green, the treasure light flashed, and in the surprise eyes of the Emperor Wu and the eagle eagle, a huge green scissors appeared on the sky dome.

The twisted tail of the seal Black Dragon happened to appear in the position of the scissors mouth.

Yang Xu didn't need any effort, blinked:


The huge blue-green scissors will seal the black dragon in half.


Rolling black dragon blood, flying out, turning into hundreds of millions of seal runes, the sun **** golden golden fire, swept away instantly.

But in Yang Xu's free eyes, the green-green broken dragon was cut and clicked and cut out again and again, and after a few breathing efforts, the poor seal black dragon was cut into sections.

Even the hardest piece of the scales on the body was cut by the dragon and cut in half!

Under the hundreds of millions of faces, countless cultivators are now, and they are stunned:

What the hell!

Can you still play like this?

Yang Xu, this is a dragon-broken sword, which is for the play!

Did he expect this step long ago?

Just when the cultivators were surprised and sighed, it would make them shocked and appeared again:

The eight seal black dragons, except for the one that was cut into pieces of meat, the other seven seal black dragons, divided into different directions, waving the black dragon claws, Chaoyang Xu came to kill.


In the face of their rush, Yang Xu not only did not panic, but instead looked with a smile on his face, in the seven seal black dragons, rushed to the moment in front of him, snorting...

In all directions, dense black spears sprang up.

Each divine spear contains the laws of heaven and earth, the will of great art, and the energy of the divine avenue, just like the avenue dragon, wrapped around the divine spear.

It turned out that the seven black seals were all nailed to the void.

Yin Yang, Yin Yang...

Sealing the black dragon, struggling wildly, shaking the dragon's body, trying to get rid of it.


Tiandao little black dog flashed in light, appeared above the seal black dragon, and smiled coldly:

"Now want to get rid of it? Ha ha, Yang Xu and I have tried our best to lead you down, but it is not for you to see the scenery."


Tiandao little black dog looked over to Yang Yangxu.

Yang Xu was already ready, and his finger only took a random click:


The huge azure dragon cut off, and immediately flew in front of Tiandao little black dog.

Heavenly little black dog did not even hesitate at all, opened his mouth and spit, rumbling!

Between heaven and earth, the purest and most primitive law of the avenue, the divine power of the origin, like the flooding of the galaxy, screamed toward the broken dragon.


Broke Dragon Shear came into contact with this huge energy, and there were dense green runes all over his body, which shone away.

All the cultivators were shocked to see that the broken dragon shears seemed to have life, just like two green dragons, goo, goo, goo!

Crazy devouring and refining the pure original divine power.

At the next moment, the Dragon Cut is almost instantaneously magnified.

There are millions of kilometers of huge scissors, and the shadow directly covers the seven seal black dragons, one cut:



The black dragon screamed like thunder resounded through the void.

Fourteen cut dragon bodies, madly spraying seal runes and seal dragon blood.

The panicked seal black dragons struggled hard and tried to restore the dragon body, but how could Yang Xu give them a chance?

"Ling Ming Shen Shi, strangle!"


The sky above Yang Xu's head was silent, and the spirit stone that had been silent for a while, gave a light shock, and suddenly, there was a nine-color radiance like a match, sweeping up. With the shining of the nine-colored gods, hundreds of millions of gods, like a flying needle, assassinate the black dragon to the seal!

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