Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2858: Xian Lingzong's betrayal

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"Thanks to the old master, Aries went first."

The white sheep shuddered, and gradually turned into a white-bearded old man, but in his hand, there was a quaint horn.

The old man held both hands and sent the horns to Yang Xu:

"If the old master needs Aries, blowing the horns, even if they are separated by thousands of miles, the old slave will appear in front of the old master instantly."

Yang Xu heard the words, smiled slightly, and took the horn.

Although with his ability, there will be no circumstances where Aries is used, but Yang Xu will not refuse to express his wishes.

"Go, now that I have returned, there will no longer be any danger in this dragon village."


The old man turned into a white light, and instantly escaped into the void of nine days, and disappeared.

Yang Xu was dressed in white and walked out of the dense fog. His face was calm and his eyes were deep, just like a fairy.

As he stepped out of the dense fog, the fog behind him gradually dissipated, but when Yang Xu saw the scene in front of him, his brows frowned:

Right in front of him, the village entrance was already a villager kneeling on the ground.

The moment I saw Yang Xu appeared, there was more than one kowtow:

"Quickly, meet the fairy!"

"Able to summon the thick fog to follow, this must be a fairy of cultivation, please bless the fairy!"

"The fairy saves life, can you help us out of the evil beast?"

A variety of voices spread into Yang Xu's ears.

With his divine consciousness, he naturally understood everything instantly:

These people in Diaolong Village want to ask themselves for help to get rid of the so-called "evil beasts".

Yang Xu heard the words, did not agree, nor refused, but frowned, looking at a towering mountain in the distance:

"Isn't the Immortal Spirit Sect right in front, there are also monks in it, why not ask them for help?"

At first, in order to protect the Falling Dragon Village with someone's hands, he specifically ordered his men to establish this fairy sect.

Although Yi Yangxu's status at that time, he was totally indifferent to a little fairy sect, even after its establishment, he did not ask again.


The primary duty of this fairy sect was to swear to guard the safety of the falling dragon village.

Now, how can a beast in the village of Falling Dragon have to be removed with the help of outsiders?

Along with Yang Xu's doubts, the villagers immediately verified his conjecture:

"Ah, those of the Immortal Spirit Sect, but high above, with eyes above the top, they are all heavenly celestial beings flying around every day. How can we mortals, bother them?"

"That's right, the immortal people of the Immortal Lingzong didn't take our eyes squarely at us..."

Yang Xu's brows could not help but wrinkle more tightly:

"What about the people who joined the Xianlingzong in that village? They came out of Diaolong Village, don't they want to protect Diaolong Village?"

After Yang Xu finished his remarks, he immediately saw the blank expression on the faces of the villagers.

The tall man who was still headed by Yang Xu and said with a bitter smile:

"Xianlingzong high above, how can we see the villagers like us? Those who can join the Xianlingzong are all born spirits, people with extraordinary lives, we crops, haha..."

The words of the tall man made a flash of coldness in Deyang's eyes.

In the moment when he pondered, all the villagers in front of him felt the temperature around them, and it seemed to have dropped a dozen degrees.

It was all cold and shivering.


Yang Xu snorted coldly, and the cold temperature around him suddenly returned to normal.

Yang Xu said softly to the man:

"Since no one in Diaolong Village has joined Xianlingzong, then it seems that Xianlingzong gives the village two enrollment quotas every year, no longer?"

"Quota? What quota? Haven't heard of it..."

Not to mention this man, the oldest old man in the village, did not know about it.

Yang Xu smiled, and his cold eyes looked in the direction of Xianlingzong:

"Oh, I really forgot to forget everything. If I didn't come back, everything would really be..."

There should also be someone, remind them!

Let's see, to what extent the Immortal Sect today can be "above the sky"!

Yang Xu's cold eyes flickered and rumbling!

Suddenly there was a strong shock on the ground.

All the villagers, including the man, suddenly changed color.

The man responded quickly, and immediately commanded the villagers car, orderly arranged in the mouth:

"Take away the dry food first. The women are optimistic about the babies. Don't cry. The elderly and children walk in front. The strong men are responsible for guarding. The guards follow me to stop the evil beast!"

Yang Xu watched as he followed his words, no one had any objections, and all executed the man's orders in an orderly manner.

While Yang Xu lamented the man's ability, he was also sad:

Depending on their proficiency, this kind of thing must not have happened once or twice.

What kind of evil beasts dare to come to the village of Longlong Village?

At the beginning, it was those heavenly emperors who were in the sky who acted as tens of thousands of soldiers and soldiers, and did not dare to come to this little troubled dragon village!

Yang Xu's eyes flickered and looked forward. Suddenly, a huge minotaur appeared in front of Yang Xu.

When he saw it, Yang Xu almost laughed angrily:

Is it just a minotaur? At the beginning, the magic weapon that I left in the village of Diaolong Village, just take out the worst one, and can instantly destroy tens of thousands of minotaurs.

Nowadays, the whole Fall Dragon Village is helpless?

Seeing the men and the men in the escort, like the enemy, staring at the minotaur.

Yang Xu shook his head and said, "Go tell the villagers, you don't have to escape, the danger is lifted."

The men were stunned, his face hesitating.

Yang Xu stopped talking and walked towards the Minotaur.

In the first second, I met the Minotaur at a distance of tens of meters, and my eyes blinked. Yang Xu had already flashed to the Minotaur.

The villagers were greatly surprised:

"This boy really is a fairy!"

"He is a cultivator, and he possesses alien skills!"

The eyes that everyone looked forward to all gathered on Yang Xu.

Opposite Yang Xu, the Minotaur seemed to realize that, Yang Xu's extraordinary, buzz!

Its two half-meter-long thick horns had a rune shining on it.

Auras from all directions suddenly converged towards the horns, exuding the light.

"Yo, are you still awakened by your spirit? OK, look at your blessing, I won't kill you."

Between Yang Xu's words, he snapped his fingers:


Behind the void, a clear blue ocean rises, rolling waves sweep, and suddenly the sea water compresses at high speed, turning into a halberd.

It is the halberd of Neptune!

When condensing the **** body of the lock-tower, all of Xu Xu's great skills, divine techniques and other methods were condensed into the **** body. Only this "Kunpeng Whale Swallowing Destruction", somehow, has been accompanied by Yang Xu's soul and has not disappeared.

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