Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2852: Change!

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Above the sky dome, around the life tower, Yang Xu's crumbling flesh, although the breath dissipated, but the mass of flesh and blood energy did not disappear.


What made all the cultivators change their colors was the mysterious runes of magic, runes of magic, and runes of secret skills, which all manifested in the void.

There are "Destruction", "Cutting", "Engulfing", "Killing"...

There are "Undefeated Divine Fist", "Age Divine Fist", "Light Divine Fist", "Three Swords, Three Swords and Three Divine Skills"...

There are also "Sacred Cut", "Ten Sun Divine Skills", "Day of the Baby Slaying the Corpse", "Holy Phoenix Bell Bell" and so on!


Martial arts such as "Ape Demon Fist", "Thousand Absolute Swords", "Three Points Return to Strength", "Handprint of Seven Emotions and Six Desire", "Biluo Huangquan Killing" and so on have not been seen for a long time.

They also turned into bright runes one after another, circling around and twirling around the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda.

at the same time.

All kinds of treasures, such as the magic wand, the two cylinders of Yin and Yang, the sword of the crocodile crocodile, the swallowing of the gods, the seven treasures, and so on, also appeared one by one, suspended in mid-air.

All these treasures and magical techniques release colorful rays of light, full of bright colors, and illuminate the void in a clear light.

Under the world.

All cultivators, seeing this scene, are all stupid:

I go! Worthy of being Senior Yang Xu, he has such an amazing treasure! So much skill!

Do so many masters belong to him?

No wonder! No wonder he can keep up with the existence of the realm, breaking his wrist! It turned out he had this confidence!

this moment.

All practitioners felt a strong sense of admiration for Yang Xu in their hearts.


Deep in their hearts, they were a little uneasy:

Even these treasures and great techniques have burst out, does it mean that Senior Yang Xu is really dead?

If not, why didn't the turnaround appear?

Not only the cultivators, thinking of this, even the Wuhuangzhuo and the little nuns, after waiting for a long time, did not change anything.

They can't help it anymore:

"Are Yang Xu really... dead?"

"Impossible! In this world, there is nothing that can beat him! If it is something that is not sure, how could he do it?"

"Brother Yang Xu is not the kind of person who is alone..."

Regardless of whether the Emperor Wu Emperor or the little nun had such an impression of Yang Xu.

Don't talk about them.

Even the eagle gangster could not help wondering when he saw the colorful shocking scene above the sky.

Without knowing the means of Yang Xu and the little black dog, I am afraid he really believes that Yang Xu is completely dead!

"This kid, can really act! I now understand why he had taken the monkey's Nine Trick God Stone before."

In the eyes of the leader of the Flying Eagle, a ray of fine light flashed through.

And at this time.

Above the sky dome, the light emerged and rumbling!

A huge sharp gun tears the sky, and a huge figure with red hair appears on the sky. The whole body is full of demon spirits, and golden eyes burst out of the eyes.

Who is not Ape Hong?

"This monkey is not dead yet!"

Feiying Gang's face changed slightly and exclaimed, "No! He may have broken Yang Xu's plan!"

Before he could shoot, above the sky, the ape rainbow was already bursting out:

"Yangxu! I finally got the chance! You dare to take my Jiuqiao God Stone, and I will take you this stone!"

"It's fair!"


Ape Hong was beaten by Yang Xu and escaped. He didn't know what happened and suddenly a bright red cloud appeared at his feet.

This cloud is full of **** gas, and there is a pair of scarlet eyes hidden in the **** cloud.


The **** cloud, carrying the ape rainbow, turned into a rainbow full of evil spirits, and rushed straight to the mass of Yang Xu's flesh.

Among the colorful treasures, Ape Rainbow has already locked, and the spirit stone suspended in it.

have to say.

This monkey is also sensible. In order to prevent other accidents, he is not greedy, and he only wants to seize the magical **** stone.


Unexpectedly, the moment he burst into the blood mist that burst into Yang Xu's body, buzz, buzz...

In all directions, all the Grand Rune Runes, Divine Rune Runes, Martial Rune Runes, and even all the Taoist weapons and magic weapons are all shining layer by layer.

The next moment:


A wave of terrifying energy is almost venting towards Ape Rainbow.


Ape Hong's eyes suddenly widened, and he didn't expect that such a strange thing would happen.

Almost instantly, he understood:

"I'm fooled!"

"Yang Xu is not dead! This cunning man is lying to me!"


In all directions, rolling magical power, swept across, will drown Ape Rainbow instantly.

The destructive energy will kill him, almost completely destroyed. Unless he reacts swiftly to the machine, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out of it.


This time, the blood-red clouds under his feet failed to withdraw and was swept into Yang Xu's counterattack force.

【Ding! 】

[Player gains blood x1 cloud! Does it refine immediately? 】

In the midst, such a sound seemed to sound.

And Yang Xu's recognizable calm voice also slowly sounded in the void:

"Well, refining it, there is the spirit of the monkey's blood inside, which is used to speed up the fusion of the Jiuqiao God Stone, just right!"

Yang Xu's voice, with a touch of joy, felt that the monkey, the ape monkey, was really just.

The speed of refining the Jiuqiao God Stone was a little slow, and this guy brought what he needed to the door.

"Jiuqiao God Stone, I said you had a great chance, but now your chance is here!"

Yang Xu's voice, like the Thunder of Jiuxiao, showed a firm and decisive meaning, "Although I will reshape the body immediately!"

Jiuqiao Shenshi felt strange:

"Your flesh has already been merged with Lingming God Stone, why did you want to break it and re-harden it?"

"Oh, how can you understand the truth behind a stubborn stone?"

"Not to mention! My Yang Xu wants to reunite today, not one body! But two!"

"You, Jiuqiao God Stone, will become my second body!"


The sky of Jiuxiao, the thunder burst, and the power of Tianlei represent vitality and hope.

When this first bright blue thunder pierced the void above the lock tower, scorn!

Massive spells, divine arts, and martial arts runes around the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda all converged towards the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda.

Not only that, even the gleaming divine stone that shines in the nine-color gods gathers towards the life-lock tower.

Seeing this scene, the Flying Eagle Master finally saw a fine mango in his eyes: "My God, does this guy Yang Xu want to...!"

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