Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2878: Prestige of God Stone!

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"I feel that there is still a lot of potential in my charm, which can be tapped! This is by no means my limit!"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed with radiance.

Even if it was the opposite, Cheng Zheng urged the spirit house supernatural power "Vortex Explosion God Thunder", Yang Xu did not have the slightest tension.

On the contrary, he felt excited for a while:

His current state just needs a strong external force to stimulate him.

This was not only felt by Bai Ling, but also the feathered patriarch and several elders.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, all were full of divine and horrible glory:

"Yang Xu has not yet reached the limit! He will continue to challenge Cheng Zheng!"

"This kid, where is the challenge? It is clear that Cheng Zheng is used as a coolie, and he intends to use him to hone himself!"

"Hahaha, Cheng Zheng's kid is also unlucky. It's not good to provoke anyone, but it has caused the freak Yang Xu!"

Unconsciously, several elders, together with the feathered suzerain, looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, which had completely changed.

The previous indifferent bystander attitude did not put Yang Xu in his eyes.

Today, Yang Xu has long been regarded as a part of the Feathering Sect.

Even, in their minds, even giving the rest of the elder seat to Yang Xu is a must!

Anyway, Cheng Zheng is not as good as Yang Xu no matter in his mind or in his talents, is he?

Just don't know, what will be the result of the last fight between the two?

Yang Xu, should he stand up?

With the advancement of time, Yang Xu has unconsciously gained the approval of most people.

Even the disciples of the Yuhua Sect quietly began to look forward to Yang Xu.

At this point, Master Cheng Zheng looked in his eyes, and his face was so dark that he was about to drip water:

He, an old fox, has been an elder for so many years. He has seen a lot of various tactics and means. Naturally, he can see at a glance that the suzerain and other elders have changed their attitudes towards Yang Xu.

"Damn, this Yang Xu is really difficult! Damn it, come out and destroy our mentoring plan!"

Cheng Zheng’s master hated Yang Xu, and there were occasional flashes of murder in his eyes. "The only way to change the situation today is to let the children defeat Yang Xu, or kill them directly!"

Cheng Zheng’s master, looking at Tu'er at this moment, is full of eagerness:

Boy, don’t disappoint Master!

If you lose, it is to lose everything. You and I have all planned and lost everything!

At this moment.

Cheng Zheng didn't know that Master had great expectations for himself, because he had concentrated all his attention on Lingfu Shentong's "Vortex Explosion God Thunder".

He could feel that the boy opposite did not feel too nervous in the face of his spiritual house.

This made Cheng Zheng feel more and more angry, and stolen enough to give Yang Xu a lesson:

"You are a consciousness...No, the kid who reads the Chao Realm, who was lucky enough to be promoted to a few levels, thought he could challenge me?"

"You didn't open a shrine, and before awakening the magical power of Lingfu, you will always be just garbage!"


Along with Cheng Zheng's crazy urge of "Vortex Explosion God Thunder", a circular light band appeared around his body.

This ring of light was wrapped around Cheng Zheng's waist, and there was a flash of lightning in it, shining continuously, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

In Cheng Zheng's hands, there is a clear blue wind element vortex, Hu Longlong spinning.

His wrist shook lightly, and there was a thick vortex of wind elements, striking into the flash of lightning around his waist.


The sound of lightning flashed with the sound of wind and thunder, a wave of horrendous destructive power, with Cheng Zheng as the center, moving towards the surroundings and spreading away.


The disciples of the feathered ancestors, separated by tens of meters, could not help being forced back step by step by the violent breath.

Faces are all horrified:

"Is this the power of Vortex Explosion? It's terrifying!"

"Incredible! Brother Cheng Zheng, it is a genius with dual attributes!"

Among the crowd, marvels.

Some disciples who have a good impression of Yang Xu can't help frowning at the moment, and are worried:

"Can Yang Xu block it?"

"He didn't even open the shrine, let alone the awakening of the spirit house..."

At this time, they were shocked to find that they faced Cheng Zheng's violent supernatural power fluctuations.

Teenager Yang Xu, Qing Xiu's face, is always without any anxious, worried color.

On the contrary, in response to Cheng Zheng's cold and violent gaze, Yang Xu even happily hooked his finger at Cheng Zheng, with a provocative smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Come on, don't be polite, use your snail **** thunder to hit me."


Everyone laughed and sprayed:

"Snail God Thunder? Haha, thanks to Yangxu, he can figure it out!"

"Cheng Zheng is going to be mad! Obviously it's a vortex explosion **** mine!"

"Look, Cheng Zheng is about to launch magical powers!"

Along with the crowd exclaimed, boom!

The flash of lightning surrounded by Cheng Zheng suddenly burst into a dazzling divine light.

It was like a small sun, suddenly exploding, a force of fiery flame law shone with dazzling silver brilliance, and hurled away towards Yangxu.

The elders, the look could not be changed:

"Good fellow! Cheng Zheng even spurred the power of thunder's attributes to the extreme, so that there was a change of fire attributes!"

"Cheng Zheng's talent is not much worse than Yang Xu. The only difference is that his mentality is weaker than Yang Xu..."

Several elders sighed in their hearts.

However, in their minds, this idea has not dissipated, and a scene that shocked them even more, came up:

Seeing Cheng Zheng's fierce blow, turned into a silver crescent moon blade, flashing silver-white flames, towards Yang Xu's body, he beheaded.

Can face such a fierce attack.

Yang Xu seemed as if he was there, motionless, with no expression even on Qingxiu's face.

As if he was scared and stupid.

In the heart of everyone, worried about anxious moment, Yang Xu suddenly, moved.

It's not dodge, it's not defense, but it's actually facing the crescent moon blade and rushed straight up:


Behind Yangxu, there was a fabulous outline of a strange stone faintly appearing on top of it. There were nine qiaos on top of the stone, the golden wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and light, and nine kinds of fairy spirits turned into nine **** rainbows. In, drilling in and out, like a dragon.

With Yang Xu's thoughts, brush! That bizarre stone, and Yang Xu became one, and his whole body turned out to be nine magic dragons of different colors!

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