Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2870: Faerie Destruction

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A whale with only a half-tailed tail escaped into the void and disappeared.

a long distance away.

The woman in blue immediately followed Yang Xu, and Rao was in possession of the practice of Jin Quejing. However, with all her efforts, she still could barely keep up with the young man’s flying speed.

The woman in blue is very curious. What kind of **** wings are behind the teenager?

How can such a powerful speed erupt?

In addition, what is the fist technique that he just used to release the halberd phantom?

This young man is full of mysteries, but his strength is incredible!

Question marks flashed in my mind, and the woman in blue stared at Yang Xu's back. The thought in her heart became more and more firm.

The top of the mountain.

Yang Xu stood in white, standing tall, his clothes hunting.

In front of him, the mysterious child carrying the bamboo basket looked a little clever and quiet.

Even the stern young man beside him seemed to converge a bit sharply in front of Yang Xu.

"Youth, you are not ordinary people. You haven't sensed the slightest breath of Spirit House in your body, but with your talents, joining my sword sect, you will be able to shine. You..."

The mysterious child fairy tale was interrupted by a faint look cast by Yang Xu.

Even if at a glance, the status of the mysterious child in Jianzong may be extraordinary, but Yang Xu’s expression is always calm and calm, and even the tone of speech is unhurried:

"I want it, you can't give me Jianzong, so I won't go."

Mysterious child, his face slightly sluggish.

The young man's tone of voice was like buying Chinese cabbage on the street and talking to the stall owner:

"Oh, your cabbage is too expensive, I won't buy it."

The mysterious child was speechless for a while.

The young man next to him smiled faintly:

"So how about joining me in the living dead world? With your potential, it is possible to become a guest elder in my living dead world. At that time, whatever you want to do, I can support the living dead world!"

The young man's determined expression seemed to have to recruit Yang Xu.

Looking at the woman in the blue next to her, she felt anxious for a while: it was obvious that this boy was the first one she saw. If she was recruited by others, wouldn't it be the loss of her feathering school?

More importantly, the strength of the Yuhuazong has been less than a year. The existence of such a huge potential as Yang Xu is rare in a century.

Baby pimple, how can it make sense?

The blue lady thought of this, and could not pretend to be a lady. She had a red lips and was just about to speak.

But Yang Xu waved his hand and was interrupted directly.

He didn't look at the woman in blue, ignoring the woman's dull look, and looked at the young man:

"If I remember correctly, the living and dead human world entered the Dao? Right? It is contrary to my current practice, and I have no chance to join."

Yang Xu said it clearly. Although it was a refusal, the inferior look on his face made young men and mysterious children unable to pick out the slightest reason.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yang Xu's strength is there. Even if they are both unhappy, they will not lose their temper.

In the eyes of both of them crying and laughing, Yang Xu's eyes turned and he turned to the woman in blue.

This made the woman in blue who had a somewhat sad look, her eyes suddenly lit up. At this moment, her expression was like a puppy abandoned by the owner, and she found the owner again, full of longing, expectation and excitement.

With such a look, Deyang Xu was slightly startled, and then smiled:

"Yuhuazong, it sounds interesting. Let's lead the way."

Yang Xu's random words made the woman in blue suddenly stunned:

Originally she thought that the Feathering Sect had been excluded by this genius boy. Who knows the surprise came too quickly, she was a bit unresponsive.

"Why, you pretend to save me and act in front of my eyes, isn't it just to pull me to join your feathering sect?"

Yang Xuchao's blue-haired woman cast a joke on her eyes.

From beginning to end, the little girl in the blue dress did not hide Yang Xu's eyes at all.

This woman first pretended to be embarrassed, did not see the strength of Yang Xu, took the initiative to help, and then repeatedly reminded Yang Xu to make a caring move.

Yang Xu's acting skills are comparable to the film emperor, how can she not see through her little trick?


The woman in blue was so excited that I didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Finally, under the jealous eyes of mysterious children and young people, he gritted his teeth:

"I'm leading the way, come with me!"

The woman in blue almost urged all the cultivation practices, increased the speed to the limit, and returned to the feather school.

It seemed that running away slowly, Yang Xu was abducted by others.

Yang Xu spread the wings of Poseidon, followed behind her slowly and slowly, looking at the curvy back, she laughed dumbly:

This woman looks mature in style. How can you know that her mind is like a child?

I don't know how she got it, but now she has the strength?

"Think in another direction. If the Yuhuazong are all people with such a heart, I am afraid that Zongmen's strength is not really strong."

Yang Xu thought in this way, but secretly said, "It's just right." He needs to adjust a new Blessing Sect for Diaolong Village.

By the way, if possible, see if you can restore your luck in Cuilong Village!

"I don't know where there is a pastor, and the work of turning against the sky, probably only they can do it."

Yang Xu secretly said.

When he followed the woman in blue, he came to Yuhuazong all the way.

Looking at the smoldering area under his feet, Yang Xu frowned slightly:

Yuhuazong is located in such a region?

How weak is this door to be forced to such a horn?

Now Yang Xu has some understanding, why the person who directly feathered the Sect, after coming to the Immortal Sect, was so anxious to collect all kinds of treasures.

I am afraid that their strength is not sure at all, and seize the mountain gate of the Immortal Soul Sect, so they robbed the treasure and ran.

As for the mountain gate of the Immortal Sect, I am afraid that it will soon be occupied by other stronger sects.

"My Feathering Sect... is too weak, so this place is a little sloppy..."

Seeing Yang Xu's eyes, the woman in blue only felt ashamed when her cheeks were red and burning.

However, since the Feathering Sect had fallen to this point, she had no choice, so she hoped to gather more talented children and give Zongmen more opportunities.

"With his strength, if he can join me in the Feathering Sect, he will definitely be able to feather the Sect's strength.

It is clear that Yang Xu hasn't come to know one day, but she doesn't know where she came from.

"My name is Yang Xu and I don’t know what you call it?"

Yang Xu asked in front of the gate of Zongshan Yuhua. The woman in blue smiled broadly, "My name is Bai Ling, just call me Bai Sister."

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