Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2856: Enter the upper realm!

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With Yang Xu's utterly loud words, call!

Those fairy celestial bodies burned into fly ash by the sun **** disk are all annihilated into powder, leaving only a ray of shining light balls, suspended in the void.

Yang Xu made a move, and the ray of light suddenly flew into his huge golden palm.

Sensing the power of law in those spheres of light, Yang Xu, which shines like a god, sneered:

"I don't even have a complete Tiandi Avenue, but I still want to come to my site to fight the autumn wind?"

"Who got used to you?"

Bang Bang!

Yang Xu worked hard, and the ray of energy light burst suddenly.

These spheres of light contain the power and perception of those immortals who have practiced for life, and now they are all transformed into a stream and penetrate into Yang Xu's body.

The **** body smelted by his Jiuqiao God Stone and Suo Ming Tian Pagoda instantly absorbed and merged!

Sensing various kinds of cultivation feelings, they are being integrated with the great art, magic art, and martial arts integrated in their own bodies, and they are perfectly combined.

In Yang Xu's eyes, there was a flash of excitement:

"Haha, such a **** body is really powerful. The power of Jiuqiao God Stone and Suo Ming Tian Pagoda brought me endless surprises!"

Yang Xu looked up and looked at the upper boundary beyond the sky. His eyes flashed with admiration:

The big man in the upper realm, with all his efforts, wanted to seal this realm, but did not expect that in the end all the plans, all made a wedding dress for himself!

Presumably, the one above is almost exploding right now?

It's a pity that my heart is not willing and useless. At the entrance of this world, I can not only learn the laws of heaven and the divine power of heaven and earth.

It is also blessed by the will of heaven and the will of this world.

In this world, I am invincible!


Yang Xu's twinkling twinkling eyes looked towards the little black dog of Tiandao:

"Tian Dao will, now your opportunity has come, I have already opened the sky, which step can evolve, it depends on yourself."

Tiandao little black dog, a pair of deep eyes, flashing with admiration and gratitude, Yang Yang's huge mountain, standing in the sky, looking in the eyes, Tiandao little black dog hoarse voice, said:

"Are you really going to stay here and guard for five hundred years?"

"This is five hundred years. You have to sit here and not leave Cunbu..."

Tiandao little black dog can't imagine how this will be silent.

Yang Xu nodded firmly, but nodded:

"For this world, for all beings, for the world, Yang Xu is duty-bound!"

"Before this world grew up, I was their strongest support!"

Yang Xu's remarks began, and suddenly, hundreds of millions of cultivators, almost all burst into tears, puff, puff, puff!

One by one, they all fell to their knees.

These are the big brother-level strongmen who are in the cave, all at this moment are fully convinced, kneeling on the ground, and paying their respects to Yang Xu sincerely:

"The master is a teacher! Even though Senior Yang Xu is still a teenager, yet his heart and courage, his greatness and dedication, have already been worshipped by all of us!"

"Five hundred years of asylum, we have in mind!"


Just when these cultivators were moved, above the hole in the crystal wall system, there were the fairy people in the upper realm, trying to touch the fish in muddy water and break into the lower realm.


Yang Xu, who shined with golden light all over the body, seemed to be a **** who had insight into everything.

Broken Dragon Sword flew out of a green brilliance, locked the fairy, and the green light, only turned around the fairy's head, poof!

Immortal blood bounced, a fairy head, flying in mid-air.

As soon as the sun **** disk turned, the golden **** fire would get the fairy corpse, instantly burned to fly ash, and the gods and spirits were all destroyed!

This operation, running through the clouds and flowing water, effortlessly made the practitioners and the Xiaoxiao in the upper realm all aware of Yang Xu's strength and confidence.

For a while.

No one else dared to test his blade.

"Sure enough, Yang Xu used this method to calm down the group of guys in the upper realm!"

Emperor Wu Emperor, his eyes gleamed with light, and at the same time there was some doubt in his heart:

Based on her knowledge of her husband, would he really sit here for 500 years and waste so much time?

Should he have other plans?

Ten days and ten nights passed quickly.

There are also a lot of fairy people who tried to come down, beheaded by Yang Xu, and harvested a lot of fairy road energy, and even piecemeal laws of the road.

Tiandao will little black dog has entered the process of melting the upper realm of heaven, and does not reappear.

Only Yang Xu, the huge body behind the fused life-like pagoda, is like a golden Buddha, standing in the void and proudly glowing.

And beside him, the eagle gang leader who was covered in black in his whole body, his eyes were full of praise:

"Unexpectedly, you actually planned this step! Yang Xu, I should go too. It won't take long, we may be able to see you in the upper realm."

Yang Xu flashed his eyes and asked an inexplicable question:

"Is your existence completely stable now? Does this mean that you can never go back?"

Now with the improvement of his strength, Yang Xu has become much more powerful in his sensing capabilities. He discovered that there are many things that he didn't notice in the past.

Among the most conspicuous, Yang Xu sensed the entanglement of the law of the Dao on the leader of the Flying Eagle ——

This means that the existence of the Flying Eagle Gang is no longer between nothing and nothing.

He really exists.

"Relax, my safety, you don't have to worry, I still have the means of self-protection, not to mention your blessing this time, I have gained a lot of insights, even in the fairy world, no one can help me now!"

"Goodbye, haha!"

Behind the Master of Flying Eagle Gang, a spiral rune flashed instantly.

The body of the flying eagle gang disappeared completely.

"Sure enough, his mastery of Space Avenue is more subtle."

Yang Xu sighed.


On Yang Xu's side, a soft voice sounded. It was precisely sitting on his side, and he had not left the half-step Wu Huangzhu for ten days and ten nights.

Emperor Wu Emperor, dressed in a dragon robe, domineering and awe-inspiring, but now, just like a little wife, she looks at Xiang Yangxu's eyes with tenderness:

"Are you really going to be here and guarding for five hundred years? How do I always feel that you still have followers?"

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing:

"My body is indeed waiting here. But you, it's time to enter the upper realm."

This remark came out.


Wu Huang's eyes suddenly lit up:

"I know! Husband, you won't be unprepared, you..."

"Don't, don't tell me more about what I have devoted to this world. It's a good feeling to be respected and grateful."

Yang Xu, a huge mountain like God, blinked towards Emperor Wu.

"Okay, I will soon be in the upper realm, stand firm, and meet at that time, I hope you will not get worse than me!"

The Emperor Wu Emperor softly spoke directly into the upper realm.

Yang Xu smiled: "Does it exceed me? Ha ha, my experience above is much richer than below..."

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