Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2854: Open the sky for protection!

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Unexpectedly, Yangxu predicted that it was after the Nine Trick God Stone, which melted all the powers of magic, great art, and law, and turned it into a liquid.

For a moment when I got into the lock tower, I was booming!

Massive power of law and power of the world erupted out of the Jiuqiao God Stone in an instant.

Inside the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda, there were seal chains and seal runes all over the place, representing a force to suppress everything and seal everything.


Today's Suo Ming Tian Pagoda, isolated by Yang Xu and Tian Dao Black Dog, has been isolated from the upper realm. Suo Tian Tian Pagoda is helpless. Those seal runes have also lost their source of power.

So much so.

When Jiuqiao Shenshi entered the Locking Tower, the offensive situation unfolded, and suddenly it would be destroyed, and all the seal runes would be wiped out.

The interior of the Tower of Life, which was originally enveloped by darkness, was almost instantaneously bright, and the golden light was gorgeous, just like the day.

The densely sealed seal runes were all destroyed, turned into clusters of black mysterious energy, brush!

Among the Nine Trick God Stones, a turquoise green light appeared. It was the liquidized dragon-breaking knife, which transformed into a brilliant turquoise green dragon, a piece of Longkou:

Goo, goo!

All the black seal magical powers will be swallowed within the lock tower!

Apart from the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda, apart from Yang Xu, other cultivators naturally cannot see the scene inside the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda.

But what surprised them was.

When the liquidized Nine Treasure Stone entered the interior of the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda, a stream of golden liquid energy flowed from the interior of the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda, overflowing with light and color.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the immense giant tower of life, wrapped in golden light, gradually evolved into a human-shaped silhouette.


That huge human-shaped silhouette, just like the coming of the gods, continually condenses and changes, the widows of the laws of destruction, cutting, chaos, etc. gleam above the golden body.

Like stars in the sky.

Under the billions of planes, those powerful people who reached the mixed cave realm were surprised and shouted in the eyes:

"That's a metamorphosis! Isn't it possible to have a soul in the locked tower?"

"This is the handwriting of Senior Yang Xu. If it is said that Suo Tian Tian Pagoda has soul, wouldn't that mean..."

Brush brush!

The eyes of the gangsters in the mixed caves suddenly lighted up at this moment. When they thought of the amazing possibility, they could not help but release their excitement, exclamation and other glory:

"It turns out that it is so! The reason why Senior Yang Xu wanted to destroy the flesh is to stand behind it! His purpose was to refine this mysterious life-saving tower and reunite the **** body!"

Many cultivators thought they had seen Yang Xu's plan, and were amazed by Yang Xu's amazing plan.

Above the Nine Heavens, that huge giant tower of life, under the control of the Jiuqiao God Stone, kept changing, and finally turned into the appearance of Yang Xu.

Whether it is a **** body or a face, it is exactly the same as Yang Xu, except that the **** body is too large.

【Ding! 】

[Lock Life Tower Refinery Progress 100%! Jiuqiao Shenshi can be combined into one, does the melting process start immediately? 】

The sound of the system sounded in Yang Xu's mind.

In the state of soul, he seems to be in an independent space, and his soul deposit is the spiritual stone.

At this moment, Yang Xu, without the shackles of the flesh, the soul almost reached the most perfect and harmonious fusion with the spirit stone.

Also until this time.

Yang Xucai was pleasantly surprised to find that the original Lingming Shenshi still had a lot of potential and was not developed.

This is also an unexpected gain:

"Finally, I didn't waste my plan, and Lingming Shenshi still has such potential to be developed urgently, which made the only small flaw in my plan finally overcome!"

"Nothing, the system will immediately start the process of fusion of the Nine Trick God Stone!"

With Yang Xu's order.


Yang Xu felt a strange dizziness in his soul.

The next moment, he immediately felt as if he appeared in a strange space, with golden lights everywhere.

In all directions, the surging energy rushed into his soul, frantically pouring in, condensing, and fusing.

The next moment.

Brush, brush!

There were two dazzling rays of light in front of him. When Yang Xu Shennian moved, the two rays of light became larger, and everything in front of him suddenly came into his eyes:

In all directions, there are a lot of free laws and energies everywhere. The heavenly little black dog, the Emperor Wuhuang, and the Flying Eagle help them. They are staring at themselves in different directions from the different directions.

Yang Xu blinked his eyes and raised his hands. Suddenly, a huge pair of arms shrouded in golden light all over his eyes.

"This is... my second body?"

Yang Xu was very pleased, "Has the Locked Sky Pagoda and Jiuqiao God Stone been successfully integrated?"

At this time, the system prompt promptly sounded in my mind:

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the Nine Trick God Stone is successfully smelted, and the Locked God Body is condensed! Do you want to view the attributes immediately? 】

【Ding! 】

[The player’s soul is successfully copied, the connection between the body and the incarnation consciousness is successful, and the matching degree is 100% perfect! 】

【Ding! 】

[Unlimited upgrade system touches on the upgrade procedure, the current progress is 1% during the version update...]


A series of prompts in the system made Deyang Xu's eyes dazzled.

at the same time.

He felt it almost immediately, in this new body, a powerful energy that destroyed the world!

"My plan has been successful. The life-locking body is finally condensed. This is my gift to this world!"

The huge Yang Xu, the golden light shining through the whole body, looked towards the little black dog of Tiandao:

"Heavenly will, your cooperation with us is successful, you do not have to bear the anger of the upper realm, do not have to experience hundreds of millions of years of fire rebirth, and I will replace you and protect the monks in this world!"

"Today, I am open to the sky and I must protect the sky!"

"The knife!"


The huge Yang Xu grabbed it, and in the void, a mass of green energy appeared like a green sun in Yang Xu's hands.

The flash of green awns turned into a huge green sword, which was the dragon-broken sword:

"Give me!"


The huge Yang Xu waved his big hand, and the broken dragon sword turned into a green sky, and he cut it out towards the sky.

Under the testimony of hundreds of millions of cultivators, the sky connected to the upper realm was suddenly torn apart.

But Yang Xu seemed to feel that it was not enough. His huge body, wielding a huge broken dragon sword, cut it out again:

"Crack me!"

Bang! The plane crystal wall system of the upper boundary, under the horror of Yang Xu, broke apart inch by inch!

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