Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2879: Break it with one finger!

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"This... how is this possible! How could Yang Xu absorb the fairy spirits of nine different attributes?"

"This is incredible!"

All the people present, including Cheng Zheng and even his master, were shocked by Yang Xu's amazing scene at the moment.

To know.

The nine kinds of fairy spirits with different attributes, except the light element and the sha element, the other seven kinds are all opposed to each other and cannot coexist.

Unless you can push a fairy spirit to the peak limit like Cheng Zheng, you can occasionally achieve the transformation of different elements.

However, if you want to have two or even three immortal spirits at the same time, only those geniuses and powerful geniuses who have a powerful spirit house can do it.

As for Yang Xu, it also has nine different fairy spirits at the same time, and it also behaves so freehand.

Not to mention that those geniuses of the world are the legendary monsters, and I am afraid they cannot do it!

"This son is a peerless genius, an ancient rare existence! We must let him join my Feathering Sect, no matter what the cost is, we must let him join!"

At this moment, the feathered Sect Master had a pair of eyes, burning light, and looking at Yang Yangxu's eyes, just like looking at a huge treasure.


Even the elders around him were almost negotiable, Qiqi turned towards Yang Xu, revealing the greedy, unavoidable longing light:

In the ancestral hall of Yuhuazong, which has turned from prosperity to decline, they have lived for many years. They know too much what a real genius has for the Huayuzong!

There is no such thing as a world-leading wizard like Yang Xu. If they cannot join the Feathering Sect, it is their huge loss!

It is equal to missing the God-given opportunity of the rise of the Feather Sect!

this moment.

In fact, don’t say a few of them, even if Cheng Zheng’s master, the existence of this sinister calculation, looking at Yang Xu’s shocking scene, can’t help but feel a trace of shaking in his heart:

Yang Xu's talent is indeed too strong. If he can join the Feather Sect, it is indeed good.

If I could become my disciple, it would be even more icing on the cake...

Do not!


"I have been completely wicked with Yang Xu and offended him fiercely. Even if he joined the Feather Sect, it has nothing to do with me. Even, the more he valued the Feather Sect, the better the mix, the better my situation might be. The more tragic..."

Cheng Zheng’s master, who has been mixing with Youzi for many years, instantly wanted to understand the whole story.

Can't help but make up my mind immediately:

It is impossible to prevent Yang Xu from joining the Feather Sect. Since that is the case, it will completely destroy him!

The old guy once again turned his gaze to Tuer Cheng Zheng:

"Boy, don't let your teacher be disappointed, you must kill Yang Xu to prevent future trouble!"

In the eyes he looked forward to, the lightning strike from Cheng Zheng's "Vortex Explosion God Thunder" was finally intertwined with the figure of Yang Xu.

The sharp and glaring lightning moonblade exploded with the breath of killing all, and the void will be cut into a black crack.

Wisps of blue and silver wind laws and thunder system laws wrapped around the lightning moon blade, exuding a devastating breath.

In Cheng Zheng's eyes, there was a flash of pride:

"It's dead, Yangxu, you're dead!"

"My move, let's not mention the Palace Realm, even if you reach a higher Golden Que Realm, if you want to stop it, I am afraid it will be even more difficult!"

"As for your little mood of thought, just obey me to die!"

At this time, Cheng Zheng seemed to have seen that Yang Xu was given a two-segment picture by his lightning moon blade.

The power of the wind system and the thunder system even blows Yang Xu's two corpses directly into flesh, and the gods are hard to save!


Cheng Zheng almost laughed out loud.

However, at this moment, Cheng Zheng's laughter suddenly stopped suddenly, just like a screaming duck, who was suddenly pinched by the neck:

"This...how is it possible!"

There was a horrified cry in his throat.

Just in front of him, Yang Xu, who was about to be split in half by Lightning Moon Blade, suddenly showed a laugh in the corner of his mouth.

Then in the shocked eyes of Master Cheng and Cheng Cheng, Yang Xu pointed out with ease.

Similarly, only one finger was used.

Yang Xu didn't even make a fist.

On the tip of his finger, a fairy spirit of the water system immediately condensed, and under the impulse of Yang Xu's huge thought, he snorted!

The energy of the water system soared at a high speed, and turned into a fast-spinning water spiral.

In the horrified eyes of everyone around, wow...

A small halberd, half a foot long and thick with chopsticks, flew out of the spiral.

This halberd is a miniature version of Poseidon's halberd, with azure blue light flashing throughout the body, and a series of mysterious runes from the age of desolation, outlined hovering above the halberd body.

When the miniature version of Poseidon's Halberd appeared, a savage and ancient atmosphere suddenly filled up.

"what is that?"

"I felt a terrible fluctuation on that little soldier's blade!"

"What on earth did it come from? Where did Yang Xu come from?"

The emperors of the emperor's sect were shocked and surprised.

However, the surprise of all of them added up, and it was no match for Cheng Zheng's tumbling waves at the moment.

He was almost the first to bear the brunt of the horror power contained in the little halberd.

So much so.

When he looked at the shrunken version of the halberd, he felt that it was a bit difficult to breathe.

Almost without a doubt, Yang Xu's easy and free finger urged the reduced version of Poseidon's Halberd, almost without effort, and shattered the lightning moon blade instantly:


The Lightning Moon Blade looks majestic, destroys the space, and splits the void, but the moment you touch the halberd of Poseidon, it looks like a fragile eggshell and is easily destroyed!


Lightning Moonblade from "Vortex Explosion Thunder" was directly shattered into the sky by the miniature version of Poseidon's Halberd.

All the disciples of the Feathering Sect who had been watching the crowd were as if they had negotiated at the moment, and they all took a breath of cool air.

Even Bai Ling, a fairy in blue clothes, could not help opening his mouth slightly:

She didn't expect that Yang Xu's trick even had a reduced version!

It's hard to imagine that if Yang Xu directly used the original version, I'm afraid that even Cheng Zheng would instantly kill him?

"Damn it! Let me die!"

Under the great shock, the darkest and most violent side of Cheng Zheng was finally completely inspired by Yang Xu's relaxed and freehand gesture.

At this moment, his waist suddenly twisted, as if a big dragon turned over and roared!

The circular lightning wrapped around his waist was caught in his hand. Lingfu Shentong's "Vortex Explosion God Thunder" urged to the limit, Cheng Zheng pushed the ring lightning, blasted to Yang Xu where!

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