Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2883: Divine Spear

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"Well, the old dog Tianxinzong is really good at confusing people! Damn it!"

Feathering Sect Master looked at the disciples, the look on his face was a little moved, and his expression became a little ugly.

A white spirit in a blue dress, with a beautiful face, was even anxious:

She is not anxious to feather these people, but worried about Yang Xu.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xu was just preparing to join the Yuhua Sect, and was actually killed by the ghost king Zong.

Bai Ling understands the strength of Ghost King Sect and is very powerful. There is not much comparability with that of Xian Lingzong, which was destroyed by Yang Xu by himself.

If Yang Xu is faced with Ghost King Sect, it is likely to be in huge trouble.

"No, I can't even make Yang Xu tired. I have to find a way to keep him away... But, what can I do?"

Bai Ling's thoughts flashed quickly. Soon, she clenched her teeth and gave Yang Xu direct knowledge:

"Yang Xu, it's difficult for the Feathering Sect. Before you join the Feathering Sect, let's leave. I was thinking about it before, and I'm tired of you. I apologize to you!"

Bai Ling turned out to be persuading Yang Xu to leave as soon as possible.

Yang Xu, who received the voice from Bai Ling, also had some mixed tastes for a while:

This Bai Ling, is a bit too good for him.

This is rather willing to abandon the sect, but also to keep his meaning.

Not to mention Yi Yangxu's temperament, he would never do such an escape. What's more important is that a ghost king sect can scare himself?

"This girl probably doesn't know her strength yet."

Yang Xu laughed darkly, then blinked unabashedly towards Bai Ling's side, and laughed jokingly.

You are not just a fighting method between Lingfu and "Kunpeng Whale Swallowing Destruction".


Yang Xu's unobtrusive expression was noticed almost instantly by the emperor of the ghost king Zong standing in the sky.

The emperor of the ghost king, who was haunted by the whole body, was very surprised:

The Yuhuazong are about to be destroyed, and there are still people who are in a mood to make faces?

Elder Tianxinzong, who was next to the emperor of the ghost king, also noticed this scene. When he saw Yang Xu's face, he was puzzled:

"Who is this boy? Why haven't I seen it?"

In the blink of an eye between Yang Xu and Bai Ling, the elders of Tianxin Sect also saw in their eyes. Being able to relate to an elder like Bai Ling showed that their status in the Feather Sect was definitely not low.

But why didn't I know it at all?

Tianxinzong's practice is mainly based on "mental power", so the response is the most alert, and the consideration of things is often very meticulous.

Almost instantly, the elder Xinzong noticed something wrong that day and reminded the emperor of the ghost king Zong:

"Sir, messenger, that teenager seems to have something wrong, you must be careful of him!"

The ghost king sect messenger glanced at Yang Xu faintly, and looked at the teenager's indifferent expression in his eyes. The ghost king sect messenger sneered:

"A little boy who doesn't know the heights and heights, what's so scary? Treat me with one finger to kill him, just kill the chicken and the monkey!"

The emperor of the ghost king Zong really did not take Yang Xu into his eyes at all.

Standing in the air, he protruded a finger:


At the end of the fingertips, a little black light flashes fast and rotates at high speed.

The next moment, scorn!

Heimang pulled out a straight beam of light, like a magic gun, and shot towards Yangxu at a rapid speed.

"Huh... This speed is much faster than my Lankinus Ghost Gun."

Yang Xu's eyes light up, is this the fairyland? Under the blessing of powerful laws, the expressive power of various supernatural powers and magical techniques are many times more powerful.

"Unfortunately, my Lankinus ghost gun was not brought with me."

All the magic weapons of Yang Xu are placed in the doppelganger that guards the entrance to the fairy world.


Even many of the skills of the [Unlimited Upgrade System] are gray and cannot be activated for the time being.

"Oh, I thought I couldn't activate it, so I can't use it? This is looking down on my learning ability."

The powerful skills and magic techniques provided by the system, Yang Xu has already been familiar with the heart, and has a strong experience.

Faced with a golden light burst from the ghost emperor's emissary, Yang Xu almost did not hesitate to touch the void in front of him:


In the Ling Mansion, the spiral of the water element was rushing at high speed. In an instant, a pure water fairy spirit was compressed and shot by Yang Xu.


In front of Yang Xu, the water fairy spirit formed a hemispherical shield.

Said to be a shield is actually a spiral of water system with strange shapes and high speed.

Everyone around the feathering sect, watching Yang Xushi exhibit such tricks, could not help but be surprised:

"What is this trick? Can you block the attack of the ghost king Zong?"

"How do I feel that this defensive spiral is very fragile?"

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, bang!

The finger of the ghost king Zong's messenger shot out, and Yang Xu's water spiral protective shield hit the heavy together.

Without any delay, the black ghostly finger, hit the water spiral shield for a moment, bang!

It was directly crushed and collapsed.


The emperor of the ghost king, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't expect that his own move was so easily stopped by him!

Even the eccentric young man below did not change his expression on his face!

"What's the origin of this kid? When did Yu Huazong have such a strong role?"

The emperor of the ghost king Zong wondered.

Elder Tianxinzong next to him vaguely realized that this young man was very extraordinary.

From the feathered suzerain and elders, Xiang Yangxu's expectation and amazed eyes can be seen.

Elder Tianxinzong wanted to remind the emperor of the ghost king, but at this time, the changes regenerated

After blocking the ghost king Zong's blow, Yang Xu looked faint, not surprised, nor surprised. After all, the results were all expected.


Come and go, it's not polite, Yang Xu has never been a passive defensive character, so in the eyes of everyone's amazement, he took a trick:


The water spiral shield in front of him instantly turned into a crystal clear water flow and flew into Yang Xu's palm.

Yang Xu's two hands, together, randomly pinch and pull:


A crystal spear with crystal clear body and two meters to the scene appeared in his hand.

If you look closely, you can also see that there is a stream of water inside the crystal spear, which is spinning at high speed.

The surface of this crystal spear is extremely hard, and it can easily fly away the fast flying sword.

In the stunned eyes of the feathering sect, Yang Xu grabbed a crystal spear with a strong physical strength, and immediately gathered in the right arm. Then, it suddenly broke out:

Poof! The crystal spear, the emperor of the ghost king sect, shot out instantly!

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