Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2850: Unyielding

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Xia Guangyaotian, Shenhua Wandao, the condensed magic needles of the Shenming Shenshi, dense and dense, wrapped in the breath of destruction of hundreds of millions of Dao, rushed to the death in an instant.

No suspense, poo poo...

Fourteen broken seal dragon bodies, almost instantly, were beaten into sieves!

The dense seal runes, along the broken holes on the dragon body like a sieve, frantically sprayed out.

The screams of the Sealed Black Dragon are already so weak that they are barely audible.

"Seal Black Dragon was killed by the town..."

"Oh my god, is this the purpose of Senior Yang Xu? He and Tian Dao will unite in a play and set up this game!"

"Look! Seal Dragon Ball! Another black dragon ball appears!"

"Yes! The second and the third... all appeared, ha ha ha! Senior Yang Xu can use these dragon **** to lift the seal of the life-locking tower!"

Under the hundreds of millions of planes, countless cultivators, seeing this scene, only feel a kind of ecstasy from the heart.


What surprised them was.

At this time, Yang Xu's expression was still plain.

It is the little black dog of the will of the will, standing quietly at the moment, looking at the sky above.

"Huh? Is there anything that hasn't changed?"

"Senior Yang Xu has already strangled all the seal black dragons. Isn't the rest just to break the seal of the lock life tower?"

Many monks have doubts on their faces.

Only those who have reached the state of mixed caves seem vaguely feeling awkward. Looking at Senior Yangxiang Xu's eyes, there is a little more worry:

The Sealed Black Dragon was indeed strangled. However, the move of Senior Yang Xu completely angered the powerful existence behind the Locked Life Tower!

Will that person stop so easily?

It seems to confirm the general thoughts of these cultivators. On Yang Xuqingxiu's face, the expression moved slightly, as if she noticed something. The expression of the teenager gradually changed from plain to dignified.

And the eyes of the little black dog of Tiandao began to become very aloof, and the runes of Daodao and the power of great art kept rotating around.

It seems to be ready to fight at any time.

"Sure enough, it's not over yet. I don't know if I see it well. The guys above are really crazy."

Feiying Gang looked at Yang Xu with his eyes, which became somewhat austere, and a smile appeared in his eyes:

Yang Xu's eyes were too familiar.

Although Yang Xu’s acting skills are not as powerful as usual, he can’t hide the fact that the Flying Eagle gangster said: “This kid’s dignified expression is obviously pretended to be! This kid, it’s true! Just finished the seal Black Dragon, Immediately threw out a trap again! If the man behind the lock life tower, obediently admits, retreats, then everything

it is good. If you shame your face and wait for him, I am afraid it is Yang Xu's fiercest meeting ceremony! "

The idea of ​​the flying eagle helper just appeared in a moment.


On the sky of hundreds of millions of miles, outside the crystal wall system of the endless plane, the eight lock-tower sky towers hanging from the sky suddenly shook in unison.

A magical black lightning will connect these eight towers of life.

The next moment:


There is a huge lightning of 100,000 kilometers in length, annihilated in darkness, ruined everything, and slashed fiercely towards the eight towers of life.

In the horrified eyes of countless cultivators, the eight lock towers gleamed with the power of destruction, and suddenly, they exploded.

In the next second, the eight towers of life and death, continually fusing and condensing in the rolling black lightning, gradually turned into a huge, dark tower.

Around the pagoda, the fate scrolls, the runes of life and death avenues, like the dragon flying around, circled around it.

This huge lifeguard tower burst into a breath of destruction.

"Little black dog, I'll see you next."

Facing the horrible pagoda wrapped in the power of destruction, Yang Xu looked full of seriousness and his tone was very solemn:

"By blocking it, we may still have the chance to win. If we can't stop it, all of us will not only go to waste, even you and me will be destroyed!"

Yang Xu's serious look almost made Tiandao little black dog laugh out loud:

I go, this guy Yang Xu is simply a born film emperor!

Good guy, this is too good!

If you didn't know your plan long ago, I would almost take it seriously!

Tiandao little black dog thought in this way, but his face was not exposed, his body suddenly shocked, swish...

In all directions, the sky-black little dog avatars, like the Baichuanhuihai, flew towards the sky-black little dog and escaped into him.


The breath of the heavenly black dog skyrocketed at an alarming rate.

And when the practitioners were surprised, they buzzed...

Above the sky dome, a huge black ripple spreads around the black lock tower.

The plane crystal wall system of this realm collapsed, shattered, and annihilated almost at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In people's horrifying eyes, that huge giant tower of life, the black awn shining, cracked down along the cracks in the crystal wall system of the broken plane.

There seemed to be a voice in the midst of all the monks, who said:

"The ants... also delusional... swallow the sky? Die!"

In an instant, a breath of great destruction, great collapse, and great despair sounded in the minds of all the practitioners.

Puff, puff...

Hundreds of thousands of cultivators only felt the weakness of their limbs, their minds collapsed, their tears kept flowing, they knelt down to the ground, and their spirits almost collapsed.

And at this time.

Above the sky dome, with a loud bang, like a thunder, burst in the hearts of everyone:

"Don't kneel! My cultivators should have unyielding will, self-cultivation, self-cultivation and destiny, but no surrender!"

Yang Xu's voice seemed to burst, making everyone desperate and almost collapsed, waking up suddenly.

But Yang Xu's next sentence seems to be facing the existence above, saying:

"As for you, the existence of an influx of the upper realm is also delusional to control the destiny of a realm and enslave a realm? Morality does not match, waiting for you, will eventually be destroyed!"

As soon as Yang Xu made this remark, the sky above his head, the sun **** disk, the lock life tower, the broken dragon shears, and the sacred stone were all shining brightly.

The speed of the black lock life tower suppressing down, could not help but slow down a lot.

Under the world, all the cultivators who almost collapsed, at this moment, their hearts suddenly ignited the fire of hope.

Suppressed emotions for a long time, at this moment, finally broke out:

"Yes! We can't give in!"

"You are stronger than us, shall we obey you in slavery?"

"Even if it is death or destruction, let us not lose our freedom!"

Buzz, buzz... a fire of hope, crossing the barriers of countless planes, ignited instantly in the mind of the fate of Tiandao little black dog.

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