Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2857: Falling Dragon, Aries, Fairy Dynasty

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Jin Wuxi sinking, dark red light, enveloped the desolate village.

Before it was dark, the location of the village entrance and the field not far away, no one was seen.

The whole village fell into a strange silence. There was no sound of chickens and dogs, and no smoke was seen.

The whole village seemed to be completely dead. Only the cold wind of the rate, blowing the tall wormwood grass at the entrance of the village, shook it slightly, and cut the dark red sunset red into a fine shadow.

Wow! A solid and powerful foot, a piece of wormwood will be crooked, and a figure was drilled from the inside, all over the body, without an inch, a fair skin, and a young and delicate face, the appearance of a teenager, not Handsome, but a pair

The black eyes, as if containing two universes, are deep and mysterious.

In the position of the young man's eyebrows, there is a strange symbol, like a **** stone, slowly rotating.

With the wry smile of the teenager, the Rune of the Divine Stone gradually escaped into the body and disappeared:

"Oh, I can't think of going back to this place in 10,000 years."

Looking at his fair hands, the teenager shook his head and sighed:

"It seems that this time it is completely integrated. I have to say that the huge potential contained in the Lingming Shenshi is really terrifying, far exceeding the monkey's Jiuqiao Shenshi."

This young man, it is in the lower realm to open the sky, and melt the life tower, complete the protection of Yang Xu.

The divine body formed by melting the energy of Jiuqiao God Stone and locking the life of the Pagoda has been left by him in the crack of the crystal wall system in the sky.

And now this flesh can be said that no one except Yang Xu knows his existence.

To this world, he appeared as if suddenly, no one knew, no one knew.

But for Yang Xu.

The world in front of me, and even the village in front of him, is the beauty that will never be forgotten in his long-term memory and in countless reincarnations.

After a few steps towards the village entrance, he came to a stone tablet.

It is said to be a stone tablet, but it is actually a huge oval stone. I don't know what was cut, and part of it was cut out. On the exposed mottled plane, three strange words were engraved.

This is the text of Xianjie, "Duilong Village" is the name of this village.

Legend has it that a long dragon fell down in this village a long time ago.

Not the dragon in the lower realm that has lost its genetic heritage, but the real dragon in the fairy realm that has a complete genetic chain and blood heritage!

Because of this real dragon, it is said that there was a child in the village who got a scale of the real dragon.

Of course, that is all legend. Even if Yang Xu was in a high position, there is still no evidence for the legendary fairy.

Bacheng was compiled.

"I don't know what happened to Diaolong Village today. I always feel that the aura here is thin and the dragon's veins have been broken."

If there are cultivators who enter here from the lower realm, they will definitely be enveloped by the rich aura of Diaolong Village, and they will be speechless in shock.

Compared to the lower realm, the concentration of aura in a small village is more than ten times that of the lower realm.


However, Yang Xu saw at a glance that the aura of Diaolong Village was a little ridiculously thin.

According to the picture in the memory, the Dragon Village is guarded by the dragon veins, and the concentration of the aura must be at least one hundred times lower than the lower bound!

"The vicissitudes of the sea and the changing times, many things happened during the years I left. At least, he didn't do a good job about what I told the old dog!"

In Yang Xu's eyes, there was a rare flash of anger.

Obviously he was just a teenager, but in his anger, there was a cloud over his head.


Yang Xu was too lazy to think, his hands were quickly in the void, and turned into a strange mark.

Suddenly, there were ray of aura around, which gathered here and turned into a strange rune.


Yang Xu pushed the rune that shone with silver to the stone inscribed with the "dragon fall village", and the rune escaped into the stone and disappeared.

Yang Xu stood there, waiting quietly.

Long time, rumbling!

The stone actually shook, there were stones and mud, and it rolled down.

This made it tens of meters away, and a little boy who was cautiously hiding behind the stone widened his eyes:

"Niu...Niutou stone is moving... Mother, the Niutou stone at the entrance of the village is moving..."

The sharp roar of the little boy pierced the silence in the village. Yang Xu suddenly saw that there were two figures hundreds of meters away, swiftly like a leopard, rushing towards here.

The tall man headed, after a few ups and downs, took the little boy in his arms:

"Don't shout! Worry about attracting the evil beast!"

While scolding the boy, he glanced at the side of Yangxu and happened to see that the teenager smiled slightly at him.

Then, as the teenager waved his hand, a large thick fog appeared out of thin air, covering everything from the village entrance to no prying eyes.

"That kid is..."

The tall man frowned, and for some reason, always felt that the teenager in the white mist was somewhat familiar.


In the flick of a finger, the thick fog covers, is it the boy, the pastor with a different skill?

In the thick fog, the "Bullhead Stone" in front of Yang Xu, Hu Longlong fluttered, accompanied by the glint of the aura, the stone changed into a white sheep.

Aries is snow-white, without a hair, and when he sees Yang Xu, he can't afford to kneel:

"Old Master, you are finally back, old slave..."

"Yes, I'm back and tell me, what happened during these absences, Dragon Master, Panhuang, but they are still in this world?" "Old Master, they are gone, they are gone, these are your absence. Time, too much happened, the dragon master has already ascended into the 33rd heaven and earth... Panhuang he... he fell, and was taken by the emperor together with the master of the black water to the era of seven seven forty-nine times

The power is pitted at the end of all realms..."

As Aries kneeled down, Yang Xu received a lot of information.

His deep eyes are constantly flashing, and every time he hears a strange and familiar name and place name, in his mind, the memory that has been kept for too long is constantly aroused.

Aries's complaint is a full seven days and seven nights.

Dense fog that could not be dispelled also enveloped the entire village of Diaolong Village for seven days and nights.

"I know everything, Aries, you are working hard."

In the palm of Yang Xu, a strange light flashed, and as his lips fluttered, a spell merged into the light:


Kneeling on the forehead of Aries, a blood-red rune lit up, then snapped and shattered.

"Aries, you repeatedly provoked me to bury Yuxian Dynasty. As an emperor, I had to suppress you. Now, you have guarded the village of Falling Dragon for me for ten thousand years, and you are free." "Go, thirty-three. Xian Tian Xian Tian, ​​let your wandering around, anyway, bury the immortal dynasty, is gone."

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