Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2851: perish together?

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The Tiandao little black dog who accompanied Yang Xu's acting almost immediately noticed the huge change in his mind.

Sensing the will of all beings, under the pressure of that huge external pressure, it has become a rope like never before.

In the eyes of Tiandao little black dog, a ray of fine awn flashed involuntarily:

"Sure enough! I was really hit by Yang Xu. The deepest heart of the cultivator is the most reluctant to succumb!" "Oh, want to enslave us? Sorry, you really made a wrong calculation!"


In the eyes of Tiandao little black dog, a brilliant light flashed.

But at this time, after the huge tower of life, opened its way with black ripples, and shattered the large plane crystal wall system, it finally came down towards the world of Yangxu.

Huge pressure, overwhelming, sweeping the sky, destroying everything, a breath of death, seeing Yang Xu completely destroyed.

The sky above Yang Xu's head, the sun **** disk, the desolate ancient **** tower, the broken dragon sword, and the spirit **** stone exploded radiantly.

A fierce and majestic force, massively and persistently output, trying to resist the huge lifeguard tower.



As said by the existence of the upper realm, in the face of the destructive power of the immense lock-up tower, all efforts are like ants, and they are worthless.

Under all circumstances, all the cultivators, seeing this scene, were originally full of unyielding hearts, and could not help falling into shock and despair again.


What surprised them was that in the face of this mortal scene, Yang Xu's predecessor's beautiful face was calm and calm.


Even the Emperor Wu, who was not far behind him, was watching the beloved husband, and he was about to be destroyed by the Locked Sky Tower. There was no worries or anxiety on that beautiful face.

"I know that you can do it, even if you can't do it, I will accompany you and leave this world together!"

Emperor Wu Emperor, beautiful eyes, like jewels, sparkling, determined eyes, locked Yang Xu firmly.

And at this time.

The huge tower of life, finally crossed the loophole of the plane crystal wall of this session and entered this world.

"Hahaha, finally here, the will of heaven, next, it's up to you! Make up the sky!"

Suddenly Yang Xu screamed.

At the moment when the sound burst, the change burst out:

Buzz, buzz...

The sky above the little black dog's head was empty, and there were ripples of time and space. I saw that the spiral of space and time continued to rotate.

One figure after another, continuously flying out of the space spiral.

Each figure is filled with a huge and decisive breath, a manifestation of the will of the heavenly path, pervading from their entire body.

Under the plane of thousands of worlds, some cultivators saw this scene and suddenly exclaimed:

"My God! How is it possible! The little black dog summoned by Heaven Dao is actually me!"

"I also saw that among the crowd summoned, there was also me!"

Countless cultivators have discovered almost one after another. The "other one", who is exactly like them, was summoned by the little black dog.

And that "other one", with his eyes full of unyielding eyes, accompanied by a glance from the little dog of Heavenly Dao, rushed into the void:

Buzz, buzz!

They transformed into a magical rune, shining with golden awns, and brilliance. They turned into a huge celestial snare, and they would be shattered by the huge hole of the plane.

at the same time.

The densely summoned cultivators continuously flew up to fill the sky with their bodies and exploded huge energy.

In the horrified and surprised eyes of all cultivators, these summoning cultivators will get the broken sky, and in a few moments, they will be restored to their original state.


The giant tower of life that entered this realm was isolated from the upper realm almost instantly. "Yangxu! I have made up the sky dome, and the rest is up to you! Although you and I joined forces to fight against the existence of the upper realm, can the cultivators in this realm get a safe cultivation environment? , It all depends on your next performance

! "

Yang Xu laughed confidently back:

"Hahaha, don't worry, little black dog! Since I dare to drag you into the water, I must have full confidence!"

"I Yang Xu, not only to open the sky today, but also to all the cultivators in the world, a safe cultivation environment!"

"Within a hundred years, no one in the upper realm will be able to enter this realm!"

"Look at me!"


Around Yang Xu, the space suddenly oscillated, and at his feet, golden ripples appeared one after another.

There were nine, ninety-one golden ripples, one after another, appearing under Yang Xu. He kicked with both feet:


With the help of this huge power, Yang Xu, like a cannonball, rushed straight towards the immense lock tower.

On top of Yang Xu's head, the Sun God Plate, the Ancient God Tower, the Broken Dragon Sword, and the Spiritual Divine Stone, constantly shining brilliantly, bursting out with brilliant radiance, protecting Yang Xu's body.

"Not good! Hit it soon! Senior Yang Xu is doing what?"

"My God, wouldn't Senior Yang Xu want to die with that life-saving tower?"

"Don't! Senior Yang Xu, we can all think long..."

All the cultivators, seeing Yang Xu's speed soaring, are about to collide hard with the Suo Tian Tian Pagoda, but there is no tendency to stop at all.

In their eyes, there was a flash of horror and worry.


Yang Xu devoted himself to himself, and the scene of his hard work for the whole world was almost appreciated and respected by all the practitioners.


Their will can be passed into the mind of Tiandao little black dog, but it cannot be heard by Yang Xu.


The speed of Yang Xu's sudden rush to the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda was still not reduced at all.


In the desperate eyes of all the practitioners, rumbling...

Yang Xu's body, together with the barren ancient pagoda, the sun **** disk, the dragon-breaking sword, and the spirit **** stone, hit the sky-sharpening sky-destination pagoda together.

Yang Xu's flesh collapsed instantly.

A total of eight lock life towers, the fusion of one, its sturdiness, even beyond the existence of ordinary fairy.

Isn't it the Yang Xu of the lower realm, a flesh capable of confronting?


People die like lights.

Almost at the moment when Yang Xu's flesh broke, Wu Huangzhang felt that between heaven and earth, Yang Xu's breath was completely lost.

The change here made her feel, with a click, her eyes filled with tears instantly.


The strong will made her wake up in an instant:

Do not! Hu Jun will never do such a stupid thing!

The reason why he must have his own purpose!

There must be a trick! At this moment, Emperor Wu Emperor's eyes were as bright as the sun and the moon, and his sharp eyes stared at the huge tower of life.

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