Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2872: Nine products! The strongest!

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Seeing Bai Ling's face embarrassed, his eyes helplessly looked like a bird who couldn't return to the nest. In Yang Xu's heart, he could not help moving his heart.

With his arrogance and experience, he didn't pay any attention to the feathering and feathering.

He didn’t even want to go to the so-called **** spirit house test.

Based on you stinky bird eggs, you want to test my talents? Are you worthy?

But now this moment.

Seeing Bai Ling's helpless look, and the apologetic look cast on herself, it seemed that she was hurting herself.

In Yang Xu's heart, there was a trace of helplessness:

Alas, I still thought that Bai Ling was quite clever. Baba and I were acting, how can we deal with it so badly now?

How did she get to the present?

With a blink of an eye, Yang Xu changed his mind and stared at Cheng Zheng coolly:

"Since you want to test Lingfu, lead the way ahead."

This elder's seat, he must have!

Sure enough, as expected, Bai Ling immediately cast a glance of gratitude and apology at himself as soon as this sentence came out.

But Cheng Zheng and his master were all happy in their eyes, thinking that Yang Xu was hooked.

Yang Xu sneered, hum, idiot, and soon I will let you know what is despair!

Everyone came to Lingxi Hall all the way. In front of the Lingxi Hall, there is a bizarre black rhino sculpture. The single horn on the head of the rhino looks like a cosmic compression. There is a silvery light inside, which is constantly shining like a star, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.


"This is made of astral stone specially designed to test the properties of Lingfu. As long as you press your hand on the rhino horn, you can test the properties and strength of your Lingfu."

Several teenagers who are preparing to join the Yuhua Sect are already in front of Lingxi, waiting to test the properties of Lingfu.

Lingfu is another name for Qihai Dantian. To a certain extent, Lingfu and Dantian are the same thing.

But Yang Xu knows that there are still some essential differences between the two:

The first point is that only the cultivators of Immortal Realm can Dantian be called Lingfu.

The cultivators of the lower realm, no matter how powerful, Dantian can only be Dantian, because their Dantian Qihai has not been watered by the fairy spirit spirit.

Only through the irrigation of fairy spirits can Dantian be called Lingfu, because the potential and strength of Lingfu in all aspects far exceed Dantian Qihai.

In particular, the resilience and strength of Lingfu are several times stronger than those of the Nether practitioners.

More importantly, Lingfu has attribute affinity. Different Lingfus have different efficiencies in absorbing and refining immortal spirits with different attributes.

This gave the practitioners of the fairy world different choices and emphasis in the direction of cultivation.

As for the monks in the lower realm, they can only practice what they get, because they can't feel it at all, and the difference is different.

It can be said that the monk of the fairy world has won from the starting line, and there is no comparison with the monk of the lower world!

"My body is a fusion of Lingming Divine Stone. I don't know what the property of Lingfu is?"

Yang Xu is actually quite curious.

The attributes of Lingfu are divided into seven types: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder. There are also two extremely rare attributes, light and sha.

According to the strength displayed by Lingfu, it is divided into one to nine grades. The higher the grade, the higher the strength of Lingfu and the greater the potential.

Several people in front of Yang Xu have tested.

Yang Xu found that the most outstanding property of Lingfu was an inch boy, which was actually a rare thunder property.


The strength of his Ling Mansion is also extremely outstanding, exuding five colors of light, but it is the rare Wupin Ling Mansion!

"The rare thunder talent, Wupin Lingfu, the future of this young man, is unlimited."

Everyone looked at Cuntou's eyes, full of anticipation and admiration.


Everyone's eyes gathered toward Yang Xu.

Including Cheng Zheng and his master, his eyes were gloomy, staring at Yang Xu.

The other feathered Sect elders, as well as the Sect Master, kept blinking their eyes and could not see what they were thinking.

Only Bai Ling, the beautiful face, was full of anticipation and tension at the moment, and a pair of big eyes unabashedly expressed his concern and concern for Yang Xu.


Yang Xu smiled freely at her, and in the sight of everyone, he slowly came to the Lingxi.

He calmly grabbed the spirit rhinoceros, and the power in the body worked:


Suddenly, the horns of the spirit rhinoceros burst into a dazzling light, as if the sun was coming.

Looking at the **** unicorn, the dazzling nine-color divine light was released, and all the feathered sect disciples, including the sect master and the elders, were stunned.


In their eyes, there was a burst of ecstasy:

"Nine-color aura! This is the highest-level nine-color aura! Yang Xu, a young man, has the highest-level nine-color aura! Genius, he is definitely a genius!"

Cheng Zheng and the apprentice are two. At the moment, his eyes are also full of horror. He did not expect that such a change would happen.

This is completely different from what I imagined!

You know, the reason why Cheng Zheng became the genius of the Huahua Sect, and he will even soon get the position of elder, is one of the big reasons that his spiritual palace is strong enough.

At the time of his test, the horns of the spirit rhino radiated seven colors of light, representing the strength of Cheng Zheng's spirit mansion.

That's it. It's rare enough to surprise and envy people.

However, Yang Xu's Ling Mansion turned out to be the highest-ranking ninth grade! This is incredible!

This Yangxu, why is Lingfu so strong?

Is it true that Master Bai said? In the process of attacking the fairy sect, did this young man really exert a lot of power?

All of a sudden, Cheng Zheng and his apprentice looked at each other, and they both saw the shock and suspense in the other's eyes.

Master Cheng Zheng comforted his disciples:

"Stabilize, he just has the property of Lingfu better, but his property of Lingfu may not exceed you!"

Cheng Zheng's Qipin Lingfu not only has enough strength, but its attributes are extremely rare. Both wind and thunder are attributes!

The entire Feathering Sect, the cultivator with a dual-attribute spirit house, is less than a slap, but Cheng Zheng is among them, well-deserved leader!

"I don't know what is the attribute of Yangxu, Lingfu? Will it also be a dual attribute?"

"I just now think that this kid is really not simple. He is so young, but has such a calm temperament. His Lingfu attributes must be extraordinary!" "If he is like Cheng Zheng, he has dual attributes. , The bright future of my feathering school is just around the corner!"

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