Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2871: Lingfu test

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When Bai Ling, who was dressed in blue, took Yang Xu into the Feather Sect.

Along the way, the disciples of the Yuhua Sect were all pointing at Yang Xu and showing curiosity.

Yang Xu ignored all this, but Bai Ling, but he was not very comfortable with the eyes of the disciples around him.

And when she proposed that Shou Yangxu join Zongmen, and Xu Yi was the elder.

It caused a great uproar:

"What! Sister Bai, are you crazy, not only to let such a young child join Zongmen, but also to make him an elder? Even if I feathered Zong, I wouldn't be so weak even if I fell again?"

The first to oppose Bai Ling was an old man with gray hair, dressed in a gray coat, and looked at Yang Xu with a hostile look.

Yang Xu couldn't figure out why the old man's hostility towards himself came.

And when his eyes fell behind the old man, the young man with extraordinary temperament.

Yang Xu slightly understood:

The young man's look in his eyes was also full of hostility. With Yang Xu's transparency, he suddenly thought that he might have joined the Feathering Sect himself, which affected the interests of the master and the disciples.

Is this young man also related to the seat of the elder?

Looking at Yang Xu's scrutiny in his eyes, the young man Cheng Zheng flashed a trace of coolness in his eyes. After so many years of master's operation, he was finally able to obtain the seat of elder.

With his excellent talents, being an elder and persisting for a few more years will inevitably be able to control the entire feather family in his own hands.

Who knows, a young man suddenly appeared, and actually wanted to compete with himself for the position of elder.

There are only five of the elder powers of the Feather Sect.

Now there are four people, and one is still empty, which has been regarded by Cheng Zheng as a thing in his pocket. How can he allow Yang Xu to make such an accident?

What's more, at his young age, he has reached the level of cultivation of the 9th heaven of the Palace Realm. In the entire feathering sect, cultivation as a talent is extremely outstanding.

And this Yang Xu, who has only the cultivation of the divine consciousness in his body, has a face to sit in the seat of the elder?

Cheng Zheng looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, full of disdain and contempt.

At this time, Bai Ling was in a hurry, secretly blaming himself for not considering, and not communicating with the suzerain in advance.

You know, Yang Xu’s strength is strong enough. The fairy lord who was killed by him is an example. That guy is the cultivation of Jin Quejing.

Bai Ling doesn't need to say anything, just tell the Sect Master this fact and everything will be settled!


As she was preparing to speak, Master Cheng Zheng's voice sounded again:

"Sister Bai, I know you are thinking about the sect, but Zheng'er is taking over as the elder. You suddenly inserted a person at this time and seized with Cheng Zheng. It's a bit too much."

Master Cheng Zheng, staring at Bai Ling faintly, has a bad look.

The totally hostile look made Bai Ling's heart suddenly cool:

Is this hostile?

Obviously he was dedicated to the sect, and now the feathering sect has fallen into what kind of form, even the younger brother is still thinking about intrigue?

She looked anxiously at Yang Xu beside her.

As a result, it was surprisingly found that the young man in front of him always looked calm and indifferent. It seemed that everything that happened in front of him had nothing to do with him.


In the face of Cheng Zheng's hostile gaze, Yang Xu didn't even bother to lift his eyelids.

He didn't put everything in front of his eyes at all. What kind of elders do people take for their heads? Yang Xu treats them as rotten stones and tiles, which is not worth mentioning.

"Young Brother Yang Xu, right? I just heard Bai Shibai's words. You seem to have great potential. Even in the process of fighting against the Immortal Soul Sect, you helped Bai Shibai..."

Cheng Zheng spoke quietly, and as soon as he talked, the people of the entire sect immediately looked over. Cheng Zheng sneered in his heart, but he didn't show anything on his face. Impossible, but according to the rules, you have to test the attributes of Lingfu anyway? Don’t even know the quality and attributes of Lingfu, if you are a spy who broke into my fairyland by the devil, don’t you?

We have to accept that you will not succeed? "

As soon as this remark came out, he was nodded in approval by the Yuhuazong and others.

Cheng Zheng sneered in his heart, and finally spit out his purpose:

"So I think Uncle Bai should still take the Yangxu brothers to test the attributes and qualities of the Lingfu House. There is a group of newcomers who will test the Lingfu in Lingxitang. How about testing the Yangxu brothers now? ?"

Cheng Zheng's abacus is very clever. In any case, as long as Yang Xu tested the attributes and qualifications of Lingfu, according to the rules of the Yuhuazong, he was a new disciple of the Yuhuazong.

Unless he is a peerless genius with a splendid spirit house and extremely powerful qualities, otherwise, if the talent is not as good as yourself, and you want to compete with yourself for the position of elder, it will be even more difficult!

Cheng Zheng's eyes flashed with calculations, and he looked at him proudly with the master beside him.

Master nodded gratifiedly, feeling that Tu'er was really good, and did not waste his training and teaching.

"Test Lingfu? Did I say you have to join your Feathering Sect? Ridiculous."

In Yang Xu's mouth, such a sentence came out coldly.

All the people present, including the "mascot" lord of the feather sect, were shocked.

Bai Ling, dressed in a blue dress, stared at Yang Xu with surprise on his beautiful face:

"No! Yang Xu, you don't want to test the attributes of Lingfu, then you don't have to test it! You must join my Feathering Sect!"

Bai Ling was anxious, "Is the Feathering Sect able to prosper, and can I get rid of the present dilemma, but it's all up to you!"

Bai Ling said this.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Yang Xu looked at her helplessly, secretly said that this woman's EQ is zero? This kind of thing, although it is true, can't you say it in front of so many people?

"Bai Ling! What do you mean by this, when all of us are wine bags and rice bags, the strongness of my plumage, actually rely on such a young boy?"

"Sister Bai, you are a little too much, even if my feathering is not as good as before, it is also related to the situation, and these of us do not want to contribute..."

"Oh, it seems that Sister Bai really appreciates this Yang Xu. In that case, his talent must be very high, so why not dare to go to Lingxi Hall and test Lingfu?"

After a lot of discussion and suspicion, they came from all directions towards Bai Ling. Even Cheng Zheng, a junior, was sneering at the moment, staring at Bai Ling. When the playful eyes were smoother than Bai Ling's perfect face, there was a hint of obscurity.

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