Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2855: So domineering!

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Along with Yang Xu's earth-shattering knife, the plane crystal wall system of the upper realm completely collapsed. This realm is equivalent to being completely connected with the upper realm.

At the moment when Yang Xu Kaitian succeeded.


Massive energy of upper bound law, the power of heaven and earth, towards this kingdom, madly sink in and pour down. Under the hundreds of millions of planes, almost all the monks suddenly felt that the ground beneath them was constantly expanding, the sky above them was constantly rising, and all around them, flowers and trees were madly drawing new

The laws and rules of entry are varied.

What surprised them even more was that the aura in heaven and earth, almost at an alarming rate, became crazy and thick.

Their training speed, just these breathing skills, is more than ten times higher than in the past!

The most thrilled are those who have reached the level of mixed caves and have been unable to break the bottleneck.

When they sensed that that layer had imprisoned their bottlenecks and disappeared completely.

A bright front for cultivation was placed in front of them again.

This made these monks in the mixed caves, all of them old and tearful, looking at the tall figure of the young man, his eyes full of gratitude:

"Thank you, Senior Yangxu! If Senior Yangxu didn't take action, our lives will be as good as pigs and dogs!"

"Senior Yangxu, you are our early parents. The grace of reconstruction is better than the sun and the moon!"

Many cultivators shed tears of excitement.

All to Yang Xu, thanks Dade.

At this time, Yang Xu even felt that if he practiced a method like merit and belief, he would definitely be able to reap the power of faith.


He was not immersed in such gratitude and admiration, but glanced at the little black dog in heaven.

Tiandao little black dog understands everything, and in the blink of an eye, all the cultivators' hearts are all sounding Yang Xu's words: "It is not yet a time of happiness. Although I am open to success, this also means that we One world has been fully exposed in front of the upper interface! The portal to the upper realm was opened by me, which also means that the upper realm can also pass this

Portal, enter our world, and we, have not grown strong enough to resist them..."

It seems that the evidence of Yang Xu is generally confirmed. Suddenly, some laws of heaven and earth pouring from the upper realm suddenly changed into a strange beast with a strange head.

These fierce beasts, qi and blood are not ordinary large, and qi is not ordinary thick.

When they came, they didn't need to take shots, just the huge figure was enough to make many cultivators look disappointed.

There are some people who haven’t attacked yet, they are swallowed by the fierce beasts, all swallowed into the stomach, and turned into blood and energy.

"Don't panic, this is only a temporary invasion, everything has me!"

Yang Xu's voice, calm and calm, seemed to be a calming heart, which caused the panicked cultivator to calm down temporarily:


Above nine days, a thunder suddenly crossed, hitting the invading beasts.

Suddenly, all of them turned into fly ash.

There was a void above Yang Xu's head, and there was a sneering voice in the crack of the crystal wall system that was cut out:

"Oh, stupid human beings, do you think you just need to kill those fierce beasts? Haha, the real danger is us!" "In the past, although you were fat and attractive, you were kept in a cage, We don’t have a chance even if we want to kill you! But now it’s different, you stupid guys, took the initiative to open this cage and open a gap.

Good opportunity for us to shoot! "

"Zhongxianjun, even though they are in the lower realm, go kill them, and pass them by!"


A series of figures flew into the crack of the crystal wall system.

The dense figure, the whole body is entangled with colorful light, each of the cultivation is aura, not under the **** kingdom son and saint.

The local practitioners, looking at the rushing figure, could not help but fall into a despair:

"Yeah, we are too smug, Senior Yang Xu is right, our gateway to the upper realm is opened, which also means that the danger of the upper realm can also enter the lower realm, and we have not grown enough to resist These dangers..."

"But what can we do besides doing this? Without Heaven, we will not have the opportunity to develop and succeed in Heaven. Although we will face the death and death of the upper realm, at least there is still a trace of hope and the opportunity to rise... …"

The practitioners felt a trace of sadness in their hearts.

However, at this time.

Yang Xu's thunderous voice once again sounded in the hearts of the practitioners:

"Not to be disappointed, but also desperate! Yang Xu just said that today I will not only open the sky, but also protect the sky!"

"Since this barrier is broken, I will not allow the cats and dogs above to jump down and make trouble! Five hundred years, I will be here and guard for five hundred years!"

"Dear friends, within five hundred years, you are all safe. Really strong people, we must seize the time, grow up, and grow up enough to protect the security of this world, defend your people, your disciples!"

"Within five hundred years, you don't have to worry about any threats, because, everything, there is me!"

Yang Xu's words were ferocious and thunderous, like a round of the sun in the night, breaking all the darkness, so that the discouraged cultivators saw the light again.

And as he said something, Yang Xu, who smelted the life-locking tower, a huge **** body, held a fairy sun disc in his left hand, and a powerful killer Dragon Sword in his right hand.

Just wave it, Hulong!

The Broken Dragon Divine Sword turned into a turquoise brilliance, sweeping towards the gap of the crystal wall system.


The fairy people who rushed down from the upper realm, one by one, were all cut and cut into two sections.

"No! How is this possible! How can the sword of the lower realm cut the fairy of the upper realm? What magic weapon is this?"

"Want to kill us, delusion! We immortals are immortal, we..."

These guys who have been cut in half by the Dragon Sword haven't finished their words, huh!

The fairy sun disc in the hand of Yang Xu exploded with golden flames, which seemed to be golden Tianhe, and it was vast and sweeping towards the remains of the fairy.

Suddenly, scorn!

They were all burned to fly ash! "Listen to me, people in the upper realm, I am Yang Xu in this realm, but I am blessed by the power of the whole world and recognized by the will of Heaven and Dao! I want to kill me unless you do a good job. The enlightenment of the nine fairy kings, otherwise, I am here

One world is invincible! "In five hundred years, you wouldn't want to invade this sector. After five hundred years, how can I concoct this sector? Yang Xu will not say anything more! "

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